Very informative thank you, much more entertaining than “Tragedy & Hope” lol looking forward to reading more. Thanks Matthew & Cynthia, consider yourselves “essential” & based
one small comment. Lafollette was from Wisconsin (not Iowa) which was critical to his rise.
I need to learn more about your thoughts on FDR, but to me he was a warmonger of the first order (the illegal war in the North Atlantic with Germany to support the British Empire and the McCollum Memo to create war with Japan), which 80%+ of Americans opposed, seems to me to be the exact opposite of a supporter of the American system. Harry Dexter White, an active Communist agent, was tasked with getting the US into a war with Japan (Operation Snow). Again not exactly the American system.
Try Anthony Sutton, "Wall St and FDR". FDR was biz partner with the Warburgs sharing offices at 120 Bway, his uncle on Federal Reserve Corporation board with Paul Warburg. So they made him.President. Sutton's trilogy goes on to the Wall St (Schiff, Warburgs, Baruch etc) investment in Bolsheviks and Nazis. Schiff of course invested the Japan attack on Russia and with Morgan financed WW1, which doubled his fortune. After throwing US inti war to bailout their loan. General Smedley, eyewitness, tells this in "War Is A Racket."
Butler’s War is a Racket and Sutton’s FDR and Wall Street are Great books. Great comment also. As I said, I don’t understand how FDR could be considered a supporter of the American system and be a warmonger. Similarity as he was also a Wall Street whore. That said, I am always willing to hear what ME says, particularly if I disagree with him. Given ME’s background I am somewhat surprised he isn’t more anti-war and anti-warmonger. Again, I look forward to hearing his thoughts supporting his view of FDR. Since Hopkins was instrumental in getting the Atomic bomb secrets to the Commies, the ultimate warmongering, that’s an area of interest also.
FDR has been "considered" whatever Edward Bernays wanted people to believe. Bernays gave a 1940s speech bragging about control of 800,000 US "leaders" with FDR tops. Bernays as you know got paid by FedRCorp and his 120 Broadway cohorts. Yes, admiration of FDR is wretchedly naive. His GA homesite (a few hours SW of Jekyl Island, NPS run), states FDR's access was controlled by the woman he lived with, and he didn't live with Eleanor.
How the puppets dance.
FDRs biz partner Paul Warburg set up FedRCorp and with FDR had a hand in the German hyperinflation long before putting FDR in office.
As everybody knows, except most biographies of FDR apparently. That Gerard Swope of crony GE was source of The New Deal and conduit for funds to Hitler while Wall St rearmed Germany is fairly widely known these days.
The Nuremberg hangings didn't touch these profiteers who created the 2 World Wars.
Keynes was a war financier, the liason for Bank of England to the Schiff-Morgan "world's biggest loan" which in effect started WW1, extending the slaughter two years by coup to throw US into war, doubling Schiff's fortune while he financed tge Bolsheviks. Keynes dedicated the German edition of his General Theory to Stalin. Schiff's group acquired the Democratic Party from plantation politicians about 1900, installing Income Tax and their Federal Reserve Corporation. Wall St owns it still. Congressman Lindbergh and Senator Pettigrew write well on this (1920s). The best policy for US was given by Jefferson in his 2nd Inaugural Address. He and Lincoln warned of dangers from corporations, which as John Flynn pointed out in "Graft in Business" (1940s), are themselves the worst violation of a free market, always crony legal fictions.
My take on things via the unpublished economic paper “Dry Bag of Beans”.
Keynesian fiat money enables a feudal economy off the backs of the working class poor (usurious credit), “rents” the backbone of J.P. Morgan / Rockefeller/ Rothschild empire building. Utilities is one example of a Monopoly “rent”, distant overlording of profits without competition of pricing and service options. Artificial want vs Sustainable Needs markets, creating cheap (but usurious credit)
Labor via Politics creates corruption overlords of “captured”markets - slave worker - voters - participants. USA largest labor pool is the bureaucratic government labor pool.
Now, consider external and social unrest “markets”. War. Big Money “rent” minus competition.
Internal social “markets”upheavals create police state demands, more calls for police/arms/soldiers/more immediate and potential for creation of agencies.
Infrastructure “improvements” contracts.
Agriculture and commodities. Manufacturing. Education-Universities, public schools. All of these facets require Unions and “Guilds”, all of which enable a form of non-labor "rents”.
All lubricated by a No-Gold “Fiat” printing press economy platform.
So much out there that we don't know much about, which affect humanity immensely.. Thank you for having the brains to unpack it all so beautifully..
Very interesting reading.
Very informative thank you, much more entertaining than “Tragedy & Hope” lol looking forward to reading more. Thanks Matthew & Cynthia, consider yourselves “essential” & based
A fantastic breakdown of history and how it has changed the course of countries and the world.
one small comment. Lafollette was from Wisconsin (not Iowa) which was critical to his rise.
I need to learn more about your thoughts on FDR, but to me he was a warmonger of the first order (the illegal war in the North Atlantic with Germany to support the British Empire and the McCollum Memo to create war with Japan), which 80%+ of Americans opposed, seems to me to be the exact opposite of a supporter of the American system. Harry Dexter White, an active Communist agent, was tasked with getting the US into a war with Japan (Operation Snow). Again not exactly the American system.
I look forward to your further thoughts.
Try Anthony Sutton, "Wall St and FDR". FDR was biz partner with the Warburgs sharing offices at 120 Bway, his uncle on Federal Reserve Corporation board with Paul Warburg. So they made him.President. Sutton's trilogy goes on to the Wall St (Schiff, Warburgs, Baruch etc) investment in Bolsheviks and Nazis. Schiff of course invested the Japan attack on Russia and with Morgan financed WW1, which doubled his fortune. After throwing US inti war to bailout their loan. General Smedley, eyewitness, tells this in "War Is A Racket."
Butler’s War is a Racket and Sutton’s FDR and Wall Street are Great books. Great comment also. As I said, I don’t understand how FDR could be considered a supporter of the American system and be a warmonger. Similarity as he was also a Wall Street whore. That said, I am always willing to hear what ME says, particularly if I disagree with him. Given ME’s background I am somewhat surprised he isn’t more anti-war and anti-warmonger. Again, I look forward to hearing his thoughts supporting his view of FDR. Since Hopkins was instrumental in getting the Atomic bomb secrets to the Commies, the ultimate warmongering, that’s an area of interest also.
FDR has been "considered" whatever Edward Bernays wanted people to believe. Bernays gave a 1940s speech bragging about control of 800,000 US "leaders" with FDR tops. Bernays as you know got paid by FedRCorp and his 120 Broadway cohorts. Yes, admiration of FDR is wretchedly naive. His GA homesite (a few hours SW of Jekyl Island, NPS run), states FDR's access was controlled by the woman he lived with, and he didn't live with Eleanor.
How the puppets dance.
FDRs biz partner Paul Warburg set up FedRCorp and with FDR had a hand in the German hyperinflation long before putting FDR in office.
As everybody knows, except most biographies of FDR apparently. That Gerard Swope of crony GE was source of The New Deal and conduit for funds to Hitler while Wall St rearmed Germany is fairly widely known these days.
The Nuremberg hangings didn't touch these profiteers who created the 2 World Wars.
Keynes was a war financier, the liason for Bank of England to the Schiff-Morgan "world's biggest loan" which in effect started WW1, extending the slaughter two years by coup to throw US into war, doubling Schiff's fortune while he financed tge Bolsheviks. Keynes dedicated the German edition of his General Theory to Stalin. Schiff's group acquired the Democratic Party from plantation politicians about 1900, installing Income Tax and their Federal Reserve Corporation. Wall St owns it still. Congressman Lindbergh and Senator Pettigrew write well on this (1920s). The best policy for US was given by Jefferson in his 2nd Inaugural Address. He and Lincoln warned of dangers from corporations, which as John Flynn pointed out in "Graft in Business" (1940s), are themselves the worst violation of a free market, always crony legal fictions.
What An Excellent just Excellent presentation!
My take on things via the unpublished economic paper “Dry Bag of Beans”.
Keynesian fiat money enables a feudal economy off the backs of the working class poor (usurious credit), “rents” the backbone of J.P. Morgan / Rockefeller/ Rothschild empire building. Utilities is one example of a Monopoly “rent”, distant overlording of profits without competition of pricing and service options. Artificial want vs Sustainable Needs markets, creating cheap (but usurious credit)
Labor via Politics creates corruption overlords of “captured”markets - slave worker - voters - participants. USA largest labor pool is the bureaucratic government labor pool.
Now, consider external and social unrest “markets”. War. Big Money “rent” minus competition.
Internal social “markets”upheavals create police state demands, more calls for police/arms/soldiers/more immediate and potential for creation of agencies.
Infrastructure “improvements” contracts.
Agriculture and commodities. Manufacturing. Education-Universities, public schools. All of these facets require Unions and “Guilds”, all of which enable a form of non-labor "rents”.
All lubricated by a No-Gold “Fiat” printing press economy platform.
The fiñal result oñ street lebel is this