I've coined or created a term to describe what you do, Matt, and what people like Gordon and Cynthia and people in our circle, as well as others like Brian Berletic and The Duran are engaged in: "Geostrategic Humanism." Or maybe: "Geostrategic Humanitarianism."

Most people who call themselves "Humanists" or "Humanitarians" engage in charity work or fighting for the rights of people around the world, and those terms have been in use for a long time. The difference between "Humanitarianism" and "Geostrategic humanitarianism" is that Geostrategic Humanitarians take into account that there are strategic chokepoints which the evil imperialists use to control people and stop human flourishing, and that there are chess games being played on the world like in the MacKinder Theory and the Brzezinski for example. Previously, Geostrategics was mainly in use by the Empire to sabotage the growth of people's and to preserve power by cynically manipulating key surgical points around the globe like maritime transportation corridors, the Suez Canal, and so on. Leaving the Humanitarians or Humanists to try and reduce suffering on a piecemeal, country-by-country basis, solely on the basis that there IS suffering. Which has given the Geostragicians working for the Empire the main advantage,.

Being a Geostrategic Humanist or Humanitarian gives you the ability to think on a similar level, anticipate how a psychopath satanic world strategician might think, and anticipate their moves as in a chess game. And so therefore stop them. It also allows one the ability to look at the big picture, and how everything fits into a grander arc of history and space to accomplish more for the development of humanity. It takes a Geostrategic Humanist, for example, to see why Russia SHOULD get the Crimea, being that Russia has a lack of warm water ports and access. Russia, being the bigger country, with more resources, and therefore more able to assist the development of others through win-win corporation, is more able to contribute positively to the world by having the Crimean Peninsula. Whereas the US, already having warm water ports and intercoastal waterways galore, and Western Europe, already having so much coastal access, doesn't need to control any more.

So when LGBTQ people in my old neighborhood display "I Stand With Ukraine" flags in front of their buildings, they are not seeing a bigger picture, and are only thinking myopically at their own little pet agendas, handed down to them by their Narrative Creators.

It takes a Geostrategic Humanist to be able to overcome this knee-jerk Humanism that incites people to angrily chant slogans without thinking through the process all the way of what ACTUALLY liberates Humanity the most.

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Excellent essay (and film) Matt!

For those who haven’t read it, perhaps this except might whet your appetite:

‘Advisors dominating the government of Czar Nicholas I promoted the belief that Russia could take territories from the weakening Ottomans and promoted a foolish policy of expansionism, not realizing that they were falling into a trap set by the British Empire, which would soon see Russia fall into a 3 year wasting war against an alliance of France, England and the Ottomans.

This became known as the bloody Crimean War, running from October 1853 to February 1856.

The war’s outcome saw Russia humiliated, indebted and crippled morally and physically.

In response to this failure, a new breed of statecraft arose, as an enlightened Czar (Alexander II) took the reins and ended the Crimean war.

With his leadership, statesmen such as the Grand Duke Constantine, General Nikolai Muraviev, Foreign Minister Gorchakov and the great Russian Ambassador to America Eduard de Stoeckl gained a new level of influence, and a new foreign policy doctrine was created.

This doctrine was exemplified by an enhanced appreciation of the destructive role of the British Empire’s global strategy and the importance of America as a collaborator and partner.

In 1861, Czar Alexander II quickly began tackling endemic corruption, and worked to transform Russia by freeing the 25 million Russian serfs who had lived for generations as human cattle, earning him the namesake “the Great Liberator”. This occurred only months before Abraham Lincoln was to earn the same title by announcing the Emancipation proclamation ending slavery in the USA.”


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Yes we read it dude . It's full of half truths and desperation . The USA was created by the British in order to destroy the European and all other aristocratic feudal empires . The US response to the Russian help was the setting up the Bolsheviks with 6 billion gold backed dollar + 50 thousand well trained Russian revolutionaries(terrorists) from the US . It was probable the 'thank you' to the czar Nicolas II and his family . Today the US , Russia, China and the EU are all under British control. England was never closer to the total world control than today . Maybe tomorrow . Thanks to the bad and the good masons .

Oh , BTW . Her job is done . She served her Master and her services are not required anymore .

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Can somebody please provide the titles or links to the other two essays in this Arctic trilogy.

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I haven't read your essay yet, although I've watched the video. I notice you mention this essay is the last of a 3 part series, but you don't give links to the other previous essays. Could you do that please so I can read them in order?

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John Wilkes Booth was paid by cheque???

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Bad wording. It was a $500 bank draft signed by Ontario Bank of Montreal President Henry Starnes (later to become Montreal Mayor)

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