Thank you for this uplifting piece! And Henry Wallace should have become President not only in 1948, but also in 1945 after FDR's death, but for some skullduggery that kept him from being VP candidate in 1944. Of course FDR shouldn't have died in 1945 either!

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FDR died from shot to the head, not cerebral hemorrhage, according to the following article with firsthand testimonies.

Suicide or Assassination?


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I couldn’t disagree more:

FDR, Churchill & ‘Uncle Joe’ Stalin were the ‘axis of evil’ that Hitler and the deceptively demonized NSDAP, were the valiant vanguard against.

The same voracious Bolshevik cancer that is rapidly metastasizing and devouring the lives and liberties of the people of the world today.

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Yes, thank you!! Interesting that we are never taught about the Bolshevik slaughter of tens of millions, but constantly have to hear about other false narratives over and over.

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And how many people have died and are dying because of the Western imperialistic policies? Not only in the past, but now. At this moment, the West is depriving of rights and killing its own people on massive scale.

When this kind of murderous machinery starts running, it cannot be stopped. No one is safe.

This is happening in the global West. Not global East and South.

And this did not come out of the blue. It is the consequence/result of rejecting FDR's vision.

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I think you have serious problems with history..

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Ah ah ah where do you study history? And where do you see bolscevism? Maybe in africa or in south America.. but with reason given the American interference and hegemony over many Latin states

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Bolshevism is currently running rampant across the world led by the criminal Covid fraud and coming 15 minute cities and climate lockdowns.

For historical background I recommend reading the book

The Bad War by MS King, available as a free PDF download and watch the exceptional 11 episode documentary: Europa The Last Battle available on the free Telegram channel of the same name. That will get you started…

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His son-in-law Col. Cutis Dall sure saw him differently. https://bit.ly/fdrwasowned

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All evidence of Dall's insight into FDR as a trusted ally who had access to intel of use comes conveniently only from Dall himself who had already divorsed from Anna Roosevelt in the early 1930s and was called out as a creepy slime ball by all of FDR's key allies. The fact that he became an integral part of the Mont Pelerin society run think tank complex that incubated the Trotskyite neocon operation after the war is also a worthwhile point to hold in mind. I suggest you review my recent Keynes vs Hayek false dualism report to get a better handle of how this game is played https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-keynes-vs-von-hayek-debate-a

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Great article, good to focus on positive values. regarding Freedom Number Three here are some clear ways forward to end poverty and war:


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Thanks for your powerful manifesto, Alanna, to ensure freedom from want worldwide! And let's remember that freedom from fear should include freedom from fear of false flag terror attacks and manufactured public health crises!

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FDR was complex. How do you justify his illegal embargo on Japanese oil imports (an act of siege warfare) that deliberately provoked the attack on Pearl Harbor, just as years of provocations resulted in Russia's SMO in Ukraine?

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If you look into Japan's genocidal rampant murder of 10 million Chinese (many of them civilians) and the eugenics-driven fascist agenda of Japan's high elites and if you include the understanding that Japan and Britain had an alliance since the late 19th century (which involved a planned attack on Pearl Harbor tied to a British led invasion of the weakened USA from Canada which I have written about), then you should be able to get into the strategic mindset of American statecraft of this period who recognized the need to save China as a civilizational state from this eugenics transhumanist fascist agenda. Blockading supplies to a Japanese fascist leadership intent on using those supplies to continue imperial warfare against China is not a cause for war as the Fabian Mont Pelerin Society-connected US fascist think tanks have portrayed to the public post 1945.

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So it's permissible to use evil methods to fight evil?

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It's permissible to stop giving someone bullets when they are shooting civilians

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As I recall, Japan had the industrial capacity to manufacture bullets. The embargo had to do with oil, a dual use substance. Oh, and the US still had a little problem with lynchings in 1941. Another case of criticizing foreign countries without addressing similar problems at home. The purpose of the embargo was not to directly affect Japan''s ability to wage war, but to provoke them into firing the first shot in a conflict with the US.

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I'm obviously using a poetic image here in my language. You have apparently not reviewed the scale and scope of evil imposed by the Japanese-eugenics obsessed fascists who fully embraced the Lebensraum ideology of the Nazi Germans who saw the Asian mainland as a slave colony zone to be depopulated of the untermenschen and then re-populated with Japanese who would act as masters just as the Aryan Nazis looked to depopulate the slavs and turn all of Russia into a depopulated slave colony. The fact that over 10 million Chinese were murdered at this time and operations like Unit 731 was brought online to faciliate this kill should also not be ignored. The race prejuidices of the slave power that worked with British intelligence to kill Lincoln 80 years earlier had not gone away by the 1940s in America itself which is a vicious evil, but not comparable to what Japan did to the Chinese, Koreans etc. And yes, it was understood by FDR and his allies that the war was inevitable since Hitler and Japan were managed by an oligarchical agency that was not going to stop at anything less that total global domination under a transhumanist global government (then called eugenics which went through a re-branding post- ww2). The pro-fascist forces shaped by the JP Morgan/Rockefeller machine were found in the major public opinion shaping media outlets of the 1930s that wanted Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito to succeed while keeping the USA out of the war for obvious reasons. What were those reasons? As I outline extensively in my books: THEY WANTED THE USA TO BECOME A FASCIST STATE ALLIED WITH THE NAZIS AND JAPANESE which required the coup or murder of FDR (which I demonstrated was attempted in 1933 and 1934)

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My, what a gish gallop arose from my simple observation that FDR was a complex personality and not everything he did was worthy of praise.

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the slide from the ideal has since been long alas, it is sliding further and i fear for our future

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FDR died from shot to the head, not cerebral hemorrhage, according to the following article with firsthand testimonies.

Suicide or Assassination?


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Please do yo know what is the bolscevism? Marxism-Leninism (Bolshevism) ended with the death of Lenin, after which only revisionism of Marxism by petty bourgeois socialists whom Marx called Social-chauvinists. if you write about a "Fabian" left that has taken root in the states then I agree with you, but please don't confuse Bolshevism with Marxist revisionism. Thanks for the book I will try to read it but I already know what a history book written by a journalist can talk about. I prefer historians and honestly I've had enough of historical revisionism.

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