If Oswald Spengler is right ("Decline of the West"), Western Civilization cannot be saved, any more than ancient civilizations were not saved. Decline is inevitable. Best we can do is try to create something new and better after the civilization is "burnt to a crisp."

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I reject this. There is a path where we reclaim our birthright, that which we are endowed by our creators to follow and live healthily, prosperously, fulfilled in body, mind and soul. It involves a rebirth of our faith in God, and adherence to his word. Where God's laws reign supreme, not the laws of corrupt and fallen men.

There are two paths ahead. One is to follow in the footsteps of Sodom and Gomorrah. The "burnt to a crisp" you describe. God gives up on this round of humanity, the wickedness he judges to be irredeemable.

The other is the path of Mordechai the Righteous. That path teaches us how we save ourselves by recreating something old and better after this corrupted and malevolent system of would-be god men meets its inevitable demise.

Mordechai saw that people could be saved by starting with a clean slate of pure and clear souls, minds and hearts - that of the children. If these children could receive an authentic religious teaching that their parents and grandparents lacked, then the future was bright.


It is our choice. We still have it. But time is running short. God is waiting for us to redeem ourselves, reject our wicked ways, the ways of the wicked men who we fear and obey more than we fear and obey God's ways for us. We have these lessons passed down to us in scripture. If we choose to ignore the lessons then God will with righteous justification Sodom and Gomorrah us again, and start anew with a clean slate of pure and clear souls.

Whitney Houston got that much right, the children are our future. That's why the fight is so pitched over them in our schools and at the hands of wicked medical and social science. Evil knows they are the future, as well. We will win the future by fighting for our children like the future of mankind depends on them. Because it does. We must reclaim the children and deliver them from the Satanic forces of fallen men in positions of high power into the holy goodness of GOD.

Or we all burn to a crisp. We still have a choice.

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"That path teaches us how we save ourselves by recreating something old and better after this corrupted and malevolent system of would-be god men meets its inevitable demise."

You hit on the most critical point with this statement; in a way, you have made my point for me. I agree we will be able, in time, to create a new and better civilization, built on the ashes of the one that we're watching die. How and where that civilization develops depends in large part on how much land and resources will be available after the current civilization ends. "They" may not leave us with much to work with; "you will own nothing and be happy" really means "WE; i.e., those who run today's corrupt and malevolent system" will own everything. Let's hope we can find a way to own at least the minimum of resources we will need to start over. We cannot save the system we now have, but we might be able (allowed?) to build a new and better one.

But, the other very critical point is this, as you say, this "corrupt and malevolent system" will meet its "inevitable demise." That the demise is inevitable is exactly my point, and is definitely and inevitably in our future.

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Maybe we're parsing. I read your comment that what I draw the parallel to Sodom and Gomorrah, burning it all down as *the* only path forward.

I offer that there is another path, the path Mordechai the Righteous took. Reclaiming our children. I offer that God is extending us this choice. I don't accept it as a fait d'acomplis that we just allow it to all burn down around us.

That giving up, that inaction, that resignation, being a mere spectator, witnessing those taking our children, our shared future whilst we do nothing makes us no better than those committing the evil. If we shirk our obligation we are complicit, we aid and abet the evil, we will merit being turned to ash and salt.

Let's be more Mordechai, less Sodom and Gomorrah. For as long as we breath we still have a choice.

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The decline of Western Civilization is not some sort of natural phenomenon just running its course. The decline is being intentionally instigated by the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy (BRITISH!). We know who the enemy of humanity is, we just need to eradicate them.


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Thanks for the link; I will explore your work, especially since we have a common interest.

FWIW I enthusiastically recommend that you take the time to read Spengler's books (set of 2), and, if you haven't read Carroll Quigley's "History of the World in our Time, I recommend his work to you, as well. Both are tomes, but well worth reading. Spengler compares civilizations over time to each other and, based on his analysis, concludes that civilizational decline always follows a similar and predictable path, and the one chief cause is: money. Quigley, also, lays many of society's ills at the feet of central bankers.

I agree with you that much of the decline we're witnessing is caused by the Brits, particularly those in the City of London. That said, if civilizational decline is inevitable (which seems likely to me), perhaps the agent of the decline of Western Civilization is, indeed, the very people you identified. And, because they have amassed so much wealth and power, I don't see how anyone could succeed in bringing them down. The best we can do is take care of ourselves and our loved ones while we watch society march to its eventual and predictable end.

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Regrettably, I’m rootin’ for Putin.

King Charles III coronation would be a lovely day for a nuclear holocaust over Greater London to vaporize a great many of the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy. Not the final solution, but a good start.

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you need to read up on the Frankfurt School. Which has almost nothing to do with what you claim it does. Remove that weird bit of revisionism and its a fascinating take. (marxist/freudian is actually not perverse at all...but never mind, lets stick with adorno et al......). So, critical theory is not synonymous with the Frankfurt School. Second, the 1619 project had nothing to do with the frankfurters (sic). The pernicious influence of, particularly, french post structuralism did indeed replace more materialist analysis (some marxist) with drivel...but again, thats not the frankfurters. And even some of those frog thinkers were rather good. The problem is Academia in the West, the growing class polarisation and cultural inequality and take over by a narrow (roughly) 30% of urban college (badly) educated white people. Read russell jacoby's book on *Diversity*. The western academia was being depoliticised, and overrun with that form of liberal-think one sees in legacy media today. I think this is an important topic. But the reactionary framing of ....targeting the frankfurt school-.-- is unfortunate. This comes perilously close to 'angry white guy' stuff that is sadly everywhere today. Also the US was mostly built by slaves.https://john-steppling.com/

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An illuminating and insightful analysis as one would expect from Matt's erudition and impeccable research!

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During The Summer of Love, 2020, as BLM and Antifa were holding mostly peaceful riots and burning entire communities in the US - because the US had the unique original sin of being founded on slavery - BLM and Antifa were rioting and burning European cities, cities across all of western liberal capitalist nations. So much for America's unique racism justification.

The violence and vitriol were everywhere free, capitalist (however nominal they remain) systems exist in the world. Not in Marxist or totalitarian nations. They were, in fact, Marxist revolutionary mostly peaceful riots and protests. Anti-racism was just the public sloganeering PR.

As I've studied these revolutionaries I've noted their fascination with symbolism for all things. And no date is chosen randomly, or for their stated PR reason. As I looked into 1619's importance in history I noticed one happening that caught my attention that would be important to Marxist revolutionaries AND the powerful few who enable and fund their global presence. Rene Descartes Dream.

Descartes Dream inspired his life's pursuits, to "Question Everything." Everything he believed to be true he realized had been falsified by the powerful of the time. The Church(s) and Monarchs had invented fictions to keep the masses under control, subservient, ignorant. Descartes began to poke at and reveal the invented fictions.

This was the dawn of the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment. A contemporary of Galileo, John Locke, all who's quest for knowledge challenged the status quo, the orthodoxies. And ushered in an era of human freedom that's largely lasted four centuries.

I submit for your consideration that 1619 was chosen not for the date a slave ship sailed into a harbor in the British colonies. Rather it was chosen to mark one side of a bookend on the grand experiment of human freedom across the world. With a bookend planned for the other side, be it 2030 or whenever the Great Reset Agenda can close out the chapter of human history when the people were left to their own devices and notions of reason. So that the rightful rulers, the bloodlines of betters, return their exalted positions that the Age of Reason displaced them from.

The useful idiots of their BLM/Antifa armies have no place in that future. Nor does Nikole Hannah-Jones or her fellow travelers. They'll be disposed of quickly when their usefulness is over.

But 1619 was chosen to highlight a project for a reason unrelated to slavery. I submit that reason being Reason itself. The dream of it. And a crushing rebuke of it. Unless the more enlightened ones prevail and the neo-Dark Ages planned ahead is averted.

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The “Great Collapse of Society”

“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”

The “Frankfurt School,” or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.

The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

To further advance their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

Divide and Conquer.

The oppressed and their oppressors.

1. The creation of racism offenses.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls

• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces

• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’


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We must today recognize that militarism and empire afre the 20th-21st Century “anti-value.” The underlying “anti-value” of all three -- militarism, empire and slavery -- is the initiation of violence to force others to one's own will.

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Pardon my analogies used here and note, it is meant to stimulate debate so as to arrive at the best solutions for humanity as oppose to a one-sided or imbalanced remedy forced down the necks of all.

Thinking that the Frankfurt School had zero to do with it spurs to mind the idiom 'wolf in sheep's clothing'. I say that to say, for the disguise (deception) to work, the wolf would have to appear a sheep until the very last moment which is at the point where it is too late for the sheep to escape devouring. Until then, sheep must go on unsuspecting recognising that the cladded wolf looks like one of them and has absolutely nothing to do with the danger of getting eaten? Even though when approaching if examine closely the behaviour would be odd, the sheep would think maybe it's just 'an angry white sheep' and that since it is a sheep it has nothing to do with it factually being a wolf? 'Just a thought'

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I don't think a civil war is desired by the ruling elite, just the threat of one. The leftists want to skip over a 2nd civil war and go straight to Reconstruction 2.0. This was made clear by many mainstream news outlets within 2 weeks of Biden's election in 2020 and even more clear as time has passed since then.

With that said, I wonder if you have read or read about Kermit Roosevelt IIIs book "The Nation that Never Was: Reconstructing America's Story" and also would you share your thoughts on it? If you are unfamiliar with it, he suggests continued criticism of the Founding Fathers since they were either slaveowners or tolerant of them. He suggests 'a better story' is that our nation's true founding started with Reconstruction and our true founding fathers are the Radical Republicans. He believes this new story of our founding should be taught to children so they are "more patriotic".

Thank you.

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Not hard to figure out which side of the coin that the NY Times is connected to. It's a Tory-Brit organization and due to Mockingbird, at times a CIA cutout. Nearly every Republican Nationalist railed against slavery. All you have to do is look to Franklin's Lunar Society and the work they did in Britain during the British Industrial Revolution to witness where they stood on the slavery issue.

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Matt, you continue to impress with this essay. Where Douglass is quoted that the Constitution does not having any say about slavery, I think an explanation of the 3/5 Clause, were it addressed well in relation to what Douglass means, ought to further bolster your argument. I don't think it can be ignored.

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Just wish I had more time to read all the works here! Whether of not the republic can be saved from the fasco-Marxists, BLM (now meaning Buying Large Mansions), and the fasco-Marxist Antifa (who are dead ringers for the Hitler's brownshirts/Mussolini's blackshirts), incl. breaking windows (e.g., Kristalnacht), wearing black, burning books (I watched as one Portland Antifa burned a Bible, which Youtube frantically scrubbed later) acting as violent street thugs, burning things down, including Migizi, a Native American nonprofit in Minneapolis, raised more than $1 million to buy and renovate a place where Native American teenagers could learn about their culture — only to watch it go up in flames, alongside dozens of others, including a police station. It can take years to build a building — and only one night to burn it down. - see https://www.migizi.org/post/report-migizi-minneapolis-fire or https://www.nativebusinessmag.com/migizi-set-on-fire-during-minneapolis-protests-despite-flames-we-as-a-community-burn-brighter/ ), doing the whole gay thing (e.g, Ernst Rohm)... etc.

Anyhow, I am reminded of a story where a Roman centurion, before they went to the panem et circenses stage, purportedly told someone, as he was going on a suicide mission, "It is necessary that I go; it is not necessary that I return." Or to update it, I will NEVER submit to the "One ring to rule them all, and in darkness bind them" (if I remember the quote correctly)

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Substack mass walkout next week, no posts. Devalue the company as it is being sold.

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