Second subtitle third paragraph says macrosmos, just crossed my sight and can't take my eyes of of thou... excuse my fixation, hopefully helpful

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What about the British system of land tenure - profiteering, speculation and hoarding of land? Land and money are BOTH fundamental and key elements of an economic system.

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Matt, be careful with phrases like, "the greater becomes his control of the forces of nature." The arrogant belief that man can control of the forces of nature has in the past led to environmental degradation when fixing a perceived problem leads to ten other, far greater problems. Man most learn to live in harmony with the "forces of nature." There are people today who believe they can control climate by seeding the atmosphere with reflective materials. They could well trigger the next glaciation.

Total rejection of Malthusian ideas is as wrong as not recognizing that human ingenuity can actually raise new resources or save existing ones. Malthusian fundies want to avoid what they believe is an inevitable Malthusian die-off by willfully limiting fertility and even killing off portions of the population. This is worse than committing suicide to avoid natural death. It's worse because suicide is a personal decision we have a right to make, while culling through war, famine or iatrocide is mass murder and a crime against humanity. But the immorality of the Malthusian fundies doesn't prove there aren't real constraints to growth or that those who practice voluntary birth control are demented.

Other than that, a fine analysis of early US history. Your criticism of Jacksonian democracy is significant during a time when doctrinaire libertarians are suggesting a return to private money. See https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/how-to-fix-banking-and-money-pbdc

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Wherever standards of well-being are raised, birth rates usually decline. Let women decide how many children they want, not bureaucracies. Malthus ideas fit well into the elite rule system because they focused on population and not on fundamental economic justice.

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i have taken this essay into consideration and 'updated it for today' applying it to our present situation of national bankruptcy - i look forward to your critique or cynthia's as your are 'the man of the hour' who's time is demanded front and centre

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