Apr 1, 2023Liked by Matthew Ehret

Brilliant, brilliant stuff, Matt.

Thank you.


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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Matthew Ehret

Exceptional commentary Matt!

I have always viewed the ‘Civil War’ as the ‘War of Northern Aggression/Southern Succession’ fought over states rights, and that Lincoln was a tyrant for using deadly force to keep the South in the Union.

Learning from your article that England was behind the war has given me an entirely new understanding.

Thanks! (from a fellow Canadian).

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Matthew Ehret

Thank you for this. We would like to end the private federal reserve banking system.

Join us there and let's work together to get sanity back in banking.


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Extremely timely and intelligent insight and you ask the most important questions that desperately require answers if the American Republic is to be saved!

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Thank you for this incisive analysis. Years ago, Johan Galtung predicted the fall of the US empire would happen right about now, to be followed either by US fascism or US blossoming. We must work towards the latter!

Side note-- Beyond funding and egging on the southern secessionist states in the Civil War, Britain was seeking to gain an additional foothold out west by bankrolling the Mormon migration and settlement of what is now Utah from the 1830's onward, particularly encouraging migration from England and Scandinavia (including most of my ancestors). I see that as a sort of pilot project for the subsequent Zionist project in the Holy Land. Mormons saw themselves as the "chosen people", a persecuted religious minority being led by God to "Zion" (their name for the promised land of their destination), where they "made the desert bloom." See also Fawn Brodie's biography of Joseph Smith, "No One Knows My History."

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For Christ's sake Matthew, don't you have any laundry to do or something? You are becoming more senile and more aristotelician every day. What a babbling feast! Totally out of tune mate. Tom Luongo must be your only and last friend.

"Would economic injustice disappear as the Eurasian multipolar alliance swept the world to restore peace and win-win development on everyone?"

I think this multipolar batshit sickness is not curable. Can you do something else than shaking dead talking heads under the reader's eyes? You are making history field a championship of diversion and nonsense. I am throwing my dentures and my eyeball in the toilet everytime I read you. It was fun at the beginning, but now I am really wondering when you'll grow a bit.

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