Your keen analysis and clever way of expressing it, is the best I have seen of all my fellow Stackers. Perhaps more historical perspectives are required to remind us "this too shall pass." The daily "f u" by a media and government designed to keep the masses on tilt is exhausting. Thank you for the brilliant, well-researched and well-connected commentaries for contemporary trials and worries. HUZZAH!

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You're once again reading my mind, Matt. This is the "unforeseen event" I mentioned in my last conversation with you, on why it may not matter by 2024 who's elected President of the US. Our destructive power, both military and economic, may be completely defanged. Let me read this again carefully and I'll respond more.

Addendum after re-reading (and I look forward to watching the video embeds when I have some cooking to do ;-)

This is exactly the history I've wanted to know more about. I'll add a couple of puzzle pieces from my book and things I learned later, I've forgotten where, so forgive me if I'm quoting you to you.

On Hitler: perhaps similar to Matt Taibbi's words on Putin, "We thought he was our bastard, but it turns out he's his own bastard." The German economic miracle, pre-expansion, wasn't just due to banker investments. When Hitler was a soldier, he was assigned to spy on the socialist party where he learned about the "American system" of credit creation put forward by William Jennings Bryan (who resigned as Wilson's VP because of his headlong rush into WWI, and ran twice on a 'free-silver' platform.) Hitler adopted it when he pushed back against the Reichsbank and rebuilt Germany's industrial and economic base back from the ashes. What happened to push him into conquest and retaliation against the Jews? This is a question that's been obscured under anti-Semitism claims, but there's a clue there somewhere.

On Roosevelt: The New Deal was a compromise response to The Great Depression, which would have been averted under WJB's populist plan. The Christmas Eve trick that ushered in the Fed should have been overturned when the trick was discovered. FDR didn't challenge it and so The New Deal kicked the can down the road. Banking isn't just A function of government, it's THE function of government. So having the post-Depression US "stand on its own two feet" without the support of gov't is nonsense. The purpose of gov't is to generate money to organize labor in the interests of whoever creates it. If that's banks, labor makes the rich richer. If that's gov't, labor serves the people.

Thanks for another brilliant article!

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Brilliant as always ... If history repeats, what dictator will the bankers install after a few years of rampant inflation? Chairman Gates?

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One more thing I would like you to know that because of your work I have modified my view of FDR. But I am still troubled by The Gold Act.

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Thank you! I wish you could have been my history teacher in school, where just about everything I ever was taught now seems to be propaganda. So glad I found you, and I found you in the Grand Jury hearings of Reiner Fuellmich and company... Salut!

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The Four Freedoms have been broken, history in the making and it is happening across Many Countries in the Western Part of the World, certain foundations are giving grants to many public sectors providing they push their agenda to enslave the West, many outstanding people in many countries around the World are exposing these alleged treasonous acts. Your vast knowledge of history is so very important and interesting.

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I hope you are putting this into a new book or a discussion on your video podcasts :)

Spot on and an excellent analysis, demonstrating how history always repeats the fascist playbook.

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Lei Signor Eheret è il solito Dissimulatore dei Fatti storici con l' uso fuori luogo e fazioso del termine Fascismo e Nazional Socialismo che ha differenza di voi guerrafondai USA indicate la Luna in FDR quando in realtà proteggete chi fate finta di combattere cioè i Vs. Deep State Giudeo BlackRock State Street e Vanguard mentre i Nazional Socialisti li combattevano FDR ha dichiarato guerra al Dritte Reich per salvare i Banchieri Ebrei di Wall Street e City of London perchè minacciava di interprorregli ilgiochino dell' Usura, sul denaro avete vinto la "2 War ma non potete ribaltare la Veritas ..!

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Lei Signor Eheret è il solito Dissimulatore dei Fatti storici con l' uso fuori luogo e fazioso del termine Fascismo e Nazional Socialismo che ha differenza di voi guerrafondai USA indicate la Luna in FDR quando in realtà proteggete chi fate finta di combattere cioè i Vs. Deep State Giudeo BlackRock State Street e Vanguard mentre i Nazional Socialisti li combattevano FDR ha dichiarato guerra al Dritte Reich per salvare i Banchieri Ebrei di Wall Street e City of London perchè minacciava di interprorregli ilgiochino dell' Usura, sul denaro avete vinto la "2 War ma non potete ribaltare la Veritas ..!

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If we fail to learn from past mistakes we will be condemned to repeat them until we do.

Thank you for this very well written historical lesson with the hope that we learn from it.

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My dad grew up during prohibition and the depression and fought in ww2. All my life he talked about how FDR saved the country with the New Deal. In 1984, I was in the 2nd grade, where we had a mock election. The teacher assigned us roles based on us holding our hands up to volunteer. I didn’t really know the difference between the candidates and held my hand up for each one. We all did. I was chosen as Reagan’s campaign manager. When I went home, naturally I told my parents.

My dad sat me down and said explained the difference. He said that although voting for Reagan was good for our bank account that it was bad for the country. I never forgot that. If more people listened more carefully to their parents, grandparents and great grandparents that lived through all of that, they might have understood that undoing everything FDR did would only be good for the oligarchs and bankers, just as it was before FDR didi them. We might still have a functioning Democratic party. Perhaps not, but still, anyone believing the trite comparisons that were made between Biden and FDR should read this article.

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Valuable reads for this topic?

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Great read. 👍🏻

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Love how you piece these together! Thank you this really offers some hope!

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

I have come across evidence as to Henry Wallaces weird occultism with his friendship and letters to Nicholas Roerich. I cant believe Matt has missed this so I am wondering why he doesnt mention it? Here are some articles and web pages by occult pubs who are celebrating not criticizing, so we can rule out any ulterior motives for attacking Wallace.




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