Thank you Matt. I love the logical ideas being presented and worked towards. A bit of hope in a raging sea of fear-porn!

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Appreciate all your articles. They should be on the desk of every member of Congress. The MSN has its own agenda dictated by the neocon Trotskyites. They serve their own interests, not that of Americas.

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"held together by little more than chewing gum and heavy doses of delusion"...buttressed by lots of hot air, I would add, not necessarily referring to roads melting. People hunger for just equitable solutions, not the Schwab / Gates of hell.

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront of the dried up West.

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"held together by chewing gum..." and chewing gum wrappers! As Putin calls the imperial currencies. Your opening Matt, is about sanctions being a political blunder because they hurt Western citizens more than Russia. On your last post, I responded to Shoshana Maynard with an article that shows that may have been the intent, not a blunder:

https://michael-hudson.com/2022/02/america-defeats-germany-for-the-third-time-in-a-century/: "The recent prodding of Russia by expanding Ukrainian anti-Russian ethnic violence by Ukraine’s neo-Nazi post-2014 Maiden regime was aimed at (and has succeeded in) forcing a showdown in response to America’s fear that it is losing its economic and political hold on its NATO allies and other Dollar Area satellites. These countries have seen major opportunities for gain to lie in increasing trade and investment with China and Russia...

"A major aim of today’s New Cold War is to monopolize the market for U.S. shipments of liquified natural gas (LNG). Already under Donald Trump’s administration, Angela Merkel was bullied into promising to spend $1 billion building new port facilities for U.S. tanker ships to unload natural gas for German use. The Democratic election victory in November 2020, followed by Ms. Merkel’s retirement from Germany’s political scene, led to cancellation of this port investment. This left Germany without much alternative to importing Russian gas to heat its homes, power its electric utilities, and to provide raw material for its fertilizer industry and hence the maintenance of its farm productivity. So the most pressing U.S. strategic aim of NATO confrontation with Russia is soaring oil and gas prices, above all to the detriment of Germany."

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That the US set out to knee-cap Germany is one thing, but that the Germans went along with this boggles the mind. When the German people finally understand that their prosperity has been destroyed, there will be hell to pay.

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When you say "the Germans," who do you mean? It sounds like they reacted to Merkel's $1B boondoggle by voting her out. Who would have thought that the US would react by provoking Russia into cutting off their oil and gas? That's high-level chess playing. The only option I see left for Germany, or any EU country, is that they launch an insurrection to kick NATO out and establish relations again with Russia and China. That's a tall order.

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We in Europe need to get rid of both NATO and the EU, returning to sovereign nation-states with economic self-determination. Only then can we join the process of Eurasian integration. All this will come, but it might take a generation or longer.

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Yes indeed. I agree completely. And we in the US need to return to sovereign commonwealths, about the size of the original colonies, so we can stop giving our labor to stupid greed and offensive militarism. The existing system won't last a generation. Will Germany go a generation of gathering sticks for winter heat? Think two years at most.

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I don't think it will last a generation either, perhaps I was just being too cautious when I wrote the above.

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Colonies, like "states"? ^_^ Have you read the Articles of Confederation? If you have, you'll probably immediately realize why they were trashed... :(

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Although the articles have been glorified in recent decades, they were rightly trashed. The 6 years of their existence saw the US nearly wiped off the map due to the inability to form any unified action as a nation against the internationally extended financier oligarchy. No ability to raise or collect protective tariffs, no ability to have free trade amongst the states who spent all that time fighting for their own local existence against other states, no ability to form a standing army and no ability to regulate the wild west banking system with countless local bills, currencies and no actual growth. The US currency had de-valued over 40 fold during that time and the US was such an indebted under-developed, agrarian, basket case of 13 units at odds with themselves and the whole that it was only a matter of time before they were reconquered and re-absorbed by the British Empire. The Constitution of 1787 and broad reforms in finance led by Franklin, Washington, Hamilton, John Jay, Gouverneur Morris etc saved the early USA. The problem with national government is that it only works if the population is not turned into mediocre hedonistic and undereducated subjects but you need that cultural level of constant improvement from one generation to the next to ensure citizens are citizens and thus participating in every aspect of their nations' policies. Once the US became hijacked by the British Empire, the powers of the federal government became used as weapons against the people. But don't blame the Constitution for that, and please don't celebrate the idiotic articles of confederation for that either

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Funny, I did read them just recently. They were less inspiring and more utilitarian than I'd expected but since they were just the rules for negotiations between states, maybe that's what I should have expected. What's the reason that you think they were trashed?

My book has a chapter called The Short Eventful Life of Sovereign Money that talks about Ben Franklin's system of land-backed scrip when Pennsylvania was a colony, until the British merchant bankers passed the Currency Act that forbid it. He says that's the real reason the Revolutionary War was fought, not over a tax on tea.

After the war, Shay's Rebellion was to return the right to issue a local currency to the states, so that veterans could be paid for their service and thereby pay their taxes on the farms on which bankers were foreclosing. They surrounded the courthouses and local militias refused to fight against them. Bankers hired their own militias from out of town. They almost won, except for an intercepted message delaying the attack on the Armory.

Samuel Adams drew up the Riot Act, suspending habeas corpus and proposing execution for rebellion. Washington wrote, "Commotions of this sort, like snow-balls, gather strength as they roll, if there is no opposition in the way to divide and crumble them." The bankers passed The Disqualification Act so that no one who participated could ever vote or run for office.

And that same year the Annapolis group had a "Meeting to Remedy Defects in the Federal Government," which led to the Constitutional Convention where six merchants represented Massachusetts with 4000 rebels barred. That Constitution put in all 12 'remedies' the bankers wanted, taking the right to create currency away from the States and giving them nothing but postal roads, post offices and patent protection in return. The Bill of Rights was added later by the so-called 'anti-Federalists.'

We don't know what would have happened under the Articles but we know what happened under the Constitution. Yay, Matt replied! I'll reply to his response in a bit. I love a smart debate, thank you for that Word Herder.

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I agree. It might be shorter than that, though, considering what we're going through right now... and will continue to go through until we put an end to it...

This kind of fraud has never been seen before, to such a degree... They've really outdone themselves... And I imagine when the realization of this breaks over most of those who don't yet quite grasp it, it's gonna be just as huge. Interesting times, eh?

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High-level throwing your country under the bus is more like it. These idiots (US Globalist Moron Tools) wouldn't know a chess board from a skate board...

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Herder, Tereza, Colin Brace... too true!

These Zone A idiots want to simply reinvent another system that will leave a small bunch of kleptocrats feeding parasitically off humanity and assume that they can con the masses as always.

The new information age of the internet has exposed them for what they are and the masses are becoming more outraged with this realisation by the day.

As momentous as the Gutenberg press was in the evolution of dissemination of information, this too is a game changer. Except that this is Mainstreet's ticket to freedom and the nemesis for TFTB [The Fuckers That Be] and neo-feudalistic pilfering of the planet.

We are winning, albeit frustratingly slowly, amongst the ongoing carnage that these cretin's have imposed on us.

Just as Mathew see's this coming a mile away so too did another Montreal based visionary and he referenced it in his song "Anthem". The global outrage is the "thundercloud" that Cohen predicted. What a tragedy that Cohen passed before he could witness his vision unfolding.

"I can't run no more

With that lawless crowd

While the killers in high places

Say their prayers out loud

But they've summoned, they've summoned up

A thundercloud

They're going to hear from me"

Cheers and best regards


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I also love TFTB, HA!! Perfect!

What a great comment, energizing. Thanks!! ^_^

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Love your nom de plume!



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Colin! I've had your email up on my desktop, wanting to schedule that zoom but I've been in Appalachia with coffeeshop internet and fuzzy webcam.

TFTB! I'll need to be stealing that. I wonder whether Gutenberg was accused of spreading disinfo. He was, wasn't he? Letting people read the Bible for themselves, the OG heresy. Good to hear from you!

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I'm pretty free most of the time... self employed... slack boss (-:

So yes it would be awesome to have a zoom chin-wag. You just email me a time... here in New Sheepland we are +19 hours... so any time pretty much works for me.

Hope you are enjoying a great trip.



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Yes, I agree. I think they weren't thinking that far ahead to see what Putin's next move would be, and how he could checkmate them after they took the easy bait of confiscating Russia's gold and the oligarch's possessions and throwing on sanctions. Putin, or Glazyev, has been thinking the end game through and planted these bishops, rooks, and even queen because he knew they'd go after them.

So this is good news for those who want a multipolar world, even if the end of nonproductive consumerism is going to be a painful transition for us in the US. It means that the bribe of getting food, energy and stuff without manual labor or reciprocity will soon be over. That only leaves the threat of them holding all our houses and the money backed by them. If we enact my plan, we can take those back and have a fighting chance to restore our own productivity.

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Putin is smarter than most of these psychopaths put together. The trouble with psychopaths is, they lack creativity. All they really understand is brute force. And they are severely crippled in their thinking because they are so amazingly delusional. They take egomania to a level most of us can't even imagine. And that's why they're able to do what they're doing... They have no conscience. Most people, normal people, respond to fairness, reasonableness, justice... They don't like being starved on purpose or forced to do things that hurt themselves. The Bad Guys really don't understand Human Nature. (I consider them to be mutants.)

If your leadership tells you you have to freeze this winter because they don't like Putin, are you going to freeze? Uh, no. You're going to get new leadership and you're going to buy heat from Putin. Simple as that.

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I think this is exactly right. Our creepy elites are simply not clever enough to pull off a Great Reset along the lines they are thinking. It is a puerile fantasy. My main fear is that they could do an enormous amount of damage as they fail.

I don't wish hardship on anyone, but it may well take a winter of freezing our asses off to sharpen peoples' minds that we really really really need new leadership. The complacency runs very deep.

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As many people are pointing out, Europe seems to be the big loser in all of this. The current generation of Atlanticists will probably have to give way to a new generation of Eurasian realists before we can turn things around -- and what will be left by our industrial economies at that point? I shudder to think. By the way, Europe could have been a part of this, Putin extended an invitation in 2010 that was rejected by Merkel and co.:


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Yep it's super important to hold in mind the very real fact that Putin and Xi have consistently offered the west literally thousands of opportunities to join them in collaboration and partnership around projects that are mutually beneficial to all participants. So many people which to simplistically presume that the Eurasian leaders are just manichean dualists playing into a Hegelian NWO script a la Orwell's break up of Oceanian vs East Asia and Eurasia. Lazy minded to the extreme

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Yes Mathew... the Russia/Sinophobia here in NZ is rampant too.

And what a great summary too... I have filed this away for future reference.

Yesterday I spoke at a local freedom rally on the huge BRI infrastructural initiatives and I was heckled massively by a loud faction that simply couldn't accept that China or Russia could possibly do anything constructive for humanity.

It is terribly frustrating for me to witness how 'successful' the generational brainwashing has been. Meanwhile our pathetic NZ Govt completely endorses the Zone A/Natostan brand of western imperialistic financial and military hegemony, and stubbornly declares ongoing solidarity for the coup installed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

These idiots apparently believe that it is a perfectly natural situation for humanity that the U$ has ~800 overseas military bases and that China having 1.5 is outrageous... one in Djibouti, Africa with the 0.5 being the joint venture Ream naval base in Cambodia... this is an astonishing ratio of 533:1.

YCHMTSU [not Japanese]


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And in the US, there is no more industry... We Murkans are well and truly flocked...

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I don't wanna live here, where evil men run us into hell. I want to be part of progress, of building, of new, and better ideas to make the world a better place... Can't we just dump these loser psychos and join with the builders?! I know, over-simplified, but... I want to RISE and BUILD a good thing.

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