Thanks Matt, for an exceptionally interesting account, not only of Franklin's significance, but the peripheral events in Russia, India etc.. I found the Irish link particularly interesting. In 1847 many Irishmen deserted the U.S. Army to fight on the side of Mexico in the Mexican-American War. There is a plaque in Mexico City's delightful San Jacinto Plaza that commemorates the contribution of the volunteers of the St. Patrick Battalion, 16 of whom were hanged nearby.https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/abroad/why-were-16-irish-men-hanged-in-mexico-in-1847-1.3413278

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I am so grateful for your work. I look forward to it.

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im not sure about all but our founding fathers sold us out on day one its a disgrace that they are still celebrated to this day....

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Worry materials as the breeds that make finals in a major Dog Show . Bet tou can find a book// breed that’s worthy of reading and/or Petting. Makes you want to adopt it or more than one to take home and have it become a bigger/ better. Part of your Experience in this world . God Bless your organized effort to bring the “ Dog Showcase “ to a real world of deeper feeling inside my head/ &Heart . Add the other two of hands and health you have 4- H club. Had to add a little humor thanksgiving ‘ is a holiday but your reference material goes great with any Turkey.

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