We now know Lincoln was not the American President. Rather our sub contractors corporate President in service to Britain

He was a Bar Attorney. Esquire. And was not allowed to be President of the unincorporated Federation of States. He was a fraud and an imposter. Not anywhere near the hero he was made out to be. The reason for the Titles of Nobilities was to keep the British Crown and it's lawyers out of the lawful unincorporated American government. Our true Nations Capital is Philadelphia. Not D.C.

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Those of us from the global south would find it strange that such a different interpretation of Manifest Destiny has always been considered a purely imperialist guideline. As well as seeing Trump as the last representative of the real Republican heritage. But the proof of these theses comes with the entry of the war criminal pedophile currently sitting in the White House. He is one of the nuclei of this rampant imperialist agenda that has been reinforced since the 1980s. The world has gotten much worse with Biden's entry into power.

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Biden's strings are pulled by the Holy See. He is corporate President of the Pope's bankrupt MUNICIPAL corporation dba UNITED STATES INC. Fire up a corporation. Name it after a country and the clueless populace is none the wiser. The true American government is not a democracy. It was a republican form of self-governance. An unincorporated Federation of Nation States. Each State was indeed it's own country, with international also meaning interstate. Democracy is majority rule aka mob rule. Rome and Britain's system imposed on clueless uneducated Americans. It has been that way since the so called Civil War. We never reconstructed and our subcontractors, the Pope and British Monarch happily substituted their own system and it's been that way ever since. Two corporations. British Territorial service corporation dba "the" United States of America Inc. And the Popes MUNICIPAL corporation dba UNITED STATES. Biden is President of the MUNICIPAL corporation. Both are bankrupt and operating under color of law. They have no Lawful contract(Constitution) with which to operate. The majority Americans have no clue of any of it.

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