An excellent piece. New to your work - came via Sean and your weekly programme with him. Impressive.

Put that together with another good Badlands Substack writer on the Bushes and the CIA , thinking people are getting a fantastic more authentic history lesson. Finally!

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Don't miss Matt's wife's stuff. I can't tell you exactly how to access it, I was given a link.

But I think if you search Substack you can subscribe.

The name is Cynthia Chung but she is Matt Ehret's wife and as awesome as you might expect Matt's wife to be.

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Biden is a member of the System for throwing back humanity under the Imperium Matrix created to dominate the Earth, that includes "depopulation" of true Souls that see through the scheme and ongoing propaganda dressed up in liberal and freedom colors to mute and deafen all critical thinking. Thanks for your insightful analysis!

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Biden is the history that will end, when he ends. God willing he will not become the Dem candidate for Pres and RFK, Jr. will. He is the only one who can rebirth the American Constitution and chart a future by the people, for the people, and of The People. . . . Thank you for your work.

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Excellent perspective Matt.

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Biden is a pathological liar. So is his 2.0 double.

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Trying to compare narratives from matthewehret.substack.com with those from prussiagate.substack.com...just beginning...not a historian...just sayin'

"The story of a Big Idea; a New World Order.

Many a wise man knows about the US Act of 1871 that took the function of government away from ‘We the People’ and into a corporation, under the control of a hidden financier. But many may not know that just one month before the Act of 1871, the King of Prussia became the Kaiser of a united Germany; and that four months after the Act of 1871, a Treaty was signed between the US and Great Britain, after a century of bitter rivalry; and that the Kaiser was the appointed Arbitrator of all disputes that pertained to that Treaty."

-from https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/the-story

But when I look at


I don't see how "US Act of 1871 that took the function of government away from ‘We the People’ and into a corporation" and how Prussia supposedly gains control.

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I've read it and came to the same conclusion as you did.

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Great graphics!!!

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God gave us Biden to usher in an end to the US Empire and the Unipolar world. He is a gift!

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“military industrial complex vastly expanded across her backyard with over 100 million US troops amplifying their positions in the Pacific with a THAAD missile shield built up in South Korea, belligerent US-led military exercises with China’s neighbors and a clear intention to expand NATO into the Pacific.” - 100 million US troops?????

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typo. Meant to write 100 thousand. Will fix

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Can’t underestimate the need for good proofreading.🙂

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Hi there John

Thanks for the heads up 👍

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Well done, thanks!

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A great read on the history western hegemony is Alfred W. McCoy’s “To Govern the Globe - World Orders and Catastrophic Change” Starts with the Iberian Empire up until the deckine of Pax Americana.

Catastrophic Change is what is happening as we speak.

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Really appreciate this thorough explanation of the past 2 decades. Hit them QUICKLY (the Western Hegemony) where it hurts them most...their pocketbooks! THEN they might experience that Karma is a bitch

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Great piece!

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This passage, "...with over 100 million US troops amplifying their positions in the Pacific ..." is not good. Please say more about the 100 million US troops. There were only 335 million Americans in a recent census update.

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that was a typo. Meant to write thousand. It is now fixed

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