Once they were able to destroy society's belief in God (or each religion's higher being), through decades of government run school programming, that automatically removed the belief that life is sacred. Done and dusted. And that's exactly where we are.

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Interesting how MAID VAIDS, and AIDS are all about depopulation.🤔

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I am truly disturbed by the growing number of deaths attributed to M.A.I.D. I am concerned about the abuse of such legislation by the government and the medical profession. This should not be an option for people who do not have a fatal illness. The more I hear, the more I am concerned about the power grab by the W.HO. and the WEF. I see a world where people disposable and that scares me.

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So, it should be an option for people who DO have a fatal illness?

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I need to make a correction to my statement and to clarify. I, personally do not agree with MAID for personal and spiritual reasons. With that said, I think death should be taken with serious though and discernment. I am very concerned about this choice being made by people who do not have the clarity to think this through. I am concerned about the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum adding there views on this. I am afraid of people with chronic health conditions and people struggling with their mental health being put in vulnerable situations. I am concerned about the respect and dignity of all people.

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This was excellent. As a tail end baby boomer, I have always been sure that they were going to kill us off...and now i know i was right. I kinda envisioned the young bopping us over the head with baseball bats randomly....but now we've moved onto to Medical rationing, assisted suicide, MAID, the DNR's wither you want them or not, Midazolem and Morphine...and murder.

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I think it’s time to euthanize the useless globalists😉

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Castreau is trying to exceed daddy Fidels body count.

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A subject that is not as black and white as most people tend to see it..the sad thing for me is that we have lost the ability to care for our relatives during illness and in their last days of life-almost no one is left to die in peace at home any more. The hospitals are over 90% occupied by the very old, frail and dying and that’s been the case for the past 20 years I’ve worked in the nhs. There is not much ‘active treatment’ that can be prescribed for some that are kept “comfortable” with pain relief and put on end of life care pathway (previously known as LCP). Euthanasia is actively bringing up the death of someone, just like putting down your pet, which for me is morally and ethically uncomprehending. On the other hand I don’t feel too strong about medically assisted termination… Anyway, there is so much understanding we could all gain from discussing openly issues like this, and also arriving at better solutions if we listen to each other more.

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T4 was used by the nazis on the German people first

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My 97 year old mother, a very religious lifelong Christian, recently died. It was a horrible long drawn-out process of painful suffering, infection, sores, starvation, loneliness, social and nutritional deprivation and physical isolation in a non-profit community-supported Long Term Care facility whose previously wonderful ideals and open-access policies were totally usurped by stupid Covid rules that prevented me from entering the building to feed, love and care for her for more than two years. My mother was an advocate of personal choice euthanasia 30 years ago when she was the age I am now, and wrote a good Living Will that she regularly updated, but that could not protect her from the end of life torture she presciently predicted, and was adamant in wanting to avoid. She would have chosen MAID if she could, but it wasn't available when her dementia had already advanced and a stroke made it impossible for me to continue caring for her at home. I actually think MAID is a blessing for those of us who want to die because we cannot possibly regain or attain the quality of life we deserve and need, for whatever reason (including financial) and are unwilling to suffer any more, no matter what religious beliefs we hold. It was agony and torture for me to witness my mother's suffering and be powerless to ease it, while putting up with ignorance and egregious callous stupidity from highly paid medical personnel who have no real respect for human life, every day of the last five months of my mother's existence after the unjabbed visitor prohibition was ended, so how much worse was it for her?

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I think your trauma has caused you to miss the point which I was attempting to communicate in this report. Euthanasia is not something I'm ideologically against in all cases, however since we currently have a death cult running our health policies, and since that death cult is committed to increasing scarcity in order to justify mass genocide, the agenda behind MAID is designed to expand without limit. The idea of extending it to all people including children, those suffering depression, and drug addiction, and also slowly eliminating the "consent" aspect along the way is the plan. Again, I don't want to sound callous towards your mother's suffering. My heart hurt to read what you went through.

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Thank you for understanding, Matthew. I think it's also a torture cult. Seems to be very effective in getting people to believe there is no hope, they are powerless, and submission is the only thing left.

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