Knowing vs Believing: Navigating out of the Cave
Or How Occultists have Subverted both Science and Spirituality
Since publishing the book ‘Science Unshackled: Restoring Causality in a World of Chaos’ a few months ago, some people have taken offense with the idea that the thing we have come to call “western science” is not only highly compromised with false axioms, but is actually designed to generate false images of reality.
There is a major tendency in our world of people who really wish to believe that the realm of ‘science’ is a pure domain of objective discovery severed from the corrupt world of politics. Unfortunately this belief, though popular, holds no weight and I would like to demonstrate that in the course of the following essay.
Before I begin, let me just state right off the bat that I do NOT mean that any particular branch of modern science (health science, climatology, immunology, physics, chemistry, biology etc) has been corrupted, and I’m not saying that the reason for the corruption in science is reducible to profit motives.
I am saying that the umbrella idea of science itself which subsumes every particular branch of science has been undermined due to limited, but often ignored, sleights of hand that have severed our understanding of creative reason itself (a subjective property as it is colored by our emotions, hopes, identities, values etc) from the objective universe we were born into.
This tragic division of the mind from the universe is closely related to the loss of a power of asking “why things are” which has become off-limits in modern descriptive “best practices”. We have been told repeatedly that ‘responsible scientists’ are only allowed to ask ‘HOW’ things are… but never ‘why’.
This sleight of hand has resulted in a western society devoid of the resources to fulfill the most elementary pre-condition for sovereignty: Understanding ourselves, what our mind is, why it is, and how it works. And no, this did not happen by accident.
Let me try to illustrate what I mean when I say the oligarchy is trying to destroy our ability to understand what our mind is, why it is, and how it works as best as I can. This is important to make explicit for you before getting at the heart of my message since this gets us into the nerve center of all universal history.
Universal History as Science: The Case of Schiller
When I say "Universal History" I am using the definition and method of analysis developed by Friedrich Schiller in his 1789 Jena lecture 'What is and to What End do We Study Universal History'.
Within this 1789 lecture, Schiller contrasts the two opposing schools of ‘science’ by characterizing one as embodied by ‘the breadfed scholar’ vs the superior school characterized by ‘the true philosophical mind’. Schiller states:
“Where the bread-fed scholar severs, the philosophical mind unites. He early convinced himself, that everything is intertwined in the field of understanding as well as in the material world, and his zealous drive for harmony cannot be satisfied with fragments of the whole. All his efforts are directed toward the perfection of his knowledge; his noble impatience cannot rest until all of his conceptions have ordered themselves into an organic whole, until he stands at the center of his art, his science, and until from this position outward he surveys its expanse with a contented look. New discoveries in the sphere of his activities, which cast the bread-fed scholar down, delight the philosophical mind. Perhaps they fill a gap which had still disfigured the growing whole of his conceptions, or they set the stone still missing in the edifice of his ideas, which then completes it. Even should these new discoveries leave it in ruins, a new chain of thoughts, a new natural phenomenon, a newly discovered law in the material world overthrow the entire edifice of his science, no matter: He has always loved truth more than his system, and he will gladly exchange the old, insufficient form for a new one, more beautiful. Indeed, if no blow from the outside shatters his edifice of ideas, he himself will be the first to tear it apart, discontented, to reestablish it more perfected. Through always new and more beautiful forms of thought, the philosophical mind strides forth to higher excellence, while the bread-fed scholar, in eternal stagnation of mind, guards over the barren monotony of his school-conceptions.”
If I were to use my own words, I would define it as "studying history from the standpoint of the efforts to awaken humanity to our true purpose as beings made in the living image of a living, loving reasonable creator- and the techniques of those oligarchists throughout millenia who have been devoted to annihilating this said natural order".
If someone were to ask me how I can know that someone like the astrophysicist Johannes Kepler (not Royal Society alchemists or numerologists) discovered the principle that we have come to call 'universal gravitation', I could provide an answer using reason.
How would I do that?
I can study Kepler's original writings (from his Mysterium Cosmographicum, his Six Siden Snowflake, Optics, New Astronomy, Harmonice Mundi, or correspondences) and follow how he guides my mind on his journey of discovery.
The Case of Kepler’s Mind
Doing this, I can see what his false assumptions were that prevented his discoveries, I can encounter the anomalous data he encountered that caused dominant explanatory theories/models of his day to fail, I can follow those failed hypotheses that he generated in his multiple attempts to resolve the paradoxes and I can then follow his final potent hypotheses that resolved the paradoxes successfully by generating proven solution concepts. I can read Kepler telling me how and why he did what he did throughout his works.
I can even approach the question from the angle of a historian and evaluate the world that Kepler lived in, and review the battles that were taking place in his day, as Germany slid into the 30 Years War, and which he was a part of. I can analyse what effects he had on generals (like Wallenstein whom he advised), princes, and even other scientists in his day. I can study how he battled the occultist followers of Francisco Zorzi such as Robert Fludd (as well as the Baconians, Hobbesians and Aristotelians who were attempting to create a false opposition with the occultists by redefining "Mind and reason" as limited to our sense perceptions mixed with computer (see: Aristotelian) logic.
Edgar Allen Poe (a follower of Schiller) tackled these false schools of thinking in his nearly forgotten 1848 essay ‘Eureka: A Prose Poem’ and defined each false method as the schools of ‘creeping’ (deductive) vs ‘crawling’ (inductive) reasoning.
In his essay, Poe makes the beautiful point that these two schools serve as invisible cages for souls that yearn to fly, whereby he then cites the discoveries of Johannes Kepler as a point of contrast.
Poe writes: “Kepler was essentially a theorist; but this title, now of so much sanctity, was, in those ancient days, a designation of supreme contempt. It is only now that men begin to appreciate that divine old man — to sympathize with the prophetical and poetical rhapsody of his ever-memorable words. For my part,” continues the unknown correspondent, “I glow with a sacred fire when I even think of them, and feel that I shall never grow weary of their repetition: — in concluding this letter, let me have the real pleasure of transcribing them once again: — ‘I care not whether my work be read now or by posterity. I can afford to wait a century for readers when God himself has waited six thousand years for an observer. I triumph. I have stolen the golden secret of the Egyptians. I will indulge my sacred fury.’ “
During his short but potent life, Johannes Kepler battled both false extremes simultaneously and made huge universal discoveries while his opponents failed to make any discoveries.
Where Kepler made his mind's reasoning process transparent for future generations to re-experience for themselves... his opponents only generated unprovable speculations always immune from the scrutiny of reasonably inquiry, and descriptive models devoid of substance.
I can do the same exercise with Kepler's follower Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) whose mind is extremely transparent throughout all of his original works, and who is also battling the same occultists/ materialists that Kepler fought 50 years after Kepler died in 1630.
The Case of Gottfried Leibniz
Like Kepler, I can follow Leibniz's method of thinking and lines of reasoning by reading his original works- whether his Discourses on Metaphysics, Specimen Dynamica, New Essays on Understanding, Debates with Samuel Clark, or his Acta Eruditorum science journal where he (and other great continental scientists like the Bernoulli Brothers, Christian Huygens etc) makes his experiments, hypotheses and discoveries transparent for anyone to explore. This is something that is never done by the British Rosicrucian occult hive managing Isaac Newton out of Cambridge and the Royal Society.
Their original writings are full of descriptive formulae, obscurantism, statistical logic, but never, in any single instance, do we find a clear process of creative reason rendered transparent for anyone wishing to know HOW someone like a Newton discovered gravity, or the calculus.
The reality of this Delphic method was first made known to me personally by the figure of Lyndon LaRouche (1923-1919) whose thesis of the clash of the two opposing scientific traditions, I had first encountered in 2006. LaRouche’s thoughts on this topic are profound, and were so mind-blowingly shocking that I had devoted myself to years of studying original texts in order to verify if what he said was true.
After nearly 18 years of obsessively researching this thesis, I have become firmly convinced that this is true.
In a nutshell, the technique works in the following manner:
1) Try to prevent discoveries at all costs.
2) If such efforts fail, and people make discoveries against all odds, then steal their discoveries, and co-opt them
3) After this is accomplished, carve out the substance leaving only the shell of descriptive formulae and myths of heroic demi-gods who only need fruit to land on their heads for discoveries to happen… or who, like Descartes, need only sleep themselves to discoveries in states of trance laying in bed.
Then like Kepler's case earlier, I can shift gears and look at Leibniz's life from the standpoint of a historian and examine the political battles shaping the world which Leibniz lived in, and which Leibniz, in turn shaped. I can review Leibniz's work with Czar Peter the Great, his work founding science academies in Germany and Russia and his diplomatic efforts to create win-win cooperation between all nations of Europe and even economic cooperation with China.
I can review Leibniz's efforts to build sovereign industrial nations liberated from feudalists and I can review his efforts to nearly become Prime Minister of England via his student electress Sophia of Hanover who he ensured would be next on the line of succession after Queen Anne (Queen Anne’s untimely death in 1714, followed by the death of Sophia soon thereafter, sadly put an end to this plan).
I can research how Leibniz played a direct role with Jonathan Swift and leading scientist-republicans in the Americas to create the basis for the American revolution, and I can review his battles with occultists and materialists which appears in all of his works (including his Platonic dialogues like the New Essays on Human Understanding which overthrows John Locke's entire imperial Aristotelian paradigm).
From this standpoint, I can revisit "authoritative" works "about" Kepler and Leibniz by reading such works of "authorities" like Arthur Koestler (The Sleepwalkers), Dame Frances Yates (The Rosicrucian Enlightenment), Alexandre Koyre (The Astronomical Revolution) or Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)... and in doing this, I can clearly see how they are spreading falsehoods about the methods of thinking of Kepler, Leibniz and other great scientists of that era.
Since they are modern authorities who profess to have read the works of those figures whom they comment upon, means either that these authorities are either incompetent or lying intentionally to obscure dangerous truths which the oligarchists trying to manage humanity wish be kept obscured.
Obscuring Plato
Recently, the Rising Tide Foundation’s weekly study group finished reading The Truth About Plato by Charles Tate, which illustrates the geopolitical battle lines before, during and after Plato's life which shaped Plato's world and which he, in turn, shaped both through his dialogues and through his vast international network of collaborators IN OPPOSITION to the occult priesthoods which were at the heart of all evil operating in the ancient western world (as they continued to be in Kepler's time and in ours). We can then appreciate Plato's original works and his use of ironies much more clearly than we could if we were using the popular wrong-headed method endorsed by academics that ignores what Plato is actually saying, how he is saying it and why he is saying/doing what he is saying/doing in the context of universal history.
Plato, Kepler, Leibniz and this study of universal history has taught me to trust my mind's powers of discernment using moral reason, such that IF I say something of import on any topic, I try my very best to state: 1) whether I am hypothesizing or whether 2) I have knowledge of that which I speak because I have really examined it in depth prior to making it spoken.
And if someone challenges me on anything that I state, because they have a differing view, I am prepared to 1) defend my position by using reason, and if a better line of reasoning is presented to me that I hadn't considered, I am prepared to 2) abandon my false hypothesis.
Either way, I expect myself to be able to justify my convictions, and judgments on any topic based on reason which does not simply sit on mountains of conjecture, or refers to authorities.
The Enduring Problem of Occultism
To restate the theme of this post in slightly different words: Our society has been induced to go insane by design by accepting the normalization of dishonest/lazy reasoning that promotes beliefs in "knowledge" totally devoid of creative discoveries.
Instead of the sort of natural cultivation of healthy mature mental lives and associated healthy identities befitting of a truly human society, our oligarchist-managed society run by an occult priesthood of self-professed demigods has tricked us into false choices and false dualisms believing that the mind is either 1) limited to computer-style logic on the one extreme or 2) governed by irrationalist occult mysticism masquerading as Spirituality on the other extreme.
As we see from an investigation into universal history, the hardcore empiricist thinkers shaping the one camp are often also closet occultists of the "spiritualist" camp which they profess to oppose. Take a membership list of the British Royal Society for the past three centuries and just count the occultist Rosicrucians, Hermeticists, Theosophists and gnostics operating through the Harry Potter-esque Invisible College. Then count the logicians and "empiricist scientists" who have been members of the British Society for Psychical Research chasing ghosts.
It’s a long list.
The simple universal truths of why we are, what our mind is, and why our mind is, accessible by the use of genuine Platonic reasoning driven by actual discoveries have been banned- verboten across the modern world. I actually shouldn't say "modern world" since the dual trap of materialist logic vs mysticism/occultism interfacing with supernatural forces has been at the heart of the entirety of world history.
The investigation of how the mind works in a healthy state of discovery is available to anybody, independent of caste, religion, race or temporal setting, simply by working through (ie: re-experiencing through mind work and teaching) the original writings of those who provably made discoveries and were tuned to this higher immortal sense of Being of which Plato, Kepler and Leibniz are exemplary figures.
As long as we approach these and similar great matured potent minds from their own writings, and their actions which participated in universal history, then this exercise will always bear good fruit.
“New Truths”… Liberated from Reason
“The mind is the slayer of the real… let the disciples slay the slayer.”
-Helena Blavatsky
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real”
–Niels Bohr
In conclusion: Today, there are many interpretations of "academic authorities” (see: ‘modern gatekeepers’) who make claims about occult gnosis of figures like Plato, or Kepler or Leibniz etc, projecting onto them the characteristics of Rosicrucian mystics of the British Royal Society.
The logic used by these groups tends to be something similar to this:
“IF the great giants of science to whom we must pay fealty (such as Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, Nicolai Tesla, Tesla’s mentor Sir William Crookes, Niels Bohr etc) were occultists, and since linear logic proveably doesn’t work when trying to map out a non-linear universe- and since ‘linear logic=reason’, THUS all discoverers of anything must have been made by mystics who “sleepwalked” into their discoveries, possibly through aid of hallucinogenic drugs, going into trances, channeling ‘spirits/ascended masters’”.
Any sucker for this sort of illusionist’s trick would find electric fences slowly (or quickly?) constructed within their heads- preventing them from learning how their own minds were designed to be used- resulting in an incapacity to ever fulfill Socrates’ mandate to ‘know thyself’, or build a substantial spirituality (which is not severed from the development of reason, as some would wish to believe).
Those who find themselves seduced by these popular lies tend not to be bothered by the fact that they are not only devoid of any possibility of reasonable inspection, but which are, in all likelihood, the direct effect of false myths that have been spun to enslave us while giving the shadow puppeteers greater controls over humanity.
One clear case study of this dishonest school is found among the Theosophists that were established by a Russian mystic princess named Helena Blavatsky.
Theosophist cults gave rise to every single fascist movement of the 20th century (even becoming the source for the swastika used by the Nazis and the cosmology of the Thule Society), but also a myriad of UFO cults after WWII which often took on extremely Luciferian proclivities.
This list includes, but is not limited to, UFO cults like those created by George Adamski, OTO member L. Ron Hubbard, The OTO’s Brotherhood of Saturn (offshoot of the Pansophical Lodge), J. Allen Hynek’s ‘Invisible College’ of occultists devoted to reviving a new gnostic UFO-driven spirituality, David Icke (whose cosmology is entirely rooted in Theosophy), Dimitrije Mitrinovic’s New Atlantis Foundation, Claude Vorilhon’s Realians (whose symbol involved a swastika merged with a star of David), Li Hongxi’s Falun Gong, and many many more.
One important theme of each and every Theosophist cult spinoff involves leaders who proclaim the powers to channel messages from various types of ascended masters, disembodied spirit entities, angels, etc… and who testify that they have achieved “gnosis” (ie: forms of knowledge devoid of the use of reason) through rites of initiation into ‘mysteries’, giving them powers to read Akashic records, astral project, read minds of their followers, and clairvoyantly “see” past and future lives.
As a sidenote, the Theosophist Walter Evans-Wentz translated the first english edition of the Tibetan Book of the Dead in 1927, and which was the only english translation available for several decades into the 1970s- which was a sacred text for both Nazi Thule occultists as well as the New Age counter-culture hedonists of Esalen after WW2.
Besides the fact that Evens-Wentz, who never learned to speak or write Tibetan, was caught making up entire interpretations of the book out of his own imagination (exposed by John Myrdhin Reynolds in Self-Liberation: Through Seeing with Naked Awareness), the book itself featured the same Swastika-Star of David symbol popularized later by the Raelians.
It is a wonder how and why, so many ‘alternative history’ movements, and even mainstream ideas allow themselves to be influenced by Theosophical ideology considering the fact that Mme Blavatsky had been discovered to have been a fraud on multiple occasions as so many channelers were so exposed.
Additionally, Blavatsky was a direct part of high level masonic intelligence operations connected directly to Giuseppe Mazzini, and freemasonic agencies in the USA, Russian Martinists and french occultists who were all demonstrably part of the program to revive the ancient pagan mystery schools under a Lucifarian new age.
All attempts by these groups to shape society’s view of ‘science’ and ‘spirituality’ throughout the past 130 years is designed quite explicitly to destroy any sense of human reason, united with morality in all cultures across the earth. This goal of creating a perennial philosophy founded upon spiritualized states of ecstasy, trances, drug use, and the de-activation of creative reason is a common theme we find promoted by the oligarchists stretching across time and space as a unifying theme of universal history.
In the 21st century, this obsession with a pagan revival has united with heavy dose of ETs (serving as re-branded gnostic demons), Gaia worship, bug eating and transhumanism.
Everything I'm saying, I can demonstrate with reason if challenged. I expect that from others as well.
Western science, particularly the history of medical science and research has innumerable examples of fraud , unproven "scientific" conclusions , faked lab experiments and the deliberate destruction of discoveries of true scientists and their honest reputations; that was the exact paradigm that has been followed since the inception of allopathic medicine for almost the last 200 years; we have failed not only to acknowledge that very problematic past but have done everything possible to hide the truth through continuing lies and deception; a very glaring example of this fraudulence can be found in the person of Louis Pasteur who not only faked the results of many of his experiments but plagiarized the best of discoveries that should have been attributed to his contemporary, the true genius, Antoine Bechamp; medical history has countless other examples, all of which formed the foundations for the development of today's charlatans and promoters of fake science and much more for the ideological and philosophical divisions that keep humanity divided and at war with itself.
I would add this statement or thought by the Chinese mystic Lao-Tzu (or Lao-Tze) - who was quoted with the saying, if I'm not mistaken... In your thoughts of doing, being, creating, studying a subject matter, etc., etc. - ask the question "from what," "to what," and "why."
I've pondered this question or statement for years: "Knowing vs Believing." I've always tended to lean towards 'Knowing.' This article has offered up some new insights.
There is an excellent statement from a book I read by Osho in the book called 'The Joy of Living Dangerously' on page 125. "Whatever you do, Life is a mystery"
Some things will be a mystery no matter the amount of knowledge/understanding we consume
My four pillars of existence 'Logic' 'Wisdom' 'Balance' and 'Mindfulness'
Ma'at - Hotep