Such profound questions and insights, Matthew! Thank you for reminding us of the potent and evocative art that we've inherited but likely forgotten about amidst the current chaos. Blessings to you and your loved ones this Easter.

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Socrates in the Symposium comes close to Christianity by sheer logic. But he then agrees that Athens has the right to kill him for his ideas. Humankind needed God's son to sacrifice himself and be arisen for us to understand that righteous life is the only purpose of human life. That is why i am a cultural libertarian: God; family; private property.

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Beautifully articulated and contrasted! My vote goes to Velasquez, however. Why? His Christ achieves a human expression that exudes both intelligence and warmth.

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A beautiful message for these challenging times! Here’s hoping we all make it through these deep dark woods and emerge into the light. ❤️ Really appreciate your work Matt.

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Wonderful! Happy Easter to you and family.

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Thanks, Matthew. A great Easter sermon!

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Believe it or not there is a holy war going on and has been since 2017. I was attacked over it by the Trump admin, Dr, Jordan Peterson, & Pope Frances. It became a 4 + year philosophical discourse. My book prompted the rise in prominence to rejections on CRT. They do not like truth. It came to end when I demonstrated fallacy of their logic. I need your insight on anything related to this work that would be significant about the Month of May? If you know of any?

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Honorable pleasure reading your work. Thanks for providing a profound insight. I'm indeed worried but hopeful as the darkness appears to grow slowly snuffing out the truth of #Assange.

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Love in this world is tragic and admits no careful ordering: it is subject to no norms. Love means failure in this world rather than the well-ordered life. The supreme thing in love, what maintains its mystical sacredness, is its renunciation of all perspective in life, its sacrifice sacrifice of life. All creativeness demands this sacrifice, and so does creative love. Well-being in life, the good ordering of the family—these are the grave of love. Love is more closely and intimately and deeply bound up with death, rather than with birth, and this relationship, which the poets have dimly felt, is the pledge of its eternity.

N. Berdyaev

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The Bible's authenticity is just as suspect as any document. The warm fuzzy feeling everyone seems to get when they reference the Bible has not changed anything. If it did, we would not be having this state of the world, that everyone who references the Bible says is wrong, and uses verses from the Bible to sooth themselves. Unless you take action, the Bible won't stop the guns from pointing at you, currency being debased, etc. The bible mentions very little that can be successfully applied in the current system. Yet, this is where most people go when then don't find the solutions on the outside. Again, if the Bible's information was so powerful and applicable, then from the 100s of millions of those who have read it and applied it, shouldn't our world be excellent, devoid of the problems people are actually hoping the Bible will still solve? It doesn't seem to have worked, at all. I don't think the solutions lie in the Bible, a collection of documents, accounts, recollections and other information altered and changed over the course of centuries. How do you know it isn't just a propaganda psy-op that you have sentimentally adopted? The truth is, you don't.

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Incredibly inspirational - thank you!

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