Very interesting. Day by day, week by week another half dozen of these psycho creeps are dragged out into the light of day.

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The really disturbing part is that these perps actually believe, or convince themselves that they are such wonderful people and 'defenders' of their confected 'realm'. You only have to listen to people like Oliver North and witness the 'work' of XE/Blackwater to become aware of how mentally impaired (from the norms of society) these people become. I'm not suggesting that Ollie North or the leader of XE are in the same league as LMB or the many like him, however, it does give one a glimpse into how these people become corrupted and transformed into 'other-beings' once they start being introduced into their concepts of power-circles. I don't for a minute believe that it is the power which corrupts this type of personality ... I'm of the opinion that is this type of personality/person which actively seeks out the vestiges of 'power' the better to use and abuse for their own self-satisfaction.

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Rod I agree with you. I must say I honestly cannot conceive how people become like this. To stray so far from humanism. From what I have observed they are very dumb. Take Ursula von der Leyen, Christime Legarde, Jacinda Adhern of NZ (who worked in a fish and chip shop) and our CCC (per Cynthia) Trudeau, the Canadian Cardboard Cut-out... ad infinitum. All as dumb as a sack of hammers but cunning as snakes.


Klaus Schwab says one of their 8 pillars, if we accept the world vision they propose, is that "we will no longer need to go to a doctor as they will 3D print a new part." The brain has billions of neurons that are constantly changing! I suppose they think they can 3D print a human mind and soul. Of course this is a lie and I am sure they know it. Grotesque and beyond ridiculous. But it does amaze me how much has been hidden from human consciousness for thousands of years and Matt and Cynthia are remorseless in their courageous dragging it into the light. I thank God they exist.

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If voting mattered it would be illegal.

Your point that they control both sides is all we need to know.

No nationalists can exist anywhere ever while international banking rules the seas.

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Many thanks for taking the time to create this list of essential background reading, William. I am very grateful and will explore those I haven't seen before asap.

It is obvious to me that Lord Malloch Brown is Venetian Black Nobility resident in UK and giving all Brits a very bad name..... but that is the chameleon role of his ilk and has been for millennia.

Matt Ehret makes the mistake of calling these internationalists 'British'...... they are parasites in the heart of Britain. They are traitors domiciled in the independent City of London.

Lord Malloch Brown loves 'the rule of law' which is the greatest clue to his allegiances, but Matt Ehret prefers not to acknowledge the scandalous meaning of that phrase and what it means for all the colonies, whether they consider themselves independent or not.

The Rule of Law means that the Rulers are the Law and are, therefore, beyond its jurisdiction.

Evidence: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/what-does-the-rule-of-law-mean

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Interesting. I don’t mean to nitpick but voting machines had nothing to do with Bush 2000 election. That was chads and the Supreme Courts doing. That fiasco led to Bush being able to push voting machines that were instrumental in stealing the 2004 election.

The 2008 election did not need stealing, Republicans conceded the election by running McCain and Bush demolition of the economy and unpopular wars gave Obama an easy win

As for Trump, I have no words. After administrations total failure thinking he is a solution to anything boggles my mind

Here is what happened during his administration


This goes into the financial side


I wont go into his moral and character deficiencies and questionable associations with truly evil people before getting in the White House

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Hacking Democracy

Have you seen these videos?

Rigged USA Elections Exposed



The film the voting machine corporations don't want you to see. HACKING DEMOCRACY follows investigator/grandmother, Bev Harris, and her citizen-activists as they set out to uncover how America counts its votes. Proving the votes can be stolen without a trace culminates in a duel between the Diebold corporation's voting machines and a computer hacker - with America's democracy at stake.


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Mallock (Mollock?) is another top British agent pulling the strings of the empire. He is obviously connected to Chatam House, the MI6, the Privy Council, the Round Table, the WEF, and other secret opaque clubs. The most intriguing thing is the gigantic structure through which they control the clueless masses of semi-enslaved plebeians. Secondly, the failure of their relentless attacks against the dozen countries that still resist them. My impression is that they didn't expect the dimension of the Russian reaction in Ukraine, which made their progressive civil cultural and cognitive strategy inoperative as they can't really handle kinetic wars such as in Afghanistan, Syria, Mali, Yemen, Lybia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Burma, and so on. If you pay an army of whore actors and journalists you cannot focus on your stay-behind terrorists and fake yihadists at the same time. Now P2P, the ICC, the UN and the rest of these fake filantropic bodies are totally discredited, and no plans for new fresh puppets seem to be ready. It looks like the empire is losing ground.

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TQ for this article, it's brilliant in connecting many, many dots. unlike the misanthropic technocrats trying to force-fit us all in a dystopian, nanotech controlled grid, most of us love life, but clearly we have to put up a united fight to be able to lock them away in their lair (and throw away the key). as mentioned in the article an actively involved and well-educated citizenry is necessary, so FWIW pls consider volunteering at the local polling station or as a precinct member - https://precinctstrategy.com/

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Alpha dogs : the Americans who turned political spin into a global business

...."Unbeknownst either to them or to him at the time, Malloch Brown would become the driving force behind Sawyer Miller’s global expansion for the next five years. His work in the Philippines would give the firm a worldwide reputation for helping Davids aim their slingshots at Goliaths. And it would propel Malloch Brown into a career as “consigliere” to some of the most powerful men in world affairs: George Soros, the busy billionaire philanthropist; James Wolfensohn, the president of the World Bank; and Kofi Annan, the secretary-general of the United Nations" ...


consigliere: "A counselor or advisor, especially to Mafia bosses"

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Matt, I have to say, this my friend is an extraordinary piece. I swear there is no bottom to this rabbit hole in terms of how many psychopaths reside on planet earth. We have been lied to our entire lives; I always knew of their demise for humanity, but I never thought they'd get as far as they have. Amazing that they have forged ahead, and the people let them live, leaving me to understand that there is no such thing as a good politician. Thank you so much for your dedication to this work, you are an amazing human being. I defiantly will look into your publications, Many blessings to you,

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The really disturbing part is that these perps actually believe, or convince themselves that they are such wonderful people and 'defenders' of their confected 'realm'. You only have to listen to people like Oliver North and witness the 'work' of XE/Blackwater to become aware of how mentally impaired (from the norms of society) these people become. I'm not suggesting that Ollie North or the leader of XE are in the same league as LMB or the many like him, however, it does give one a glimpse into how these people become corrupted and transformed into 'other-beings' once they start being introduced into their concepts of power-circles. I don't for a minute believe that it is the power which corrupts this type of personality ... I'm of the opinion that is this type of personality/person which actively seeks out the vestiges of 'power' the better to use and abuse for their own self-satisfaction.

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Thanks for the insight. I hadn't considered one reason Putin is a target was because of Russia's security council veto. I always assumed it was because they thought he won't stop until he's in Brussels.

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Where does religion fit in, in all of this?

Surely that is a "blind spot" which if missed, then so too the permeable glue, filtering actions and intentions.

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Will Zoll covers that ground without ever saying the word Ashkenazi/Kazars ['Those who say they are Jews but are not. The Synagogue of Satan'] . They call their series 'Prussia Gate'. It's Brilliant.

Russia's Bolshevik Revolution was backed by Prussians [Kazars] . There's a good chance Putin is about to take his revenge on the non-nation state that destroyed Russia between 1917-1999. China has a similar history and motivation which makes their alliance against common enemies more interesting. Nationalist and theological elements within Russia, China, the US, Iran, India, Turkey, Brazil and South Africa are united against the Synagogue of Satan based in DC, the Vatican, Jerusalem and London .

The Russian diplomat's recent comment about how the most antisemitic people are often 'Jews' [air quotes] would apply to Marx, Soros and Hitler. His comment was not accidental.

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There is a "binding force" that glues their actions, intentions and beliefs, into one monolithic machine, it is the spirit of the machine.

While the Khazarian bit of it works well to explain the historical angle, it fails to scrape the surface of religion. For instance, how does religion factor in, when Putin, an Orthodox Christian, has a Jew as a Prime Minister? or a Jew leading the development of the Sputnik Vaccine?

It is strange, that the ones getting wiped out in this Ukraine conflict seem to be the only forces within Ukraine who were not only hostile to Jews, being Neo-Nazis, but were becoming a threat, in that they were refusing to take orders from Zelensky & Co, then suddenly they all get clustered in the Novorossiya belt & are being wiped out under the pretext of denazification?

There is the other issue, of why the Jew-run banks in Russia slipped the sanctions net, and Jew-led Wallstreet Banks like Goldman Sachs & JP Morgan Chase are left to trade?

"U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Katie Porter have asked the CEOs of JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) and Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) for information related to trading of Russian debt since the Ukraine conflict began.

"This maneuvering is legal under the sanctions ... however, it may undermine the work of the U.S. Treasury and the international community seeking to hold Putin to account," Warren and Porter wrote."

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Don't conflate Jew with Zionist. Zionists are not Jews; they hide behind the name. Hitler, Soros, Rothschild are Satanists pretending to be Jews. They originated in Georgia and later moved to Ukraine. They follow Babylonian Talmud/ Kabbalah. It's more occultism than Judaism

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The Azov and neo-nazi groups are like ISIS. They aren't under sovereign control. Ukraine is a failed nation and the CIA has been creating an army there to be used as they see fit. Azov were used in DC on Jan 6th for example. When Biden warned about 'White Supremacist' being the nation's greatest threat he was foreshadowing Azov mercs conducting terrorism attacks.

Putin wants stability and neutrality in Ukraine. He wants them as an economic partner. That can't happen until Azov is gone.

Trump hinted Zelenskyy is working with Putin to get the CIA & Azov & Right Sector out of Ukraine.

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Also, these Babylonian Talmud followers created Nazis and Israel. They funded both sided during WW1 & 2. They targeted real Jews during WW2. They're pure evil.

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1) In the 2004 election, Soros heavily backed John Kerry and yet you're saying that G.W. Bush cheated and won. And yet they were both Skull and Bones. I understand controlled opposition but why did Soros want to defeat Bush so bad if they were on the same side?

2) I've yet to see the Hacking Democracy documentary but Clinton was in power in the runup to 2000 and it was an historically close election, so its hard to see the Bush cheating you mentioned there. But G.W. Bush certainly did all Soros could have asked for during his tenure.

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Watch the documentary. At the time, the PNAC program was the top priority which found its host in the newly dominated republican party which had been taken over fully by the neo con parasite during the Clinton period and purged of 99.9% of its actual patriots. At the time of 2000-2004, the Democratic party still had more anti-war forces which have since been destroyed and it would have been more difficult to impose the sort of aggressive regime change surveillance state program that was then needed. Today, the democratic party has totally been absorbed by this borg and are integrated with the Bolton-neocon apparatus.

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Applied I F Limited, Non Political Forensic Investigation into Voting Integrity shows at U.K. General Election held on 7 May 2015 and SINCE, the Electoral Commission Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model which has 3 Primary Vote Categories Missing which is NOT Compliant with Electoral Laws nor is it Compliant with the Electoral Commission Voting 'Count Model for Counting Officers' which the Electoral Commission produced in 2010 to Regulate Elections and used up until Nov / Dec 2014. The Electoral Commission Corrupted Own Voting Count Model also allows Ghost Votes to be Added on an Industrial Scale. The Electoral Commission by Corrupting Its Own Voting Count Model has made all Elections including Members of Parliament Elections Unlawful and Null and Void causing the House of Commons to be an Unelected House causing a Constitutional Crisis, which has been happening across Many Countries in the Western Part of the World. Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of the Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Your Vote https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/ Go in Peace as Light awakens the Truth Very good article Matthew, at the beginning of their lockdown, 5G was being installed throughout the U.K. , which experts believe 5G can be used as a weapon and surveillance, since 2015 large parts of the Electoral Registers and Medical Records have been sold, opting in not out for organ donors ( could it lead to harvesting ? ), internment camps, invasion of the shores , depopulation , jabs which do not stop a person getting the virus or shedding the virus which have caused adverse reactions in many people, huge grants poured in and increased salaries to push an agenda in many sectors, planned inflation and food shortages to destroy the private sector, is this alleged treason and enslavement ? Thank heavens many people are working pro bono in the Interests of Justice.

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