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I have a Dlive account that I had never used, when I heard references to Alex, being the curious type, I popped over to Dlive and watched the whole webcast. I recommend everyone pop over and view it in it's entirety. Well worth your investment of time.

The "Great Reset" ; Every time a spark of something good in humanity starts to develop, gain momentum, then grow large enough to become a worrisome target for Mr. Global et al, along comes their counterfeit to dilute and crush this "uppity" movement before it can revolve and circle back in their face. They Know their history and have seen this before.

Their "Great Reset" is their counterfeit version to style the narrative of how they want this to go.

I prefer a more organic and inspired version of what I call "The Greater Renaissance 2.0", to this version and to this end, I'm all in.

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