LOVED this. The device of the old TV sets is really fun. The Sun Yat-sen quote made me tear up--Learning is hard, action is easy. I'd never heard it before but it certainly confirms the intro to my book where I say relax your activism, the problem's been 3500 years in the making and it will last a little more.

The activist impulse drives me crazy. People are willing to listen for 5 minutes before they're looking for the take-away: how do I fix it? It's so arrogant. If I were to name the #1 obstacle to system change it's this ADD knee-jerk need to jump into action and that reading, researching, understanding, discussing, strategizing, planning is all doing nothing.

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? Music too loud? Voice is like a whisper without power or emotion.

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Great vid. Good for promo. Get yourself on Children's Health Defence, interviewed with the chairman, The Highwire, Infowars, Joe Rogan, Rebel News etc, bring down this cabal, insane psychopaths. These people need to get outside, out of the city and smell the flowers, literally, reconnect to the natural environment and work up a good sweat, literally. If they want to improve humanity then it should be through the development of both the body and the mind, the ancient Greek ideal. A gymnasium in ancient Greece taught both academic subjects and physical fitness to boys, and in Sparta girls too were educated and trained physically and were allowed to own private property. The Spartans also banned money, they never instigated a war against anyone else (after they conquered the land some one else was inhabiting and subjugated fellow Greek into slavery). There are numerous lessons here applicable.

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I like it. Cheers, Matt.

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I have been a conspiracy theorist since the 1960s. My grandfather converted me as a boy by telling me JFK was killed by LBJ and the CIA. I don’t mean to be rude - I love to read your stuff and watch your videos - but this video is so bad I would take it down. It’s all over the place. What’s the point of it? Is it about Cass Sunstein?

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What a ridiculous position to cite a story told to you as a child and blindly accepted as some sort of qualification for challenging establishment narrative & insipid to crown yourself a conspiracy theorist using CIA's derogatory terminology.

What this video requires is critical thinking and some grasp of current geopolitical forces and conflicts. If you don't know where Cass fits in the puzzle why blame Matthew?

They did a wonderful job with this video; that assessment doesn't come from some childhood memory but from experience of a Washington career that spans from Watergate to Bush Sr. and includes time in the office of Hon. Otis Pike the House counterpart to the Church Committee. Pike findings were sealed by Congress in 1976 and most remain classified. I an NOT a conspiracy theorist but researcher and realist dedicated to exposing the genuine conspiracies by the power elite against the public.


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I meant to say watch your interviews.

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