Absolutely brilliant! Educational, entertaining, fresh... like nothing out there just brilliant!!

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this is absolutely amazing!,keep it up team,when can we expect more episodes? weekly,monthly ?

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It'll be alternating between Cynthia's 'Escaping Calypso's Island' series and this series. Each month we aim to have a new episode in alternating cycles

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Love your work. Truly. Just wondering what you think about YouTube allowing a video on their website. I tend to think that if they allow it, it somehow invalidates the content.

Strange how the manipulations and psychological operations have made me question everything.

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I have channels on Rumble and Bitchute which have much more content than what you will find on Youtube. If I speak about the topics which at least for the moment are vorbotten, I don't upload on Youtube, since the channel is shut down after 3 strikes. i have come close, but have managed to avoid it so far (but it's only a matter of time)... partially by erasing the vast majority of my content stretching back to 2018.

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Rumble is my first choice, although I’ve used links to your bitchute interviews and discussions. Why do people even try to keep YouTube?

Don’t hold back or change your thinking based on any platform. Your consistent integrity is what makes you and your wife a very important team in the world today.

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It's a give and take. I recently discovered that Rumble's primary owner is... Blackrock. So even that's pretty compromised, though it doesn't censor as much as Youtube. Bitchute appears to be the least poisoned, but it's infested with armadas of pro-Nazi bots that dominate comment sections which is also disruptive to thinking. For youtube, my current intention is to use it just to give subscribers access to my stuff who wouldn't know about what I do otherwise. But I do try to persuade people as much as possible to get off youtube.

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You can close comments on the videos you post on Bitchute though. It keeps the pro-Nazi bots and commenters at bay.

One (extensive) note on the video. I used to be a Mormon and I believe that Joseph Smith had a vision, but that Smith embellished it. (There are several versions of the [so-called] “first vision”.) Smith did both great good and great evil, but his good doings are only credible to those who have had a direct experience of knowing by faith that the following is true: “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.” After a person has literally (instead of merely figuratively) heard the voice of Messiah, the Good Shepherd, one becomes acquainted with the voice of Messiah, having been graciously gifted ears to hear. Even though this might come across as heresy and blasphemy, I recognize the voice of Messiah in the revelations that Smith received. Furthermore, I recognize that, because of transgression, Smith became a fallen prophet and began teaching doctrines of the devil. I recognize the voice of Messiah in the Book of Mormon, even as I realize that the followers of Smith (after Smith fell) and the followers of Brigham Young and the followers of all of the Mormon leaders after B. Young are all deceived and are all apostate and are all members of a luciferian mystery cult.

This being written, if you diligently search the Book of Mormon and the revelations given to the world by Messiah through Joseph Smith, you might be surprised to discover that these scriptures are very much in harmony with what the prophets and the apostles taught, some of whose teachings have been fairly faithfully preserved in the old and new testaments in our present day bibles. This is getting into some pretty deep stuff and I don’t blame you, Matthew, one bit if you decide to not search the Book of Mormon and decide not to search the book called “The Doctrine and Covenants”. The Mormon Church has edited both works of scripture, so it’s very unclear what is credible and what isn’t. So it’s easier to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Anyway, I don’t know of anyone else who has had a direct experience with Messiah prior to becoming exposed to the (so-called) “Mormon scriptures” and who then became convinced that, although the scriptures are true, the adherents to the Mormon faith are false and are apostate. And I fully accept the hypothesis that I could be deceived into believing that the Book of Mormon is true and that the revelations compiled in the Doctrine and Covenants are true. I think about it this way. The religion of the Moses-following Jews turned apostate. These apostate Jews rejected Messiah and the teachings of the apostles of Messiah. Some of the teachings of the apostles were preserved in the New Testament. The gospel was taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles. Then the Gentiles became as apostate as the Jews. (This historical apostasy is pretty clearly understood once one studies how Constantine essentially made [apostate] Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire.) The revelation of the Book of Mormon, about 1400 years after Constantine, was supposed to reform the apostasy of the Gentiles, but the Gentiles rejected the revelation as surely as the Jews rejected Messiah. Therefore, the restoration of the fullness of the gospel essentially (but only temporarily) failed. This failure does not negate the truths contained within the Book of Mormon (assuming that this book contains truths), any more than the failure of the Gentiles to convert the Jews and other tribes of the house of Israel during the time of the apostles of Messiah negates the truths contained within the New Testament. The tricky part seems to be centered on receiving the gift of discernment from the Holy Spirit. With this gift, perhaps an individual can suspend his or her disbelief and search the Book of Mormon for its harmony with the Bible. I am reasonably confident that the Gentiles reject the Book of Mormon, while claiming to believe in the Bible, to their mortal peril. That book claims to have been written both for the Gentiles and for the house of Israel. But, again, maybe I’m deceived. Maybe it’s the Bible-believing, born again (born from above), evangelical, fundamentalist Christian cult who are the true covenant people of God the Father and the only begotten Son of God the Father. I seriously don’t know which (so-called) “Christians” are good trees producing good fruit (aka wheat, in the parable of the wheat and the tares) and which “Christians” are corrupt trees producing corrupt fruit (aka tares, in the same parable). What I do know is that when Messiah explained about “other sheep I have which are not of this fold” in the Book of Mormon, I understood this to be the authentic voice of Messiah. If I am deceived and lying about this, then I accept that this is a grievous sin (ie I am of the devil, the father of lies) and that, if I die in my sin of believing and spreading lies without repentance, I will suffer spiritual death.

Thanks for reading. If I offended you, please forgive. Thanks.

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Points well taken. Yours will be a voice that my grandchildren will refer to.

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Feb 19, 2024
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Fun fact about the Fox sisters: One of them gave up the scam. She admitted it. The three tried to do damage control, but died destitute.

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Wow! The quality of the film and the narrators are absolutely amazing! Thank you guys!

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Wonder of history to reveal the struggle to understand why the sun shines and what it means for the survival of human hubris never fails to disappoint.

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Dear Matt,

I completely agree that the elite/theosphical/hidden hand idea that has hijacked the UFO narrative. But what do you say to someone, such as I, who has had a close encounter with a cigar ship and 3 smaller craft in broad daylight. These things do exist.

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Just sat all the way through one of your podcasts, I really appreciate what you do! Amazing keep it up!

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Very interesting. The music for me was a distraction and made thinking difficult ... too druggy and sedating. But that's just me.

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@Matthew Ehret very well done documentary.

I think you should stick to these kinds of documentaries, and possibly change your geopolitical views. Brzezinski was a great gaslighter, so when he wrote the sentence about the greatest threat to the NWO he was gaslighting people.

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Historyman. Thank you for your feedback. I'm curious as to your obsession with telling me on every occasion imaginable how wrong I am about everything you think differently about. It's quite manic and weird

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I dont know to be honest. I am sorry. but I am going to stop doing that. Keep up the good work on these kinds of documentaries. I look forward to seeing more.

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Matt what was done to your voice?

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no idea. I bought a new high end mic and tried to place my voice more consciously than when I'm ranting on podcasts

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