A great man with great vision. It's very sad that evil simply assassinated the great ones and corrupts everything, including the science we all wanted to believe in, but no longer can. Perhaps one day you will take a look at the obvious corruption of science that has been going on for centuries and is having a great effect on this world stage right now. China needs to return to trusting their traditional medicine as does India. They are the greatest medicine systems of the world; we cannot look aside from this evil corruption and simply assume that science is not corrupted by it. I could explain how in a longwinded letter but I will not. Suffice to say that everything I have researched from crop science, soil science, microbiology, cell theory, genetics -- all has been corrupted for a very long time. You need to add this in to your historical analyses.

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Matt, I really enjoyed all your insights, and this article in particular, but I was struck by the phrase “evolution of the species”. I know you know all this, but I feel the need to state it.

When I read “evolution” I think Darwin. What comes to mind is the notion that mankind is moving forward on a trajectory towards perfection. That we are getting better and better, smarter and smarter, and are somehow capable of perfection on earth.

When I hear “species” I think we are just another form of creature, like the animals. Fish, birds, canines, felines, humans. Rather than a unique creature created in the image and likeness of God whose destiny is eternal life with Him.

God willing, we can move societies away from wars and towards peace, we can create societies that take care of the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the helpless. However, we will never evolve to the point of not needing to fight against greed, selfishness, prejudice and violence. Each baby is born—a unique unrepeatable soul, with the potential for the greatest good and the worst evil. It is up to the family unit first, then the individual to decide which.

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Elliot knew all of this and then he ran the Coup in Iran in 1953. He betrayed his Father's Dream.

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On the matter of agriculture Vice President Henry A. Wallace’s family owned Pioneer Seeds. He knew more about corn and genetics of agriculture than any elected official ever. As a further measure of the trust FDR vested in him, VP Wallace headed Project Trinity; General Groves answered to Wallace and Wallace reported to FDR. Truman knew zero about nuclear weapons when he took office; Wallace knew the project thoroughly.

Matt, have you a place for a recorded collection of FDR’s speeches? I have a set off 33 1/3 vinyl recordings of FDR’s speeches that I bought for $15.00 in a second-hand store in Annapolis, MD when I was a plebe. I will have the speeches transcribed to DVD and send that to you. Peter

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