Matt, Thanks for telling me to watch the video. Trusting the FBI would be like letting your son spend the weekend with a 'Scout Master' in the woods. I've always known the Govt. whacked King. Really enjoyed his blurb on Hegel, et al ! Stunned that a self centered creature like Garrow could conjure up so many pages about that shallow creature Barry Soetero. Perhaps they discussed 'Big Mike' ?

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Roy Booherjust now

As for self annihlation I think that's been the whole game plan from day one. As for the means to do so, I think that's what the whole purpose of Einstein was, even his letter to our president was a lie, probably written under duress, blackmail in exchange for a visa. Einstein spoke often of his friend the mathematician often because he, Einstein, said that he was so poor at math, but you never hear about him, but a couple of weeks ago I ran into a picture of his mathematician friend, he was a black man, just like the guy performing the first open heart surgery was black, but no one, wants to talk about it. The people running the west are mostly racists, which is probably the reason why someone wrote a book titled, 'How Jews Became White'. And why a Song about chameleons became so popular.

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