I very much enjoy reading and listening to you, Matt Ehret. Superbly informative, you are, and your wife, too-- what a great team.

My comment, generally speaking: If male and female are two wings of the Human bird, so to speak, then what we have is a one-winged creature, with the feminine wing having been chopped off, and the bird flying in circles. Balance is what we've lost, and a bird that flies in circles is dizzy and lost. WW III? Stupifyingly insane. Time for BALANCE and a new cooperative Human Species... The New Paradigm.

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I'm sure this is the reason I've been drawn to your comments Jaan, and you to my Third Paradigm. Most of my episodes on moving towards a feminine economy are YouTube before I started cross-posting on Substack, but I think you'll like them. And I see the masculine/feminine as the two sides of the brain, with both sides stunted:

Legal Shaman & Economic Witches: https://youtu.be/Fz_6iAngaLA

Patriarchal Pyramid or Matriarchal Matrix?: https://youtu.be/dtID5Ho_OBY

Waking the Dragon Mom: https://youtu.be/E7IxL3WOf1w

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OK, thanks... I'm kinda slammed today, but I'll try to get to them soon. xo

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No rush, the problems of a patriarchal economy aren't going anywhere. I'm working on my next episode called Sex and Money, which will compare an evolutionary psychologist who says men with resources are naturally drawn to young fertile females vs. anthropologist David Graeber who explains why the money system forces young women to "mate" with paunchy stockbrokers.

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But I think most women understand why women feel compelled to "mate" with old rich guys... It's set up that way, for reasons of survival for some, and greed for the others... doncha think?

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OMG. I want to vomit! LOLOL Just thinking about that last bit... Okay, help. ^_^

I should get to one or two of the previously-mentioned videos...

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The 30% decline in population over 30 yrs in Ukraine, to what is that attributed, Matt? Is it all people emigrating or also birth and death rates? Very very interesting data and Lincoln history.

I woke up thinking that by 2030, the world will have gone in one direction or the other: we will own no property or businesses and exist at the indulgence of a few oligarchs or we will have taken back power at the community level, so we're protected by 'the power of a good example.'

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Thank you. We need more “CIA” Thinkers. Critical - Intelligent - Aware.

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Mr. Ehret, you've been poetically insulted in a recent article by someone named Larry Romanoff @ https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-jewish-hasbara-in-all-its-glory-lies-lies-everywhere/

just so you know.

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More jew crap. Focus on the problem = The Davos Club-of-Rome Malthusian Parasite Bankster Club with their vast wealth which stems from them having been given the most incredible welfare bum gift ever = the creation of our money supply.

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and a piece of desert to practice on exercising world domination.

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Always great work. Nice to see Strobe Talbot mentioned as one of the most influential players left in the background & relatively unknown even among the informed public.

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I despair. 😢

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Don't you own your thoughts and can always keep a positive attitude and be optimist about the future. We're constantly bombarded with another 'fear porn' that is intended to break us down for example now Monkeypox

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I'm much more interested in my money box than in a Monkeypox .Last time I counted the contend it turned out to be a SUBSTACK not an Upstack .

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Mr. Ehret should finish Kipling's poem before criticizing it, obviously he didn't, or didn't understand it, or Kipling. As for Smith, his point is similar to St. Paul's, that in spite of human self interest, God works all things together for good for those who love Him. In the case of economics, which is part of natural law, we show our love by respecting the natural rights of life, family, and property. If we show despite for God by despising those rights, God's invisible hand will still work all things together, but more for discipline than material blessing.

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Read the essay once more. I was criticizing Kipling as a man and not engaging in a commentary of his poem. As a man with a role and identity played out within real world history, everything I said about Mr. Kipling is absolutely true. A close friend and ally of both Milner and Cecil Rhodes who lived on Rhodes' estate during the genocidal Boer War which saw war brought to the women and children of the defenders of the transvaal republic both black and white, he defended the carving up of China and devoted his creative juices to these evil policies and much more as official poet of the British Empire pushing the White Man's burden onto humanity.

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"Now it is not good for the Christian’s health to hustle the Aryan brown,

For the Christian riles, and the Aryan smiles and he weareth the Christian down;

And the end of the fight is a tombstone white with the name of the late deceased,

And the epitaph drear: “A Fool lies here who tried to hustle the East.” (Kipling)

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Yep. He was smart enough to know Christian evangelizing wasn't the best way to carry out the White Man's burden

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Spot on Matthew.

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What do you mean that it’s never lupus? That there is a more specific undiagnosed issue?

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