A human's "energy" can be measured with a pH stick. The pH measurement is a measurement of your own embodied "Voltage".

Electric Universe. Learn to walk. You'll have "energy". Don't turn forests into ass wipe. You'll have "energy", free. Don't darken your days to brighten your nights. You'll sleep well and have "energy".

God, this cell phone generation. Fit for the spaceship, not much else.

And no, earth is not a spaceship.

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Hi Matt I am living in Portugal, the litle country that everybody think it's Spain. Well, I would like to know your opinion about the picture OZARK

I saw it on Netflix.

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yeah, you don't write on substack, you sell books and publish movies, sad

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It turns out that money doesn’t make the world go-round, energy does. But not even that is enough, it is man’s mastery of energy with does. But not even that is enough, it is man’s ability to promote genus, as a method, that does, for genius is imperative to making the necessary discoveries to enable the former. And unlocking potential with what you got, the science and art of bootstrapping, seems to ride along at the top of civilizational causality a notch or two below God, and partake of his powers.

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