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I do love your methodical work, Matt. Totally agree with your assessment about Dr. Malone. He’s too smart to be so targeting; finding every opportunity to shit on China. And it’s always as a whole, almost as if he’s ultra-racist about hating Chinese, rather than pointing out certain leaders that have proven themselves corrupt. It’s the same with how he targets transgender, not to point out real problems, but mostly just to shit on people it seems. I’ve posted a YouTube video about an alien’s perspective that’s more centered-realistic about it than Malone’s take. I believe the producer is Babylon Bee (not sure of the spelling).

In any case, Malone must know the Coronavirus was isolated and developed into a bioweapon in the 1960’s at the university of North Carolina, then “sent” to Great Britain by 1967. I’m still trying to pin down which lab and the exact month and year. But the COVID variants that ended up in China didn’t happen until just prior or shortly after 2020—transferred there from a Texas lab, as well as to several dozen other U.S.-controlled labs around the world…then sprung leaks simultaneously, with several different functions and targets for “very specific” outcomes. I’m sure by now he’s read my substack on the origins of COVID, or at least someone from his organization has.

If you were talking about Sir Isaac Newton, 1642–1727, English mathematician and almost-physicist, I agree that he definitely borrowed, if not outright stole some of “his” work from others, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t autistic. Narcissistic, perhaps. Most who are autistic, I’ve seldom thought of as a negative or would use that term as a derogatory when describing their character. Speaking for myself, and several other autistics I follow—discovery and getting it right is an obsession, for sure, but not in a narcissistic, false-pride way. Emotional to get it correct—yes, for sure, but it’s entirely about “needing” to solve the problem for a more “Complete Understanding,” which is very typical of every autistic I know, rather than being emotional to “believe,” then stomping and moaning about being correct just for the sake of being correct—is not typical of autistics, at all.

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