Great research & you guys are into it.

Ominia In Numeris Sunta Sint (Everything Is Veiled In Numbers) it is the primordial “G” they use code. The answer you asked about is the agenda to “Emanentize the Eschaton” to destroy the Godhead.

The Illuminatus Trilogies by Robert Anton Wilson speaks to it. They knew the all time human programming hack of Religion was getting found out, they knew that “Intelligent Design” was going to be the best likely dogma vs. Darwin’s plagiarized from Wallace works were going to be found out also. CGI/Ai/SKYNET all gave them the Nimrodism/Satanism Godhead to recreate the Frankenstein-esque genre gestalt we are living in.

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Another part of the answer is;

The myth is the means by which the

GAOTU provides meaning and a narrative to life. Myth continues to function as the single most galvanizing force in the psyche. They create (the “G” also means “Generative” principle. They are attempting to re-write twistory in the “now” present & future. He who controls the past Orwellian dogma …

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that was great ....im reading the coming race right now....its a mind control program and ritual template. from memory I would say that the Vril women, with their power to eliminate their husbands by a mere sideways glance, are to Bulwer-Lytton, the most 'submissive' he has ever known. This is the Crowley punch line 'love is the law, love under will'. Always sounded really creepy/rapey to me , so it is.

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The reason Newton didn't debate in public is he did not invent calculus, Leibniz did, and after Newtons death, his personal scribblings were locked away for over 100 years to hide the fact his head was buried in mysticism

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