Hi, I liked your article but you will find it was the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

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Great article, too bad Putin signed up for the "covid coup" and has his people wearing the mask of the fourth Reich. Can't help to realize Putin is in it with the rest of the World Economic Fascists. Such a shame to see the Russians wearing the swastika mask after their ancestors saved the world from the Third Reich....

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I’ve always trusted Putin, and admired his stance when he offered a kind of olive branch a while back, saying that the UN was an important entity that deserved to survive our current global chaos of geopolitical corruption — but only as long as it heeded the necessity of cleaning up its own house. Now that’s a pretty tall order, for such a sprawling octopus with hundreds of tentacles… but I’d still bet that observers of “white hat strategy” have had plenty of good reason to sense that behind the scenes, there is a tremendous amount of leverage at play.

As for “Covid”, the pandemic is nothing but theatre — however, it is theatre that can be used and played by both sides for their own ends. Since the globalist controllers sprung their contrived pandemic on the world in a last bid to consolidate their waning power, the good leaders of the world like Trump and Putin were forced to take it on and had to play things a certain way, and as part of their strategy, couldn’t call out the entire hoax without jeopardizing their own positions. The white hats have been playing things very carefully, and more astute intuitive observers have been able to see through the smoke and mirrors. In a world where inversion has served as the appearance of truth, not much can be trusted on the surface of things. I think that Matt Ehret has known this and has also played his part in very carefully calibrating his essays to benefit the white hats.

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Riveting reading and brilliant as usual. We live in interesting times.

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