Yes, agreed Putin’s words are pretty and way more intelligent and intelligible than the gibberish common to other current leaders. However I keep my skeptical stance in play - skepticism being the most desirable characteristics of a responsible citizen. His words are pretty, his support for the bad science connected with the Covid debacle is not so much. No one doubts Putin’s intelligence or the importance of the Russian people. But we must remain highly vigilant and critical until the full chessboard moves of all the world leaders, when viewed from the perspective of the WEF and international Corporatocracy, are revealed.

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Tulsi Gabbard is a perfect example, trying to become the new darling of the right, she completely downplays her WEF YGL membership, denies her voting record and sings the song of the patriot but her version is a lie.

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I often wonder if the WEF just puts these people, like Gabbard, Poilievre, etc, on their site, knowing it will cause people to not vote for them. Or at least to cast doubt on them and weaken the conservative vote. Gabbard is not currently running for any office, but she's still a voice and many libertarians as well as conservatives are listening. Poilievre is certainly gaining massive support in Canada and the real WEF puppet, Trudeau, is sinking. And when I think about it, why wouldn't you accept an invitation to attend a course with a powerful institution such as the WEF? Just to find out what they're all about? Just my thoughts. I've never trusted Gabbard much, but Poilievre? He denies being linked with the WEF, so who knows?

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Excessive dot connecting. When I connect dots about myself I suddenly find that I'm a CIA agent, but I'm not. Regarding Putin's listing on WEF he has since been banned and you know of course Putin was once a KGB agent, If I were one I'd be sure to attend every WEF conference. I have buckets of dots but I've learned to be circumspect on how I connect them. Like you say, "who knows".

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"CIA agent". 😆😆😆 That's funny. Maybe I do try to grasp onto anything to make excuses for those politicians I favor, but the left is notorious for smearing good people wrongfully and it angers me that they ruin lives with no consequence. Thank you for responding. You're a very insightful and level-headed person. Peace and God bless.

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It's a struggle for me. I have my hopes, letting go of them hurts but that is what faith is for.

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Yes, the assault of the kleptocrats is rising in pitch. Staying skeptical of all these rascals is necessary. Playing both ends against the middle.

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We are surrounded by so many lies our ignorance is showing.

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It's ridiculously easy to take the high moral ground and become a populist when you are surrounded with the lowest sludge in the universe.

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Agreed and the same with Giorgia Meloni and honestly, any other politician.

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While there are politicians I can count on one hand, that I trust, surely we should be giving the Giorgia Melonis in the game a chance to prove they mean what they say, without dismissing them out of hand? To be too negative about everything does not help our cause at all. The less the liberals have a hand in anything, is a plus for me. Then again, I had hopes for Boris Johnson and he sold out. So who do we look to, to stop this insane reset?

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But, while I await actual actions to back up the words at least I have no doubt that they know in depth what is going on and in Putin's case many of his actions parallel his words.

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Someone said something which stuck. If we’re not confused it’s because we don’t understand the situation? I see the hands of Klaus, the Uber villain, behind the curtain. Aren’t they all WEF trainee lackeys?

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Putin is correct. The burden to save humanity is now on the people of West. We must neutralize the Evil; nobody else will do it for us.

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wouldn't be a first for russki, though.. greetings from berlin

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Excellent piece, Matthew! Could not have stated it any better and I tried for several years. Kudos to you. This was perhaps the most important speech of the past few hundred years.

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#UncleSam has no clothes & is willing to burn down the entire planet.

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Great article (‘another’ great article); great writing (you and Vlad), incredibly important information for the future of our [bifurcating] species. We do have hope with statesmen like Putin to counter the WEF dystopian storm enveloping mankind .... if he survives.

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Helluva lot healthier than Buy-dem.

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Rational, human, beautiful and true.

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It's difficult, as an American raised to believe that my country stood for Freedom, Democracy, DECENCY... And all those years of being indoctrinated in school into believing that was so. And now I see and hear other people, another leader of another country, saying the things that seem so "American," things that I know are TRUE, and I am part of a section of my people that is a minority, perhaps always was, that understands that the United States was stolen from us and we were fed with lies and clothed in imperialist hypocrisy. We were betrayed. We are betrayed, and we are held captive, with those in power acting AGAINST THE PEOPLE, again, in an extreme and psychotic way, with the intent of actually KILLING US, the way they've been killing other peoples around the world since the beginning.

I am deeply ashamed of my countrymen/-women who are going along with this, some of them fervently, because of a deep-rooted cowardice and willingness to be led by Evil. I hope to survive this period and see the beginning of a new one, a good one. And I hope the suffering we are to endure makes us stronger. We're NOT the Good Guys, as a whole. My only solace is that WE, the little minority, or large minority, who knows? WE are the "good guys," the strangers living in a strange land that used to be the Shining City on the Hill...

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Very well said. I've never been much involved in politics, geo and otherwise, but the recent events of the world have forced me into it, unsought. Ever since, relatively late in the game, finding out about who really killed JFK, I've had a sneaking suspicion that we aren't the noble, do-gooders I thought we were. The past few years have changed sneaking suspicion into horrified outrage. Thank you for your comment. I am not alone and I'm sure that we are many. Stay safe and happy. It can be done if you stay in the moment. 👍💟👍🇺🇸

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What a bonding kind of comment! Thanks.

Stay in touch if you will. I write humor, but some serious things manage to slip in...

I very much relate to what you said above. And no, you're not alone. xo


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God bless you. 💟💟💟

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You, too, babe.

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A must read for everyone who hungers for the truth. The speech paragraph containing the following sentence shows that Putin understands what is at stake: "This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure Satanism."

Thank you, Matt, for your brave efforts and your fascinating discussions on Rumble with MelK.

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Thank you for sharing this. As an American patriot, I'm glad to see there is still a leader in the world able to express the truth and feelings of patriots in every sovereign nation. We the people of America stand with you.

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And in Canada! All over this globe there are those of us who see and know the Truth.

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I like how Putin admits the CIA bugs the homes and offices of politicians and senior bureaucrats in Western countries. Now you can get a handle on how they keep everyone inline to be obedient minions. Probably have video of all of them jacking off or screwing the maid.

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If Putin loses and the US wins what are the consequences? What happened to Germany after the 2nd world war will give us an idea -

“God , I hate the Germans!”, said Ike

“9 million Germans died as a result of deliberate Allied starvation and expulsion policies after World War II—one quarter of the country was annexed, and about 15 million people expelled in the largest act of ethnic cleansing the world has ever known.“.


"Other losses" by James Bacque

In 1992, the author of this book flew to Moscow to visit the newly-opened KGB archives, where he found documented new proof that almost 1,000,000 Germans died …… just in Western prison camps”

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The Biden regime will soon start starving its own people and blame it on Putin and too many Americans, blithely waving Ukrainian flags, will believe them. Even as they themselves are reduced to eating soda crackers and air for dinner. How do we fight such unshakeable indoctrination?

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Magnificent speech. I posted this excerpt on Caitlin Johnstone:

"Such self-confidence is a direct product not only of the notorious concept of exceptionalism – although it never ceases to amaze – but also of the real ”information hunger“ in the West. The truth has been drowned in an ocean of myths, illusions and fakes, using extremely aggressive propaganda, lying like Goebbels. The more unbelievable the lie, the quicker people will believe it – that is how they operate, according to this principle.

"But people cannot be fed with printed dollars and euros. You can't feed them with those pieces of paper, and the virtual, inflated capitalisation of western social media companies can't heat their homes. Everything I am saying is important. And what I just said is no less so: you can't feed anyone with paper – you need food; and you can't heat anyone’s home with these inflated capitalisations – you need energy.

"That is why politicians in Europe have to convince their fellow citizens to eat less, take a shower less often and dress warmer at home. And those who start asking fair questions like “Why is that, in fact?” are immediately declared enemies, extremists and radicals. They point back at Russia and say: that is the source of all your troubles. More lies."

This will definitely go down in history, at least in the other 95% of the world.

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Oct 7, 2022Edited
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Thank you for checking out my 'stack! So I'm thinking you saw I had one on Victoria Nuland IS Dolores Umbridge. For those who know Harry Potter, the resemblances were amazing from middle names to titles to, dare I say, looking rather toadlike. My daughter photoshopped a black fly on her head to match Harry's initial impression of the black bow in her hair "looking like a fly that had unwisely perched on the head of a large toad."

The same combination of petty vindictiveness under a childish demeanor. A Korean series called Vincenzo had a villainess with just that combo. And in a just world, she would be condemned to Azkhaban for crimes against Muggles, aka humanity. And yes, she is keeping mum these days. Cagy, that one.


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Oct 7, 2022Edited
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Oh did you watch the video too? It was my most ambitious putting those two story lines together but before I realized most Substackers only read, so I didn't transcribe back then. Yes, the Project for a Nuland American Century is coming along nicely. And you heard that the NIH just stockpiled millions of dollars of radiation sickness medicine?

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Oct 7, 2022Edited
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I remember reading that. I have one of my YT videos called Cui Bono Covid? that compares 'bio-defense labs' to breeding sabertooth tigers to test a repellent spray in case they came back in the wild ... or escaped ... or were set loose with a particular taste for Russian or Chinese blood: https://youtu.be/jSF7O2FI0S4.

Where does operation covfefe come from?

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Wow! We sure have a system from a very young age of indoctrination towards belief of the

'evils of Russia' well, maybe pre-Putin, there was cause but the true evils have been on our own grounds this whole time!

Matthew and Cynthia, will you please teach our children how to think for themselves!?! While you're at that, create a new system for educating our Canadian anthropology, sociology, change history to herstory and the likes...! Incorporate Natural Law and Peace on Earth for once and for ALL! Is that even possible or is human history too imprinted towards divide and conquer or is that even a misprint instead of an imprint? What does one even believe in beyond personal integrity and home in the heart!?!

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I imagine we ALL have to teach the children to think for themselves... Imagine being a little child in the USA during these times... We have to help them.

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Wow. Great article Matt. What a historic speech.

I actually believe we are at that great turning of the wheel of time in the history of humanity. Maybe it’s the end of the Kali Yuga. Maybe it’s the end of days as told in the Bible. Maybe it’s the great destruction before humanity’s next rise in consciousness. Whatever it is, those of us who see, in every nation, and here in the West, are choosing the right side of history. Truth is the Daughter of Time my friend. Ultimately, we can’t lose.

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Inspirational and much appreciated , thank you Matt.

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There are many people in Ukraine that realize that Russia is their big brothers. Yes there are slight differences here and there but overal the Ukrainians & russians are as identical as any 2 people canbe. Religion,language, common history, both are Slavs. If Russia were not there to defend Ukraaaaine over the centuries from Poles,Swedes,Germans,Austro-Hungarians Ukraine would not be here today. Time for Ukrainians to join up with Russia and become part of the biggest country in the world defended by a vast nuclear arsenal. The biggestr reserves of oil and gas and minerals and "black soil" earth,

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