Jul 21, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

A Great speech! Putin talks about Western Societies Golden Bil. Elite basically the WEF ☝️🌎 Order, trying to impose their warped sense of exceptionalism on rest of Humanity! Too Bad the mainstream media will ignore the speech for Western masses, as they push for WWIII after grinding Ukraine down to last Ukrainian through the US/ GB & NATO led proxy war farce!

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

LORD, protect this man.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret


I support Russia and Putin. ( My family on my Mother’s side are from the Ukraine. The Ukraine was trashed by Nazis back in 2014. NATO are the thugs of this world. Finally. At long last.

I’m in Nazi Canada/ Ontario. Fighting for truth and sanity ).

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Putin one of the great leaders in centuries, not only for Russia, but for the West and the world in general.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Thank you, Matt, for publishing this. Without trying to right the floundering geo-political ship, I will say the words seem more measured and adult than the rhetoric coming from the US/UK/NATO war hawks.

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Even though this speech lacked details it certainly was refreshing to get a global leader talking in terms of understandable and positive ideas and paths for moving forward.

I was wonderfuly free of woke messaging and irritating themes of transgender and the inclusive nonsense opined by the far left. Especially in the blundering speeches by certain top tier US government leaders as Biden all the way down to his cabinet and agency heads.

Who would have thunk Putin would become the voice of reason and hope.

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Hell, let's all move to Russia. I'm so damn sick of what is going on in our country. Damn sad.

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Putin is on the right track. He will restore as much of the Soviet Union as the republics care to join.

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Putin's Freedom of the People Speech is the complete opposite of the WEF, " You will Own Nothing and be Happy " while they have Allegedly Stolen and Own Everything to Starve and Enslave the People?

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"Two hundred years ago the profit motive was wholly dominant in industry, but today it is being rapidly displaced by other and higher driving forces. Competition is keen on this continent, but much of it has been transferred from industry to play, skill, scientific achievement, and intellectual attainment. It is most active in social service and governmental loyalty. Among this people public service is rapidly becoming the chief goal of ambition. The richest man on the continent works six hours a day in the office of his machine shop and then hastens over to the local branch of the school of statesmanship, where he seeks to qualify for public service." From 'Government on a Neighboring Planet," Paper 72 in the Urantia Book, Section 5. Thank you, Mr. Putin, for focusing on the pre-eminence of the individual!

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Fine words but tainted with enormous hypocrisy, especially when Putin is part of that very elite which continues to deny the fairness and sovereignty which he touts as essential for a nation to be free; his actions and policies toward his own people and anything akin to democratic dissent belie any semblance of credibility when he espouses his "love" for Russia.

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