Congratulations Matt, you've brought the crazies out.

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Can't debate with smug know-it-alls either. Which, hopefully, doesn't include Matt.

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You can't debate with people who aren't interested in honest debate, which hopefully doesn't include you. Mostly what I see below here is that.

I also see a lot of people taking one element of a complex argument, isolating it from all of the other evidence, and either wanting to restrict the exchange to that one element, or moving to another element when they are successfully rebutted.

I also see a lot of people who are antagonistic in their language, which is usually a good tell about their level of interest in honest debate. I'm not even sure all of these people are actual people. Hard to tell these days.

These symptoms, and others, seem to appear the most often when a sacred cow is being slaughtered. The controlled dialectic must be strenuously defended, both by agents and by dupes.

It amounts to a large expense of wasted time and effort and it's exhausting...which is mostly, if not entirely, the objective. Poison the community with nonsense, so that honest people can't make sense out of information.

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Calling any or all of the other commenters here "crazy" is not antagonistic, and has nothing to say about your interest in engaging an honest discussion?

See below, my question about whether Joly might have been the "plagiarist", rather than the anonymous author of the Protocols.

Also, I think it's worth debating whether the antagonism between Jews vs. Nazis and occultists is real, or whether it's all a dialectical magic show dating back to the time when Pharaoh sent the Jews to kill the Palestinians in the book of Exodus.

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My apologies that you were offended, but would you like to attempt to characterize it differently? Quoting from below:

"Let me debate your punk ass on this subject. I will send you home crying. Why would you push this pure propaganda piece. Try me jr."

"Genesis chapter 34 describes trickery and mass murder by Jacob and his family, just one of the evil deeds of than(sic) genre."

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Genesis 34: after some sort of ambiguous sexual dalliance between Schechem and Dinah, Schechem's entire tribe was talked into undergoing circumcision. While recovering from the surgery, "while all of them were still in pain, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, took their swords and attacked the unsuspecting city, killing every male. They put Hamor and his son Shechem to the sword and took Dinah from Shechem’s house and left. The sons of Jacob came upon the dead bodies and looted the city where[c] their sister had been defiled. They seized their flocks and herds and donkeys and everything else of theirs in the city and out in the fields. They carried off all their wealth and all their women and children, taking as plunder everything in the houses."

What else is that, but trickery and mass murder?

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This will be it for me – see my above comment about wasting time for an explanation as to why.


I'm well aware of the account.

Your "ambiguous sexual dalliance" sounds a lot like rape, and either way, the sons of Jacob were incensed by the "defilement" of their sister. Maybe you can work hard and find a translation that doesn't say "violated her". If you do, I'd say you're desperate and not on solid footing. Anyway, hence the motivation for the act by Jacob's sons.

Second, Jacob wasn't pleased by the action, albeit more because of his nervousness about dwelling amongst the related peoples in the area. Still, he did not approve.

Third, Chapter 35 starts with God talking to Jacob, and strangely there's no mention of the act. I guess God is a part of the "genre". Or maybe he's the demiurge? Whatever fits your narrative, however tortured it might be.

Fourth, Jesus was of "that genre", so I guess same goes for him.

Fifth, find me a "genre" that doesn't have actions in its history like the one that you so strenuously object to. The ambiguous part of the story is whether the brothers' actions was so criminal as it is being painted here.

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you can't debate with crazy

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Some thoughts from my world, of maths and physics. In the late 1960s I attempted to put together an economic model for the UK. No matter how hard I tried, no matter what I did, it always pointed to the collapse of the UK economy, and the economy of much of the rest of the world by 2010. That was just one of my hobbies. It's the sort of thing nerds do in the evenings.

My day job was long range planning for HMG so I had access to a vast amount of data and thought my model was fairly robust so I showed it to my boss. He too, it turned out, thought, as he put it, that Humpty Dumpty would fall off the wall around 2010. So, in my book,you can be absolutely certain that the people running the show have known for over 60years that a mechanism, such as a "pandemic" would have to be put in place to manage world wide collapse.

So much for my world.

Now for the much more interesting, and far more demanding, world of history. As history is always written by the winners how on earth is it ever possible to study it?

A great starting point for me was the realisation that I knew nothing at all outside of my own tiny little world. But how on earth could 5 billion, back then, 8 billion now, not clearly see that world-wide collapse was self- evident. And the most astonishing answer, to my rhetorical question, was that we are all tribal and that our sense of self for the vast majority of people is derived from our place in the tribe, and to rely on the Laws of Physics ie. science to live by would cast you out of the tribe, where you would have to live entirely alone, as no other tribe would ever take you in.

And History? Well it is, when all is said and done, nothing but the various stories each tribe tells about themselves and the other tribes and a good historian must have discovered some extraordinary place, outside of his tribe and any other tribe, to stand, in order to clearly see the world from.

A place such as Jung's collective unconscious comes to mind.

Anyway just my 2 cents.


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Wow, you fire all phasers. Good.

"... you can be absolutely certain that the people running the show have known for over 60years that a mechanism, such as a "pandemic" would have to be put in place to manage world wide collapse."

Pandemic and climate change. What you call a collapse, I call a unsatisfactory EROI - but perhaps we are talking about the same thing?

"... to rely on the Laws of Physics ie. science to live by would cast you out of the tribe, where you would have to live entirely alone, as no other tribe would ever take you in."

I live entirely alone (except for the wife, cats and dogs, that is). No tribe will take me in, which is my greatest accomplishment in life if you ask me. As an aside, since it's relevant to the article, the Jews (in my own family and at my former workplace) *have* tried to take me in but thanks no - not because I dislike them in particular but because I dislike tribes, all of them, as you might have figured out.

"... a good historian must have discovered some extraordinary place, outside of his tribe and any other tribe, to stand, in order to clearly see the world from. "

Ever tried Anatoly Fomenko? I will save you *a lot* of time.

"A place such as Jung's collective unconscious comes to mind."

FYI, Matt and his wife Cynthia both *hate* Jung and have documented why. I hate him even more - my capacity for hatred has no limits - but my experience tells me that his "collective unconscious" notion has some merit. I suppose he must have stolen it from someone else.

My two cents about your two cents.

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“…….many today still fail to recognize this fact due to the corruption and wealth wielded by a limited array of extremely influential Jewish banking families, or cults of black magic Kabbalists, who have been used as mercenaries for the oligarchy over the years.” So, they exist but are how limited? How much influence do they have over the overall Jewish population? For example, did they manage the Bolshevik Jews that slaughtered Russian Christians?

“…….Could it have something to do with the fact that the entire Old Testament is replete with interventions against occultism,..” Which Old Testament? The one translated by the 72 Jewish scribes in Egypt into Greek? The one rewritten in Baylon, the lair of the Whore of Baylon? Or the one printed in Venice?

“………Abraham—who was prevented from murdering Isaac by an intervention by God.” So, the Hebrews believed in and practiced human sacrifice up until the time of Abrham? It was 600 to 1000 years before all those verbally passed down legends were put to paper (stone or papyrus?).

I am not anti Semitic. Danny Thomas was Semitic. The 37000 Grazian being slaughtered by the mostly Kazarian Jews are mostly Semitic.

I am not anti-Jewish. My college roommate was Jewish. I knew his family well. We chased a lot of skirts together. But, he WAS NOT of Mediterranean descent and I never got the impression he was Zionist.

Finally, it ain’t just rich Jewish families. I suspect that a good portion the Jewish Kazarian royalty migrated to the City State of Venice after the fall of Khazar and shape changed from Jews to Christians. After all they had a reputation of being name stealers, changing religions as required would be a cake walk.

In conclusion I agree with you, People need to get off the Jewish kick and understand that it is actually the Ferengi that have taken them over and are using them.

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Sorry, but you are missing the fact of Roman Empire collapse - Venice was an uninhabited swamp then and Roman rich families run away to those swamps for their safety. The years match perfectly. This is also much more logical explanation, considering the vicinity of Rome and Venice, as well as other Roman cities around Venice (Patavium (Padua), Aquileia, Tarvisium (Treviso), etc.), they all sought refuge in the swamps of Venice...

Matt has excellent article and video lecture on Khazaria, if you are interested in the topic, I warmly recommend reading/watching it: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/why-the-jews-of-khazaria-the-himyarites

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You are preaching at the choir. As I stated "after the the fall of Kharzia". AFTER! I understand the time line perfectly. Venice went from 50 ruling families (the original Roman, Egyptian, Greek, and Babylonian oligarchs) to 200. I suspect the influx of Kharzian royalty had to do with that growth. Regardless, the oligarchs learned that as a group, operating as an aligned unit, their power and influence was hundreds of times greater. Webster Tarpley has done the best research on their history and influence. Then there is the Fondo which I believe still exists today.

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Stew Peters recent doc you linked was actually fine- that is until the 1/2 way point, when it turns dark and tries to rewrite history. Enough of Nazi apologist revisionism already! That said, it does help

to explain why so many rational Germans in a time of desperate state caused by western imperial powers in the wake( and build up) to WW1 fell for the propaganda. If we jump to today, and see how the phoney fabricated state of Israel is supported by a Zionist faction of oligarchs and duped politicians, there is a real parallel. Mainstream media and society has yet to catch up to the current embedded Zionists living within Western empire. Oddly, the upholders of “reformed” Nazi ideologies are also embedded within the same cabal. Strange bedfellows indeed.

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A disappointing display of mediocrity from Matt with avoidance of substance - deflect- obfuscate - vector to an emotional hook to steal and pander a false narrative.

Last battle Europa is important and fact based everyone should watch it without being directed by shills like Matt.

The Protocols of Zion was maybe plagiarized in part but that does not invalidate them per se the material question is whether they reflect an agenda and actions that continues to be unleashed as of the present.

Again read it for yourselves and don’t be controlled by shills like Matr

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"Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying." --Hamas Covenant

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Good article... Except the "elite" in Israel are NOT generally the Likudniks but the (Marxist elitist) Labourites... starting with Ben Gurion and Weitzman of the Jewiish Agency (i.e. British Agents) in the 1920s. Ben Gurion was responsible for the deaths of a million Hungarian Jews (read: Perfidy by Ben Hecht for details). Bibi is not one of them, regardless of what you may think. Why do you think the Israeli Globalists have been trying to get rid of him for 35+ years? Why do you think Soros and Iran pay for so many rallies against him, etc.?

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This is badly needed, so many decoys out there masquerading as patriot groups, and even otherwise well-informed people fall for them, because the branding is appealing.

This goes to show, that one has to look at all consequences of inferred assumptions of any given political argument, not merely take false bait tailored to one’s confirmation bias.

Thinking of the mental entrapments hidden beneath a seemingly solid bill of goods, might be hard, but getting used by one, is worse.

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Ron Unz posted an article this morning, mentioning the possibility that perhaps Maurice Joly plagiarized an early, unpublished version of the Protocols. He says that the Holocaust revisionist, Nicholas Kollerstrom, has offered the following arguments in support of this view.

(1) The Protocols don't mention Zionism, indicating it was probably written before the launch of that movement in the 1890's.

(2) Some testimony indicates that the original of the Protocols was written in French before it was translated to Russian and distributed.

(3) Joly's book was not famous, and copies would have been extremely rare, and it's unlikely that antisemites in Russia would have known anything about it.

Kollerstrom argues that the original Protocols may have been written by some Rothschild as early as the 1830's.

So: how is it possible to know, with any certainty, which direction the arrow of causality flows?

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Generally, ideas have a genetic-like quality that lets you trace them towards their origins, as color-dyes are used to trace underground aquifers.

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Excellent article, thank you!

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Israel in defence of itself is trying to eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah once and for all, not as you say "also incredibly evil behavior from Israel’s own Likudnik elite obsessed with a Greater Israel program involving ethnic cleansing of much of the Middle East" has Israel attacked Egypt or Lebanon or Syria or Jordan? No, it has not. It wants to be able to live in peace with its neighbours. Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorists and as Pete Hegseth says, he hopes Israel destroys them both.

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Sorry you missed the boat to the promised land- never

Too late to go there and see how successful it will be in a few years with all the smart people leaving, having just discovered what a mess of a phoney country they are a part of. Good luck with that

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We all agree that Israeli Zionists behave exactly like Nazis...

Read the article before getting enraged with Matt. He is on the same page as we are, and this article is excellent.

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"we" is not me

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Real patriots, libs, Rotarians, and Commie fruits ( good Cretans and better Juice) think and feel like Hitler alla time but try nut to act like hisms.

Real life saints and fake heavy hearted whores think like Hitler, feel like Jesus, eat like a hunger, and sleep like a dragon at a hoot·en·an·ny too

Real nightriders and sad daylight readers think like Hitler and every twenty seconds Satan (whirling with Gabriel) zooms between their ears (Boo!)

Real true believers and hypocritical deceivers think like Hitler when the storm’s a heavy hitter and can’t help but spark new schisms ever after

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Let me debate your punk ass on this subject. I will send you home crying. Why would you push this pure propaganda piece. Try me jr.

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Debate me on what exactly? That Hitler is awesome? That the Protocols are not fraudulent?

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Genesis chapter 34 describes trickery and mass murder by Jacob and his family, just one of the evil deeds of than genre. Then look at chapter 33, yes the significant number 33, where is found reference to the god of the Freemasons, El-El-O-Eh-Israel; God-God-Of-All-Israel, the legend of chapter 34 is just one exemplar of “Right Conduct” according to the Freemasons rituals, lectures and fictitious history. This is proof positive of the lies they tell, such as ‘it is not a religion’ and ‘we have no god’. Then consider the ritual for raising a Mason to the 3rd degree of Master Mason, where the candidate is blindfolded, led round the lodge by 3 fellow masons, stopping at 3 consecutive critical point, being ceremonially struck on the head by each of the three once at each point. The three participants are Jubelo, Jubela and jubelum, as described in the Bible, the three masons sent to kill Hiram, the son of a widow from Tyre to assist at the building of the temple in Jerusalem by Hiram the king of Tyre. After being hit on the head for the third time, the candidate is made to fake death, he is laid on a winding sheet, usually black with a skeleton image upon it, or he is laid in a coffin and in some lodges, lowered into a ‘grave’. He is then ‘raised’ from the dead (necrotism) and told that he is now above all Earthly matters. He is now free to use any of the signs and symbols pertaining to the 3rd degree of Master Mason to indicate that he is the son of a widow and therefore entitled to the protection promised in the Bible for the widows and the fatherless. “Cursed be they who pervert the judgment of the widows and the fatherless, and all the people say Amen.” And, “Pervert not the judgment of the widows and the fatherless, for if they call upon me, I will surely hear their cry.” In addition to their lies, they also commit fraud in passing themselves off as sons of widows in order to achieve preferment in court/legal matters and in business to the detriment of non-masons.


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