I’m glad you and your students seem to understand the evils of “Compartmentalization;” compartmentalizing used as a “weapon” that has evolved for centuries, starting within institutionalized education systems, which can best be identified and understood by examining the 1600’s to mid-1800’s—the Rockefeller’s takeover of education; scienc…
I’m glad you and your students seem to understand the evils of “Compartmentalization;” compartmentalizing used as a “weapon” that has evolved for centuries, starting within institutionalized education systems, which can best be identified and understood by examining the 1600’s to mid-1800’s—the Rockefeller’s takeover of education; science, engineering, economics & the fraud of charging people for energy and bogus medicines to treat diseases “they” have created. And then going back much further in time to recognize these patterns—the horrific repeated results, slavery & war on everything, both real and imagined—and reflect on the present multi-layered NWO enslaving controls; manufactured scarcity, unnatural stress, fear and war.
“They” have understood the importance of “compartmentalizing controls” for centuries, all starting within special schools for their slave-managers, such as Yale (“schooling” with the emphasis on temporarily remembering worthless formulas, statistics and dates vs. “educating” via independent minds” to facilitate individual creativity, honest competition and challenging everything to evolve science in conjunction with art—without fear—like John Gatto brilliantly explained).
The result of all of this multi-layered compartmentalization is what you and I recognize as the problem in our governments in Canada & the U.S.-D.C., the EU, NATO, UN-WHO & WEF…; micro-managed & controlled “professional” politicians dictating & managing an enslaved population via corrupt NWO regional and state unelected governments working in the shadows, which control all media and our shit public schools.
Think of these selected politicians most believe they voted for as if they are all Jones Plantation professional slave-slavers of lesser slaves (while using horrible derogatory terms like nigger, goy, Jews…all “compartmentalized” slave titles, not a religion or of a human race; but the complete opposite of naturally-diversified, healthy-interbred and beautifully-cultured peoples).
I’m hopeful that many are beginning ing to realize these truths, which is so damn necessary, but we must not be so damn afraid of calling a spade a spade for fear of being singled out with bullshit, punishing name-calling, such as antisemitic. You keep saying, I think, that the problem trapping people from understanding the truths of the power-structures and struggles between these powers is that the rest of the severed population are trapped to false beliefs of generalized historic events or micro-problems created by the isolationists, but then you seem to fall into that same trap feeling you need to be apologetic for those you know are racist criminals hiding behind the term Jew.
Israel is NOT made up of diversified Chinese or Italians, but isolated, racist slave-Jews, and who cares who or what created Israel. What matters is that the majority people agree that those controlling Israel, just like most governments, are evil, compartmentalized, “inbred” Eugenicists, for the most part. But even the common citizen of Israel will repeat over and over that Palestinians disposable, but they, the Jew are “chosen;” that all others worldwide, not just Palestine, must be exterminated. Yes, yes, yes, I too have friends in the region who are NOT racist Jews, and are being labeled “self-hating Jew,” which is just as stupid as calling someone an antisemite. But damnit, that’s not the fault of the majority of non-Jews who are being murdered by Jewish-created wars and disease profiteers.
The Satanic, Eugenicist, Racist Jews, like Soros, Kissinger and Gates, must be referred to as evil JEWS, because they are. If these monsters self-identified as Italian, Russian, Chinese…everyone on earth would be calling them Chinese-Gates, Russian-Kissinger, Italian-Soros, not just simply by name Bill Gates, etc. Correct? For the Love of Humanity, Matt, start calling them EVIL JEWS, and admit nobody on earth of the majority people are now nor have they ever been naturally, deeply racist or anti-religion, and that anyone using the term “anti-Semite” is either a reckless tool for whores like Rothschild & Rockefeller or complete dolts.
This weapon controlling the slave Jew and everyone else on earth—compartmentalizing—like in Israel, has created all of the problems of the world keeping most of the 8 billion people stifled and stagnant; the reason why most are no longer individuals capable of critical Left & Right brain problem-solving (yes both hemispheres are definitely connected, though separate) and cannot snap out of their delusions to begin building the infrastructures necessary that would allow each individual to save themselves—therefore save each-other, indirectly—therefor save all of humanity.
I know you can see this. I’ve listened to you enough to know you get it. I to appreciate philosophy and theorizing, particularly [of] science. It’s wonderful, just as understanding the importance of free individual minds in well stacked science labs, fair competition and realizing ART to be the holy grail (the glue) that truly verifies science truths—that it’s the most important realization individuals can make. Science and Art are one, jsut like the left and right brain hemispheres. But when separated and it’s pupil-researchers compartmentalized in mind and in class—unnatural chaos evolves, and along with it, fear, distrust and war.
I need your help to wake up those already educated (the university-institutionalized-professionals) more so than the uneducated, because too many uneducated, distracted people of the majority are still believing their sudo-science master’s shit explanations, whether the fraud of climate-change (global warming and the fear of carbon dioxide), pandemics, fighting terror, global offensive-defense militarization and all the bullshit wars against life itself. We must end the monstrous fraud of overpopulation and scarcity, which the desperate people-majority then use as justification for killing.
I need NOT to be in conflict with you, or any other self-taught brilliant minds over incidentals where we may disagree, especially if there’s emotional attachments over “beliefs” rather then logical understandings using the whole brain. I need your help to evolve the truths we agree upon that will end the unnatural divisions, while still appreciating the right of the individual to “discriminate for one’s self.” Private, individual discriminating is natural and good, but public discriminatory policies (like Israel) at our borders and depopulation (as Kissinger & Gates emphasize is goon and necessary) is the death of humanity.
You get it. Our infrastructure sucks satanic dick, Matt. So does the belief “everything” like energy must be for profit. Anything individuals create can be sold for profit with proper, limited regulation so to make sure labels are true and to ensure a fair exchange. But making an abundance of natural electric energy scarce for profit via “tooling” physics, economics and infrastructure to trap the world, just like water, has always been an ass-fisting fraud used to get the people to blindly accept war and killing each-other. Help me end this lie.
I’m glad you and your students seem to understand the evils of “Compartmentalization;” compartmentalizing used as a “weapon” that has evolved for centuries, starting within institutionalized education systems, which can best be identified and understood by examining the 1600’s to mid-1800’s—the Rockefeller’s takeover of education; science, engineering, economics & the fraud of charging people for energy and bogus medicines to treat diseases “they” have created. And then going back much further in time to recognize these patterns—the horrific repeated results, slavery & war on everything, both real and imagined—and reflect on the present multi-layered NWO enslaving controls; manufactured scarcity, unnatural stress, fear and war.
“They” have understood the importance of “compartmentalizing controls” for centuries, all starting within special schools for their slave-managers, such as Yale (“schooling” with the emphasis on temporarily remembering worthless formulas, statistics and dates vs. “educating” via independent minds” to facilitate individual creativity, honest competition and challenging everything to evolve science in conjunction with art—without fear—like John Gatto brilliantly explained).
The result of all of this multi-layered compartmentalization is what you and I recognize as the problem in our governments in Canada & the U.S.-D.C., the EU, NATO, UN-WHO & WEF…; micro-managed & controlled “professional” politicians dictating & managing an enslaved population via corrupt NWO regional and state unelected governments working in the shadows, which control all media and our shit public schools.
Think of these selected politicians most believe they voted for as if they are all Jones Plantation professional slave-slavers of lesser slaves (while using horrible derogatory terms like nigger, goy, Jews…all “compartmentalized” slave titles, not a religion or of a human race; but the complete opposite of naturally-diversified, healthy-interbred and beautifully-cultured peoples).
I’m hopeful that many are beginning ing to realize these truths, which is so damn necessary, but we must not be so damn afraid of calling a spade a spade for fear of being singled out with bullshit, punishing name-calling, such as antisemitic. You keep saying, I think, that the problem trapping people from understanding the truths of the power-structures and struggles between these powers is that the rest of the severed population are trapped to false beliefs of generalized historic events or micro-problems created by the isolationists, but then you seem to fall into that same trap feeling you need to be apologetic for those you know are racist criminals hiding behind the term Jew.
Israel is NOT made up of diversified Chinese or Italians, but isolated, racist slave-Jews, and who cares who or what created Israel. What matters is that the majority people agree that those controlling Israel, just like most governments, are evil, compartmentalized, “inbred” Eugenicists, for the most part. But even the common citizen of Israel will repeat over and over that Palestinians disposable, but they, the Jew are “chosen;” that all others worldwide, not just Palestine, must be exterminated. Yes, yes, yes, I too have friends in the region who are NOT racist Jews, and are being labeled “self-hating Jew,” which is just as stupid as calling someone an antisemite. But damnit, that’s not the fault of the majority of non-Jews who are being murdered by Jewish-created wars and disease profiteers.
The Satanic, Eugenicist, Racist Jews, like Soros, Kissinger and Gates, must be referred to as evil JEWS, because they are. If these monsters self-identified as Italian, Russian, Chinese…everyone on earth would be calling them Chinese-Gates, Russian-Kissinger, Italian-Soros, not just simply by name Bill Gates, etc. Correct? For the Love of Humanity, Matt, start calling them EVIL JEWS, and admit nobody on earth of the majority people are now nor have they ever been naturally, deeply racist or anti-religion, and that anyone using the term “anti-Semite” is either a reckless tool for whores like Rothschild & Rockefeller or complete dolts.
This weapon controlling the slave Jew and everyone else on earth—compartmentalizing—like in Israel, has created all of the problems of the world keeping most of the 8 billion people stifled and stagnant; the reason why most are no longer individuals capable of critical Left & Right brain problem-solving (yes both hemispheres are definitely connected, though separate) and cannot snap out of their delusions to begin building the infrastructures necessary that would allow each individual to save themselves—therefore save each-other, indirectly—therefor save all of humanity.
I know you can see this. I’ve listened to you enough to know you get it. I to appreciate philosophy and theorizing, particularly [of] science. It’s wonderful, just as understanding the importance of free individual minds in well stacked science labs, fair competition and realizing ART to be the holy grail (the glue) that truly verifies science truths—that it’s the most important realization individuals can make. Science and Art are one, jsut like the left and right brain hemispheres. But when separated and it’s pupil-researchers compartmentalized in mind and in class—unnatural chaos evolves, and along with it, fear, distrust and war.
I need your help to wake up those already educated (the university-institutionalized-professionals) more so than the uneducated, because too many uneducated, distracted people of the majority are still believing their sudo-science master’s shit explanations, whether the fraud of climate-change (global warming and the fear of carbon dioxide), pandemics, fighting terror, global offensive-defense militarization and all the bullshit wars against life itself. We must end the monstrous fraud of overpopulation and scarcity, which the desperate people-majority then use as justification for killing.
I need NOT to be in conflict with you, or any other self-taught brilliant minds over incidentals where we may disagree, especially if there’s emotional attachments over “beliefs” rather then logical understandings using the whole brain. I need your help to evolve the truths we agree upon that will end the unnatural divisions, while still appreciating the right of the individual to “discriminate for one’s self.” Private, individual discriminating is natural and good, but public discriminatory policies (like Israel) at our borders and depopulation (as Kissinger & Gates emphasize is goon and necessary) is the death of humanity.
You get it. Our infrastructure sucks satanic dick, Matt. So does the belief “everything” like energy must be for profit. Anything individuals create can be sold for profit with proper, limited regulation so to make sure labels are true and to ensure a fair exchange. But making an abundance of natural electric energy scarce for profit via “tooling” physics, economics and infrastructure to trap the world, just like water, has always been an ass-fisting fraud used to get the people to blindly accept war and killing each-other. Help me end this lie.