This is an exceptional historical account, which brings forth facts which help those of us who have never learned the truth about Russian history. My grandparents escaped from Russia at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, and not one word was said about it again. Spending the last couple of hours reading this historical masterpiece you have composed, has completely made me feel more connected to my roots. Thank You, and God Bless you and your wife for your valuable and needed work.

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I would recommend Antony Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution” if you want to dive deeper.

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Thanks, again, Matt for shining a light on history or the past.

Recently I picked up where the expression “bull” came from... Long ago.......Declatations of dogma were made...in what were then called papal bulls😎...

Well, it turns out that I've been fed and came to accept as ‘truth’ lots of bull in “history” books that has turned out to be bs!

Your (and Cynthia’s) various presentations and books have truly been enlightening.


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The Russians have been through their dark night of the soul. I fear ours is still ahead.

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Oh it is. And it's for that reason that history is no longer taught in schools. At least not "real" history.

If it were, people would see what's coming from a mile away! We wouldn't be wondering what horrors lie ahead.

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Fascinating context to bring clarity to our precarious times. So amazing how this relatively recent history is obscured and virtually ignored. Thank you Matthew.

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It's ignored for a reason and when challenged they can always slap you with the anti-Semite label to discredit you, although it is widely recognized that Bolshevism as well as Neo-conservatism were predominantly movements populated by people of Jewish origin that were and are completely secular in faith.

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Excellent work Matthew. Have learned or clarified so much. Thank you.

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The more I look into this untold world history the harder it becomes to converse with conformist minded people. Stalin was ruthless, but I now begin to understand why he did what he did to save Russia from these malignant forces thrust upon it.

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Brilliant essay that is a great overview for the average person of the complexities of our current global, political, social and economic paradigm. It's a must read. Thank you for your work and for your contribution at the Never Again event that I attended in Hamilton, ON.

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Check out the Monte Verita commune. Trotsky and Lenin, Kropotkin etc were all there at some point. Many people believe the commune was 'organic'....it may have been...it was a useful meeting place for revolutionaries etc., and, because of that I'm sure that various interested governments/intelligence agencies had plants amongst its members. Check out 'The Cuckoo Town' podcast, they did an episode on Monte Verita, towards the end they mention the likelihood of what I've just described. It also mentions how Lenin (from memory, maybe Trotsky) were both in London and Washington at some point before the Russian revolution.

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Your finger is on an extremely important core pulse of recent history. This will be the topic of my wife's upcoming book on the occult roots of fascism

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How the British Invented Communism

(And Blamed It on the Jews)

The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution

By Richard Poe


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Great synthesis of many works of researchers such as Sutton, Saunders, Abella and more. That Abella quote got me thinking of track, trace and database but also the biblical concept of being “marked” and how a number is always involved in that process. It breaks the human element down into binary code both as an allegory and quite literally. This “science” or “progress” is slowly becoming the personification of the social engineers philosopher stone, Arthur C Clarke’s third law. As WOPR ironically said in the movie Wargames, “The only winning move is not to play.”

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Nice work!

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Thanks Matt, I will check it out.

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Thank you, Chris.

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Thanks for these insights, and for highlighting the important work of Grover Furr.

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Una rivisitazione della storia cui mi trovo poco daccordo in alcuni punti specialmente riguardo il bolscevismo ed i suoi finanziamenti ( mancava il vagone piombato). Su Trotsky istitutore del paradigma neo conservatore una forzatura. Per quanto mi riguarda era un personaggi misterioso e contraddittorio, ma bisognerebbe omaggiarlo e non denigrarlo visto come è stato trucidato da Stalin insime ad altri 140 membri rivoluzionari del Politburo. Cos'era Stalin al confronto di Trotsky? Sicuramente lui, un amico dell'occidente per come è stato finanziato nella seconda guerra mondiale dagli USA. Per questo era a favore del comunismo in un solo paese e contrario all'internazionalismo socialista nel mondo.....!!??

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The basis of all these revolutionary ideas was set in Lurianic Kabbalah. By the 14-15th century Kabbalah had metastasized as a cancer in the whole Catholic church and the church heirarchy was the chief spreader of Kabbalistic ideas. By the 16-18th century the religion of the upper class Europe and its offshoots from East to West was Kabbala with some Germans and Anglos also valorising Dharmic Tantrism especially for its inherent master slave system, blood sacrifices and sex magic as an alternative path to Lucifer's paradisical age. The interesting thing is how they hide Kabbalistic ideas under the veneer of secularism, progressivism, leftism, environmentalism, communism and so on. The separation of church and state was a farce in Europe - Occultists like the Rosicrucians, Sabbattean Frankists, and Freemasons separated the church and state only to tie it to Solomon's occult revolutionary and aurovaginal temple and its religion based on permanent apocalyptic violence and messianic vengeance. Where will all these stop? As you can see in the comments itself non-upper class European peoples were kept out of the Kabbalistic circles of the adept virtually creating a caste system and the descendants of these people crave normalcy, moderation and traditional human values. But the system they are against controls banking and the flow of capital as well as a huge military -intelligence complex. By 2027-30 conclusive defeat of this system in a war with China-Russia might be the beginning of the end. The birth of Kabbala in Europe and Rosicrucianism in the 12th-13th Centuries literally marks the unbinding and unleashing of the god of upper class Europe - Lucifer or Satan on earth. These ideas of the western elite including the Frankfurt School, Marxism, Transgenderism, and Transhumanism are Kabbalistic, Luciferian and Satanic. When will this vicious cycle end - 1000 years from the 12th century or 2000 or 500?

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NO. That is SUCH a GROSS oversimplification - but unfortunately, all TOO typical of late.....

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