well written article.

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Plrese both enjoy a Joyful Christmas and a more peaceful New Year, with intellectual love and respect

from Spain

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Just excellent. Muscular thinking that is rarer than a Partridge in a pear tree. Well done sir! All best in 24 and keep up with the heavy lifting. From Idiocracy...


"I thought your head would be bigger..."

In that spirit...you must wear BIG hats, sir!

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A conversation between you and James Lindsay (ConceptualJames, New Discourses) would be absolutely fascinating.

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You might like my podcast on False Authorities:


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Excellent. Can’t wait for the next installment

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Do the various intelligence services take orders to undermine and assassinate from whomever happens to be in charge in Tel Aviv , London, Washington? I know that MI 6 sent psychiatrist Solly Jacobson from London as handler of the assassin of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd on 6 September 1966 ( note the 666) . Let’s also remember Dag Hammarskjold.

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The destruction of freedom and human life wrought by Lincoln far outweigh the pretty and hypocritical words of himself and his advisors.

It shakesy confidence in anyone unable to see and appreciate England seeking to manipulate the situation to it's advantage is only tangential.

The War of Northern Aggression was never founded in decency, much less prosecuted decently.

It was a horrific War Crime.

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Lincoln got assassinated for doing something that threatened to undermine the entire system of oligarchism which has been plaguing humanity for thousands of years. Don't be so quick to jump onto the anti-Lincoln bandwagon. I did a presentation on this with Mel K recently which you can watch here: https://rumble.com/v3e07e0-mel-k-and-matt-ehret-is-lincolns-greenback-movement-a-viable-economic-solut.html

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In a way I see right and wrong as the only thing humanity can know for sure. There is no grey area in my eyes, and we all know the the difference, because it’s engrained into our DNA. For me that says a lot about what we are dealing with hear when we look at the evil behind the corporations, the medical industry, the politics, the laws, the education system etc. no good person wakes up and decides war is a good idea, in fact I would say the majority of people would be completely against the idea of harm coming to another person. That says a lot about the wars we have been in, they were thought out carefully in advance, by the kind of evil that has no regard for human life. A person doesn’t have to look very hard to see how big the lie actually is. Coming to the realization that right and wrong might be the one and only truth we can be sure of in this world led to my belief in god. I truly believe that the kind of evil that has no regard for human life, that is clearly trying to control the world we live in and, turn us from the truth can only be one kind of evil, the original kind. The term itself comes from the Bible. The public school system taught me to be an atheist, it’s crazy how far fetched the idea of a creator seemed to me at one point, it was like believing in Santa clause, but the truth is in plain sight everyone may not see it, but everyone feels it.

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“Over the years, I have come to the conclusion that history is best understood as a living process shaped by 1) ideas of good and evil, 2) decisions to act according to those ideas whether right or wrong, and 3) the freedom to embrace error, corruption and lies which often wear the clothing of truth. When those false ideas are permitted to shape the cultural standards of what is considered “normal” for too long, decay across all spectrums of life can be found.”

Our English word “history” is derived from the Greek word “historia” meaning ‘inquiry, narrative, account’, which is derived from the Greek word “histōr” meaning ‘learned, wise man’. What does it actually and deeply MEAN to be learned and wise about various inquiries into the narrative accounts about how various cultures who have embraced imperialist socialism have come to dominate (aggressively coerce) the world? I think that to be learned and wise is to propose solutions that are in accordance with The Good and that are in harmony with God’s will. Exposing the problems of imperialist socialism and exposing the evil doings of the imperialist socialists — as good as this exposure is — isn’t enough.

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thanks... however you have little understanding of the bifurcation of true Mystery Schools ..their intent and practices.. that were shifted at various junctures in a hierarchical patriarchical control system rather the egaltarian search for true Gnosis of the Organic Light.. Your reading of history is somewhat infantile in this respect as you align mystery school;s solely with the Mind Parasite of NWO control that uses the skewered concept.that we saw thrust in the drug soaked 60s... Its like differentiating regular well meaning jewish people from the Zionist infection

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I don't believe that quote is from Cecil Rhodes' wil. I think it instead appeared in his "Confessions of Faith" written when he was 23.

We are told that this document was included along with his will, but then other sources suggest that the suggestion for secret societies was removed at the time he wrote his sixth will and replaced with the idea for Rhodes scholarships (see https://www.lewrockwell.com/2015/07/no_author/carroll-quigleys-conspiracy-theory/ "In his sixth and seventh wills, Rhodes switched from calling for a Secret Society to the Rhodes Scholarships to promote Anglosphere unity. (Probably the most famous living Rhodes Scholar is Quigley’s old student Bill Clinton.)"

That said the same source argues that Rhodes intent remained the same - just that he did not any longer wish to state it publicly in his will. Still - it seems slighly murkier than it is often portrayed.

My own view is that in this matter Rhodes was the catspaw of Rothschild who intended not the furtherance of the British empire at all, but its eventual destruction after it had served its purpose. Rhodes led Rothschild's "British South Africa company" which leveraged the military might of Britain to fuel the Rothschild fortune, just as the East India company had done before.

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The first president of the Rhodes Trust (for 20 years) and mentor of Rhodes was a leading figure from the Anglo-Canadian oligarchy and member of the family compact named George Parkin whom Quigley cites in his Anglo-American Establishment book extensively. Parkin points out that all Wills from the first early Confessions of Faith to his seventh will must all be seen as a unity of intention. The Rothschild dynasty is a mercenary dynasty entirely beholden to the much older and much more powerful black nobility of inner families of Europe

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Appreciate that, HTM.

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While I was researching Russell Brand for several articles, I noted the following:

He dated Jamela Khan (nee Goldsmith) who was Editor at the Fabian journal, The New Statesman.

Brand enjoys his New Age pseudoguruism and Kundalini yoga, much like David Icke, and the two promote alien nonsense often.

The Fabian Society is responsible for the phrase "New Age" taken up by Theosophist Alice Bailey, who promoted it toward a "New World Order".

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I'm increasingly persuaded that Brand has demonstrated a capacity to change and grow as humans being human do from time to time. Despite his blind spots, I do believe that he is a genuine person who shouldn't be assumed to be guilty for his past associations and questionable sexual behavior

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How would that change if there were evidence that he is intelligence and promoted by intelligence?

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The term "intelligence" is too vague in this case, since it isn't a homogenous thing. This is also why Q anon was a successful psy op: it participates in a degree of truth but then amplifies, cartoonifies and mystifies the reality that there are figures within the intelligence world that have not been a part of the zombie borg death cult of jedi superhuman freaks. This is why the Dec 2007 operation to bomb Iran failed (with the National Intelligence Report published while Cheney was in heart surgery proving that Iran had abandoned their nuclear weapons ambitions at least as early as 2003, but likely much earlier. Also the efforts by General Dempsey (head of US Joint Chiefs under Obama) to build diplomatic bridges with Russians in Syria and subvert the neo con warhawks. Flynn played a positive role during this period while heading the DIA (2012-2014). Flynn again appears to have played a positive role in organizing US-Russian cooperation, while promoting energy sovereignty for the middle east with viable reconstruction plans vectored on nuclear power for all middle east countries... and earned the ire of the entire deep state which ultimately led to his being fired by Obama, and the whole witchhunt against him starting before he began as National Security Advisor under Trump where he was working to broker diplomatic bridges with Russia. This, and much more implies why I don't think he is part of the death cult game plan even though he has associated with agents.

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And yet, Flynn is buddies with Leigh Dundas who pushed the military health database false numbers widely, keeping my analysis from helping the military establish a case to get out of the vaccine trap. The Scientologist Dundas is also involved in what I strongly believe is a shady anti-trafficking org, started by a Hillsong Church elder is who an admitted pedophile, and according to many a trafficker.

Flynn's Archangel St. Michael prayer was lifted from the Theosophy faithful:


On the other end, Russell Brand dated the London banking side connection to the Fabian Society, Jamela Khan. That's before we get into his constant use of occult imagery, alien pushing, and fake guru pushing (Kundalini is the same yoga school David Icke says the energy of which surged through his body bringing him to the truth).

That's just a smattering of the material that I've collected, but I'm putting together on a Bannon-Epstein article that may clarify a great deal more.

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Over the years I've had to really train myself to walk in nuance while also recognizing that deep deep evil exists (as does deep deep goodness as a pure force of the universe expressed by certain very very rare exceptional individuals from time to time. But both are sooo rare. The majority fall into grey zones as mixtures with more or less influence from their lower or higher selves at play. Those personality types that fall into that greyzone can be inclined to participate in either negative or positive dynamics depending upon the context, and influences that move them (with of course a certain limited amount of inner directedness too). Those who have the least inner directedness are entire shaped by doctrines (either religious or atheistic in form) which they haven't thought about themselves and are thus condemned to a sort of computer-like prison of mind and identity. Very sad.

Regarding Flynn's association with bad actors, I can't condemn someone for a crime of association within the real political world, or else I'd have to condemn nearly everyone in all of history who did anything politically because at various points they had to play ball with arrays of bad actors.

For the Archangel St Michael prayer; Two things- 1) the occult has esoteric and exoteric interpretations of its symbols and many writings. Depending on your level of initiation, the same symbols will mean something different for you, then somebody who is a higher initiate. From a purely face-value, Archangel Michael is literally just a symbol for fighting evil, and from the basic exoteric theosophy, everything can be typically interpreted in a positive light. Former Vice President Henry A. Wallace is a good example of someone who was influenced by the surface theosophical ideals and who clearly wasn't an initiate into the higher mysteries. He was thus a fool with a big heart and massively disruptive to the oligarchy's plans- which is why he had to be crushed (I wrote a chapter on his story in my vol 2 of Clash of the 2 Americas). Until I have better evidence why I'm wrong, based on his historic train of measurable actions and clashes, I have to presume that Flynn is a Wallace-type.

On the second element of Russell Brand, should we really condemn him for dating a Fabian? Why did he stop dating the Fabian? Are all Fabians evil and in on the inner plan, or are many low level well-meaning people who don't understand how the game is played. I have never examined her bio with great scrutiny, but was Jamela Khan a major player in oligarchist policy?

For his proclivity towards yoga, and oriental exercises: I am not a practitioner, although I have done some Qi Gong, and I have come to recognize that the variation of "eastern thought" incorporated by theosophists and other mystery cults into a perennial philosophy of one global religion, is based on pervers translations, selective elements of eastern practices that have an oligarchist character. I tend to find healthier versions of these things as well even though they wear the same name. Practicing yoga, or even tantric forms of kundalini yoga isn't the same as saying "this is satanic". But now I don't even know anything about Russell Brand's relationship to this stuff past or present. I'm just sharing my own ideas about the nuance needed on these matters.

I look forward to reading your Bannon-Epstein article

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Just remember that it was Michael Flynn's lawyer friends who sabotaged my investigation into the military health database. Two years in, and no progress made because they went with false data that is easily discredited rather than the rock solid data corrections I was making.

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I plan to use the excerpt from Rhodes Will as evidence in a lawsuit. Thank you Matt and Cynthia.

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As far as I can work out, that quote is not actually from his will. It is from a document "Confessions of Faith" which he wrote as a young man. It was included in the first five versions of his will but then removed (or at least that particular section was removed - it's not quite clear to me which) and did not appear in the sixth and seventh versions.

Not sure that changes anything - but if you're going to court I suspect you need to be accurate.

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what are some of the other black nobility bloodlines apart from the orsini family?

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