Japan had two white waves way back. One was the Gaelic White Wizards bringing folded metal to create the awesome swords not only in Japan but also Vikings Swords and the second was the Jesuit invasion that warped the culture and set up the Shogun of the Dark in the background. Fun hidden history.

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Seems Japan has similar termites(not sure entirely the origins, British or beyond) impeding substantive and life enhancing advancements among their population as most other nations throughout the world and throughout time. Responsible nuclear technology in my estimation is or should be the natural progression of energy efficiency(i.e. Lyndon LaRouche analysis I’ve read)----of course we still have those occultist termites lerking!?! Your encyclopedic history on things is amazing, God Bless!!!

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I’m a new subscriber. I found my way to you via ‘The Unfinished Symphony.’ The breadth of your work is astounding.

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