For those Americans(such as myself) who are unfamiliar with Canadien history this series of articles should provide a valuable insight. The authors make clear that much of that history represents a continual struggle of Canadien nationals to liberate themselves from the weight of the British crown that persists in scheming to hold the allegiance of its vassal states to the interests of the empire.

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I have been telling folks for decades that the Brits are the real stinkers of history since Henry VIII. The hour is very late to recover culture and freedom. Secession is the only viable route now.

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Greetings All !

Dana , please , not ' the brits ... ' , People the World over , have been subjugated by the Roman Jesuits , point made by one of George Washington's Generals , Marquis de Lafayette ...

And the World will soon learn of the Non-human , other World entities , that had taken over the Minds and Souls , of People and leaders... ( Sades of ' They Live ' , or ' Time - Machine ' ! ! ! )

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