Brilliant and fascinating article, Matthew. I had come across some of this information in Gerry Docherty & Jim Macgregor’s excellent book’ “Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War,” but the way you sew many of these seemingly disparate elements together into a very coherent and overarching narrative is both commendable and impressive. Keep up the fantastic work and invaluable public service, sir.

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May 27Liked by Matthew Ehret

Trying to keep up with you Matt. Not easy but so necessary because as we understand all that has been behind this veil of old and parasitic pirates destroying the planet it all gets easier to make the connections of events they don't want us understanding at all. Excellent recent interview with Patrick and health person. What appears to be totally different topics all connected. Magnifying, focusing in closer and closer to the source of truly evil entities that are, as you say, kicking over the chessboard because they are exposed and losing.

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May 27Liked by Matthew Ehret

Very insightful. So much history has been hidden and skewed. More and more investigative journalists are piecing this together. Thank you for your hard work.

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“History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Often Rhymes”. - Mark Twain

The ghost of King Edward VII yet lives, and given the existential crisis and NATO’s proxy wars vs Russia, China, BRIC’s+, (et al.), is more powerful today than when he lived.

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Fascinating old 1913 article from the NY Times that pulls in eugenics with many leaders of the era, who's legacy we live with today. Leading bankers, doctors, clergy, judges, media, politicians, etc. Including then-State Senator, Franklin D Roosevelt:

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play

JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

Social Workers Approve

Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics - Proceeds for Education

New York Times, Sunday, February 23,1913, Page 13



- Edward Bernays, father of modern propaganda, advertising. Both Joseph Goebbels and Madison Avenue, informed by his teachings. Coined the phrase "quack medicine" to discredit natural healers. Successfully.

- Simon and Abraham Flexner. Authors of the "Flexner Report." Used by legislators and congress to criminalize natural healers, put natural healing schools out of business, asserted allopathic (western) medicine as the only real "evidence-based" healing, effectively killing homeopathy, herbalism and naturopathy:


- Rabbi Stephen S Wise. He is an enigma. He was the Jesse Jackson of American Jewry in the first half of the 20th century. A Zionist who's early work to establish a Jewish homeland in the British Palestine Mandate eventually led to the establishment of the State of Israel. He was FDR's most senior Jewish influencer. Did a lot of good for Jews. But...he also was who helped conceal the true horrors of the Holocaust from FDR and the public, and opposed efforts to expose it. I found this Wikipedia write up on him interesting. Particularly the section "Criticism":


And Rabbi Wise was an ardent eugnecist. One of the early faith leaders to advance it. As highlighted in the following book link. It's not to say that Rabbi Wise supported the Holocaust. But it shows how even Jews can co-author their own holocaust with their grandiose ideas about "fixing" mankind:

Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement


"She specifically documents how Protestant, Jewish, and a limited number of Catholic religious leaders contributed to making American eugenics the foremost eugenics movement in the world by the 1920s and sought the creation of a 'good society" in America by means of those methods that the eugenics movement advocated: sterilization, immigration restriction, incarceration, intelligence testing, and statistical analysis applied to the racial/ethnic/genetic backgrounds of families."

"The American eugenics movement became the model used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, who turned their zealousness for eugenics as the means of preserving the health of the nation into, first, the murder of the disabled, and, subsequently, the brutalization and murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children in the final solution."

Both Rabbi Leon Harrison of Temple Israel in St. Louis and Rabbi Stephen Wise publicly expressed opposition to intermarriage, but some Reform rabbis objected. The advocates of intermarriage did not view Jews as a race, while the opponents did (pp. 106-7). In 1915, Rabbi Max Reichler (1886-1957) wrote an essay seeking to reconcile the divergent views and reconcile Judaism with eugenics."

"Rabbi Wise subsequently followed Rabbi Reichler s lead in seeking accommodation (pp. 108-9). In the same way that Protestants and some Catholics had come to support eugenics, Jews also came to be numbered among the advocates of the movement in the early twentieth century."

- William J Schieffelin - Descendant of John Jay, first Supreme Court Chief Justice of the US. Family owned the oldest pharmaceutical company in the US, headed up early Big Pharma trade association. Eugenicist:


- Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association. And a leading eugenicist:


- Paul U Kellogg - another enigma. He is the father of the modern "Social Justice" movement. And supported eugenics. But it's hard to reconcile with his work to help blacks and other minorities. I suppose someone can be a eugenicist without being a racist. Just get rid of the undesirables, disabled, antisocials without regard to race?:


- The American Society on Medical Sociology. This is the theory of medicine that gives rise to the gender/trans movement. Social justice through medicine. It is a form of "Marxist Conflict Theory" of how ruling classes can enact power through medicine. Eugenics:


- Yale University Civics Club. Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush was a student at Yale in 2013. And had been president of his high school civics club in 1912. His family was already tight with the Rockefeller's, his father, Samuel Bush, worked for Frank Rockefeller, John D Rockefeller's brother. Prescott Bush was a eugenicist, who was also "Hitler's Banker." And was one of the six Yale students in attendance.



- Mrs. W K Vanderbilt. Aka Anne Harriman who married into the Vanderbilt railroad dynasty. Daughter of Oliver Harriman, from a railroad tycoon family himself, handled the finances, went into banking. Brother of Edward Harriman. Partner in bank Prescott Bush worked for as "Hitler's Banker."




Point is, FDR was a supporter of Malthusian eugenics. While he did some things we can look back on and say helped oppose these bastards as you've described, he was just as much a part of the system you (and I) identify as especially wicked.

That extends into our present. I'll develop the Medical Sociology of fundamentally transforming a nation in my next comment below.

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"Medical Sociology.":


Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist "Conflict Theory":


And Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, "Association of Internes and Medical Students," that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:

"Association of Internes and Medical Students":

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Internes_and_Medical_Students (AIMS)

AIMS helped midwife Disease Politics:


It's interesting to note that "The other side of Obama's brain" Valerie Jarrett's father was a member of AIMS. And a eugenicist:


Medical Sociology. How to use infectious disease - the fear of - to "fundamentally transform a society. Here's how Mao's China did it:

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

With chapter and section titles like:

5.3 Discipline Imposed by Hygiene

9.4 “To Combine Health Campaigns with Mass Movements”

11 The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Construction of Clean New People

17.3 From “the Benevolent Medicine” to the “Formula for Money-Making”

19 A Public Country and Its Expansion

20 The Logic of Disease Politics

23 A Nation-State? A Democratic State?

From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

That book was introduced to me in March, 2020 in the highly influential Council on Foreign Relations article instructing the west to follow China's authoritarian pandemic model:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


That describes "Disease Politics" as a means to fundamentally transform a country of individual rights-based nationals into authoritarian collectivists in a global community. The book may as well be a blueprint for what is descending across the western world today, in the form of pandemic protocols experienced and WHO pandemic treaties planned.

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What Germany lost is well known . There was a nation that lost even more after the Versailles Treaty . The Magyars ( Hungary) .

Germany give up territories representing 10% of its population

Hungary give up territories representing 63% of its population .

Germany lost 15% of arable land .

Hungary lost 85% arable land .

Hungary lost 71.4% of its territories and 63% of its population .

The original 18 million dropped to 7.6 million .

Interestingly no one talks about this . Not you and not even Burton Yale Pines in his book of " America's Greatest Blunder "

Now the question is why Hungary was punished far more than Germany ? Imperialistic ambitions ? Or just sheer racism of the Europeans against the so called ' dirty Asiatic barbarians ' ?

I can give you a little hint since you have already mentioned Mary Shelly and her book about

Frankenstein . Se wrote the book after she have heard her husband and Lord Byron talking about a totally innocent European nation being cut into pieces and creating new never existed ones out of the parts .

You all will pay for this in the next world war . And with blood . Not with gold .

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Fascinating again! Have you written much about Japan? I am quite unknowledgeable regarding relations between USA and Japan except for the brainwash I have been fed. Anyone to read or recommendations?

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Great article Matt as per Andrew's comment below. Someone should tell France's FM that David Cameron has a knife at his back. History repeating itself again.

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This article by Mathew Ehret is essential reading on the background of the ongoing collapse of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire that threatens to break out into nuclear war. Nothing is more dangerous than a cornered beast.

Another piece of essential reading is Guido Giacomo Preparata's "Conjuring Hitler: How Great Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Destroyed Europe."

My own new book, "Our Country: Then and Now" covers the same themes from the point of view of American financial history. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 to channel American wealth into Britain's imperial project aimed at annihilating Germany, enslaving Europe, and taking over East Asia.



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What an unbelievably valuable article!

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And yet another sub stacker I follow where they will not allow me to like other comments here. It is now a permanent thing for me as of two weeks ago. Why would they shut off the ability for people to like other's comments? Is it a bad sign? I guess we'll see if substack goes the way of YouTube.

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These Historic Facts require wider (cinematic) dissemination.

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Re British policy, my general rule of thumb is to only pay attention to what Russia has to say (of course along with writers like Matt, Richard Poe and Anton Chaitkin). Russia tells the truth about Britain. Thankfully living in America I can still get Russian media, unlike the brainwashed dopes of the UK. There's a reason the Brits run around calling all their critics Putin stooges. They're terrified of what Russia is saying about London.

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On Quora, Brits usually sound exactly like liberal Democrats when they describe Americans. If we weren’t allied to them, they’d consider us like Russians, except probably even more embarrassing because we’re a derivative of Britain itself.

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This is good but lays too much emphasis on King Edward VII. The preparation for a war to crush Germany was made by a group of English politicians and military men working together. See the excellent work by Pat Walsh: "Lord Hankey: How we planned the Great War".


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Extremely interesting article and thought provoking. Matt and Cynthia's writing is so important in helping us understand the history culminating in our current times!

The comments are also valuable research. So many threads were tied for me tonight from my own meager research. Thank you all!


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Excellent as usual.

Perhaps truer words were never spoken: "Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it."

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