Thanks Matthew. As someone who has only recently woken up to the utter lunacy of the global financial corruption, I am grateful for the insights you produce in your excellent essays, well supported by historical evidence. My problem is that it seems only too apparent that humanity has, like me, woken up far far too late to prevent the tsunami of chaos now heading our way and I feel a desperation on behalf of my children who will inherit the world controlled by the likes of the WEF.
It is never to late. It may be difficult, but only because of entrenched secret and not so secret societies. Once we start on the path of freedom it is unstoppable.
"...that humanity has, like me, woken up far far too late..." -- many people are just waking up rubbing their eyes, and often, in terror while seeing the reality, are closing them again and go back to sleep.
Mathew, thank you for this informative essay. My introduction to your work. I look forward to devouring the rest of your substack. Whilst I largely agree with your historical analysis of the machinations and motives behind the global control grid, I question the implied narrative that the Russia/China axis is standing up for a nation state model and somehow fighting the NWO. Their joint statement is littered with NWO buzzwords and could be straight out of Davos. Multipolarity, yadda, yadda. At best this can be viewed as jockeying for position within an accepted and agreed upon technocratic vision for the post petrodollar world. Keywords and phrases: sustainable development, economic globalization, transformation of the global governance architecture and world order, universal human values as peace, development, equality, justice and democracy, to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order.
Absurdly, they talk of understanding that democracy is a universal human value, rather than a privilege. Their long-standing traditions of democracy. They ‘oppose the abuse of democratic values and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights.’ Laughable. China, democracy within our totalitarian surveillance states. ‘Promotion and protection of human rights is a shared responsibility of the international community.’ Even more laughable. Genocide, that well known tool used to ‘protect human rights’?
Obligatory mention of 2030 sustainable development goals. Yeah, yeah. Sounds noble - poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity. Read global biosecurity state (multipolar of course) and social credit system.
The ‘harmonious development of humankind’. Sure, they’re all about this. The ‘protection of life and health of the population’. Read transhumanism and Human Genome Project. ‘Increase cooperation in the development and manufacture of vaccines against the new coronavirus infection’. Well of course. ‘implementing quarantine measures in the border areas and ensuring the stable operation of the border crossing points, and intend to consider establishing a joint mechanism for epidemic control’. We all know the true intention here is epidemic control. Nothing else to see. Here’s another comedy nugget - ‘The Russian side welcomes the work carried out jointly by China and WHO to identify the source of the new coronavirus infection and supports the China – WHO joint report on the matter.’
And to turn the irony meter up to 11 - ‘The sides condemn terrorism in all its manifestations’. Those peace loving cuddly bunnies. I guess if you redefine terrorism as per vaccine, epidemic etc the skies the limit. I do like their not so subtle dig at the Yanks ‘condemn the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other States for geopolitical purposes through the use of terrorist and extremist groups as well as under the guise of combating international terrorism and extremism.’ And the prescient talk/warning of NATO expansion and bioweapons threat.
And so it goes on. Veiled threats aside, pretence that the nation state/multipolar model is alive and well, this could have been penned by one of Schwab’s lackeys. And almost certainly was. Xi and Putin’s tied to WEF and Young Leaders Programme are hardly a secret. The Russian hacking/cybersecurity false flags exposed by their heavy involvement in Cyber Polygon. This is one big club and we’re not in it.
Well, this gives me lots to think about. So no matter what, humanity loses? Either lives or to live, one must be a slave? Sad. I do not like the CCP, and remember always that the Chinese believe they are the superior race...maybe Putin has to ally with China to survive...and god help us when Putin dies...
Thanks for using 'Biden's handlers' instead of 'Biden'. Could we do this for all our politicians? Bush's handlers, Obama's handlers, Merkel's handlers, Johnson's handlers, and yes, take a deep breath....Trump's handlers too.
Wells' arguments are as feeble as any other pseudo-intellectual who fancies himself a philosopher.
"These were simply: 1) human nature was intrinsically absurd, selfish and incapable of resolving the duty-freedom paradox in any believable manner, 2) science and technology would thus always be used towards selfish and destructive ends, 3) world government is the only salvation for humanity."
His conclusion (3) rests upon the idea that those implementing and operating the world government are somehow immune to both (1) and (2). Somehow, in a manner never properly explained, "science and technology" are supposed to provide the answer to this. Yes, science and technology will always be used towards selfish and destructive ends - as shown by their use in implementing a world government!
Wells was a creative mind and a wonderful storyteller, but sadly, he was a hack as a philosopher.
The ‘immunity’ to 1 and 2 is the essence of eugenics. The ruling elite are more highly evolved genetically and intellectually than the useless meat eaters and therefore able to make tough global decisions ‘for the common good of humanity and the planet’, the rationale of which are beyond the wit of common man. Of course this genetic superiority confers exemption to the greater good rules. Unlimited social credit points for wagyu-eating, La Tache swilling Davos Man on his private yacht, whilst the proles stay home, eat bugs, save the climate.
Matthew, Another lucid, if somewhat unsettling summation of the backstory of “how did we get here”. Does much to explain the complexities of our current malaise, not least the twisted rationale underpinning the Great Eugenocide which we are experiencing, which so many still simply do not — or do not want to — get. Thank you for this.
Brilliant piece. Thank you. It has given me much needed hope. It still shocks me how the changes in the last couple of years have meant that any discord with the mainstream narrative has been hailed as Russian propaganda or that somehow someone is suddenly “far-right”? We are forced to whisper in corridors that Russia is doing better than us - 14% debt to GDP vs. Ludicrously unplayable debts here in the UK, Europe and the US! Somehow the mention of that and we are the enemy. I’m using the word we as it’s great to read a piece that has demonstrated my feelings about Russia/China were not wrong!
Very timely and good article. Helped clarify why I think Russia is the good guy in all of this (ie for the vast masses of people and the ideals which we in the US have instilled in us...peoples in charge of their own destiny, and the worth of the nation-state).
I don't agree with China and Russia alliance being some sort of wrench in the plans of the Anglo-American wet dream. I see it as another chess board move to juke the public. These people all eat surf and turf together at the top.
That's right, the Fabian Society has nothing to do with Marxism, even if Marxism and the Fabian Society are equated on the web. It would be time to clarify once and for all that they have nothing in common.
Schwab and the WEF oligarchs are not Marxists, let alone Communists. The only thing that truly terrifies these oligarchs, who are the new aristocracy of the 21st century, is the class struggle from below: the only thing capable of defeating them.
What the globalists have in mind is a technocratic neo-feudalism.
Please, get over it once and for all: Marx had nothing in common with the snobbish and aristocratic Fabian Society, which was joined by the strongly anti-Marxist and anti-Communist intellectuals of the Bloosmbury Circle, which also included Virginia Woolf, so to speak. .. Nor with the socialist thought of the time, of which he was always strongly critical; for Marx the class struggle did not take place on the left in Parliaments (at least you will remember how Marx defined them: the business committees of the bourgeoisie), but the only weapons available to the proletariat were the general strike and the Revolution.
Don't you know that England, home of the Fabian Society, banned the study of Marxism from schools by decree more than 4 years ago.
They must also take away the last remaining constitutional rights, bourgeois rights, which are based on private property, those conquered in France in 1789...Because socialist rights, those guaranteed by our Constitutions, at least here in Europe, those based on Common goods, public health, secularism (which was above all a conquest of the bourgeoisie), and equal rights between bosses and workers, the right to strike, have already been taken away from us. In fact, people no longer have a political conscience, what would be the use of a political conscience in neoliberalism, which is an all-pervasive form of totalitarianism? They must also take away our bourgeois rights which are based on private property, but, of course, it is not the soviets from below that do so, as in 1917, in Russia, when the Bolsheviks requisitioned the estates and possessions of the feudal nobility, of the Church, and the tsar, it would be Communism, no, it's the elites of Davos, from above, 0.0004% of humanity, who own about 90% of the earth's resources, who do this and therefore, given that the movement is from top to bottom, it is called Feudalism, a technocratic Feudalism. Because that's where they will lead the Peoples of the Earth, towards a new technocratic Feudalism, indeed towards an era in which robots, cyborgs, will replace humans, transhumanism, or 6G, as our Schwab calls it, (who is not a conspiracy theorist , but the elderly German engineer founder of the WEF), and all organic life, including us humans, will be listed on Wall Street as a commodity...
Bravo! I've been warning people for ages of the dangers of Rome. They still control the world via Crown (Temple) in London, thru the Jesuits, Fabians and Orders of Malta and Garter etc
Thanks Matthew. As someone who has only recently woken up to the utter lunacy of the global financial corruption, I am grateful for the insights you produce in your excellent essays, well supported by historical evidence. My problem is that it seems only too apparent that humanity has, like me, woken up far far too late to prevent the tsunami of chaos now heading our way and I feel a desperation on behalf of my children who will inherit the world controlled by the likes of the WEF.
It is never to late. It may be difficult, but only because of entrenched secret and not so secret societies. Once we start on the path of freedom it is unstoppable.
God is in control, ALWAYS…remember this!
"...that humanity has, like me, woken up far far too late..." -- many people are just waking up rubbing their eyes, and often, in terror while seeing the reality, are closing them again and go back to sleep.
I have been warning people for years about the Fabian Society. Really good article.
Mathew, thank you for this informative essay. My introduction to your work. I look forward to devouring the rest of your substack. Whilst I largely agree with your historical analysis of the machinations and motives behind the global control grid, I question the implied narrative that the Russia/China axis is standing up for a nation state model and somehow fighting the NWO. Their joint statement is littered with NWO buzzwords and could be straight out of Davos. Multipolarity, yadda, yadda. At best this can be viewed as jockeying for position within an accepted and agreed upon technocratic vision for the post petrodollar world. Keywords and phrases: sustainable development, economic globalization, transformation of the global governance architecture and world order, universal human values as peace, development, equality, justice and democracy, to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order.
Absurdly, they talk of understanding that democracy is a universal human value, rather than a privilege. Their long-standing traditions of democracy. They ‘oppose the abuse of democratic values and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights.’ Laughable. China, democracy within our totalitarian surveillance states. ‘Promotion and protection of human rights is a shared responsibility of the international community.’ Even more laughable. Genocide, that well known tool used to ‘protect human rights’?
Obligatory mention of 2030 sustainable development goals. Yeah, yeah. Sounds noble - poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity. Read global biosecurity state (multipolar of course) and social credit system.
The ‘harmonious development of humankind’. Sure, they’re all about this. The ‘protection of life and health of the population’. Read transhumanism and Human Genome Project. ‘Increase cooperation in the development and manufacture of vaccines against the new coronavirus infection’. Well of course. ‘implementing quarantine measures in the border areas and ensuring the stable operation of the border crossing points, and intend to consider establishing a joint mechanism for epidemic control’. We all know the true intention here is epidemic control. Nothing else to see. Here’s another comedy nugget - ‘The Russian side welcomes the work carried out jointly by China and WHO to identify the source of the new coronavirus infection and supports the China – WHO joint report on the matter.’
And to turn the irony meter up to 11 - ‘The sides condemn terrorism in all its manifestations’. Those peace loving cuddly bunnies. I guess if you redefine terrorism as per vaccine, epidemic etc the skies the limit. I do like their not so subtle dig at the Yanks ‘condemn the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other States for geopolitical purposes through the use of terrorist and extremist groups as well as under the guise of combating international terrorism and extremism.’ And the prescient talk/warning of NATO expansion and bioweapons threat.
And so it goes on. Veiled threats aside, pretence that the nation state/multipolar model is alive and well, this could have been penned by one of Schwab’s lackeys. And almost certainly was. Xi and Putin’s tied to WEF and Young Leaders Programme are hardly a secret. The Russian hacking/cybersecurity false flags exposed by their heavy involvement in Cyber Polygon. This is one big club and we’re not in it.
Well, this gives me lots to think about. So no matter what, humanity loses? Either lives or to live, one must be a slave? Sad. I do not like the CCP, and remember always that the Chinese believe they are the superior race...maybe Putin has to ally with China to survive...and god help us when Putin dies...
Thanks for using 'Biden's handlers' instead of 'Biden'. Could we do this for all our politicians? Bush's handlers, Obama's handlers, Merkel's handlers, Johnson's handlers, and yes, take a deep breath....Trump's handlers too.
anybody that thinks trump is any different from the other paid actors/liars has got their head up their collective assholes 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️
Excellent service and please, send emails to having many issues with Google! Thank you.
Kindest regards,
Deborah R. Evans
Wells' arguments are as feeble as any other pseudo-intellectual who fancies himself a philosopher.
"These were simply: 1) human nature was intrinsically absurd, selfish and incapable of resolving the duty-freedom paradox in any believable manner, 2) science and technology would thus always be used towards selfish and destructive ends, 3) world government is the only salvation for humanity."
His conclusion (3) rests upon the idea that those implementing and operating the world government are somehow immune to both (1) and (2). Somehow, in a manner never properly explained, "science and technology" are supposed to provide the answer to this. Yes, science and technology will always be used towards selfish and destructive ends - as shown by their use in implementing a world government!
Wells was a creative mind and a wonderful storyteller, but sadly, he was a hack as a philosopher.
The ‘immunity’ to 1 and 2 is the essence of eugenics. The ruling elite are more highly evolved genetically and intellectually than the useless meat eaters and therefore able to make tough global decisions ‘for the common good of humanity and the planet’, the rationale of which are beyond the wit of common man. Of course this genetic superiority confers exemption to the greater good rules. Unlimited social credit points for wagyu-eating, La Tache swilling Davos Man on his private yacht, whilst the proles stay home, eat bugs, save the climate.
Matthew, Another lucid, if somewhat unsettling summation of the backstory of “how did we get here”. Does much to explain the complexities of our current malaise, not least the twisted rationale underpinning the Great Eugenocide which we are experiencing, which so many still simply do not — or do not want to — get. Thank you for this.
You put together some amazing stuff Matt. It took me a long time to find you but I'm glad I did.
Brilliant piece. Thank you. It has given me much needed hope. It still shocks me how the changes in the last couple of years have meant that any discord with the mainstream narrative has been hailed as Russian propaganda or that somehow someone is suddenly “far-right”? We are forced to whisper in corridors that Russia is doing better than us - 14% debt to GDP vs. Ludicrously unplayable debts here in the UK, Europe and the US! Somehow the mention of that and we are the enemy. I’m using the word we as it’s great to read a piece that has demonstrated my feelings about Russia/China were not wrong!
A great post. The Bertrand Russell quote from the year of my birth is quite enlightening.
Very timely and good article. Helped clarify why I think Russia is the good guy in all of this (ie for the vast masses of people and the ideals which we in the US have instilled in us...peoples in charge of their own destiny, and the worth of the nation-state).
I don't agree with China and Russia alliance being some sort of wrench in the plans of the Anglo-American wet dream. I see it as another chess board move to juke the public. These people all eat surf and turf together at the top.
That's right, the Fabian Society has nothing to do with Marxism, even if Marxism and the Fabian Society are equated on the web. It would be time to clarify once and for all that they have nothing in common.
Schwab and the WEF oligarchs are not Marxists, let alone Communists. The only thing that truly terrifies these oligarchs, who are the new aristocracy of the 21st century, is the class struggle from below: the only thing capable of defeating them.
What the globalists have in mind is a technocratic neo-feudalism.
Please, get over it once and for all: Marx had nothing in common with the snobbish and aristocratic Fabian Society, which was joined by the strongly anti-Marxist and anti-Communist intellectuals of the Bloosmbury Circle, which also included Virginia Woolf, so to speak. .. Nor with the socialist thought of the time, of which he was always strongly critical; for Marx the class struggle did not take place on the left in Parliaments (at least you will remember how Marx defined them: the business committees of the bourgeoisie), but the only weapons available to the proletariat were the general strike and the Revolution.
Don't you know that England, home of the Fabian Society, banned the study of Marxism from schools by decree more than 4 years ago.
They must also take away the last remaining constitutional rights, bourgeois rights, which are based on private property, those conquered in France in 1789...Because socialist rights, those guaranteed by our Constitutions, at least here in Europe, those based on Common goods, public health, secularism (which was above all a conquest of the bourgeoisie), and equal rights between bosses and workers, the right to strike, have already been taken away from us. In fact, people no longer have a political conscience, what would be the use of a political conscience in neoliberalism, which is an all-pervasive form of totalitarianism? They must also take away our bourgeois rights which are based on private property, but, of course, it is not the soviets from below that do so, as in 1917, in Russia, when the Bolsheviks requisitioned the estates and possessions of the feudal nobility, of the Church, and the tsar, it would be Communism, no, it's the elites of Davos, from above, 0.0004% of humanity, who own about 90% of the earth's resources, who do this and therefore, given that the movement is from top to bottom, it is called Feudalism, a technocratic Feudalism. Because that's where they will lead the Peoples of the Earth, towards a new technocratic Feudalism, indeed towards an era in which robots, cyborgs, will replace humans, transhumanism, or 6G, as our Schwab calls it, (who is not a conspiracy theorist , but the elderly German engineer founder of the WEF), and all organic life, including us humans, will be listed on Wall Street as a commodity...
Would love a full layout of who Obama really is. Thanks for all of you both do.....all of it.
Bravo! I've been warning people for ages of the dangers of Rome. They still control the world via Crown (Temple) in London, thru the Jesuits, Fabians and Orders of Malta and Garter etc
Brilliant article again, Matthew.