QUITE BRILLIANT . . . thank you, Matt.

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I enjoy reading broad overviews like this, especially for its specific reference to characters, dates, geography and cultures. The history we are fed by institutional historians is either fragmented or one-sided, preventing a holistic understanding. I always appreciate Matthew's wide-ranging command of history and ability to present it succinctly.

This article answers three questions in the affirmative:

1. Did Khazaria exist?

2. Was it dominated by jews?

3. Did it have an outsize influence on global economics?

So what was the result? A global system based on usury and humanism. Exactly what we have today.

The fact that the Khazaria and its descendants cooperated with powerful elites from other faiths is hardly a defense.

Peasants were enslaved then and their labor stolen to build global empires and it is still happening.

Under the pretty pictures, poetry and fine bridges lies a darker truth unexplored in this essay. The word slave is rooted in "slav", because Russians were taken by Khazarians and sold to muslims.

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I am stunned by this information. If there is a lesson in all this, it is that we should be wary of demonizing any particular group. However, it is undeniable that humanity has been under the heel of an elite parasitic class for thousands of years. Call it Babylonian, Venetian, Roman or Kazarian, they appear throughout history causing wars, chaos and human suffering while exploiting the resources of the planet for their own benefit. The Russian czar kicked the criminal Kazarian class out of what is now known as Ukraine, and this is the root of the current conflict currrently playing out. It is said the the Kazarians were never real Jews, and adopted Judaism out of convenience and political expediency. This, of course, does not mean all Kazarians were evil. However, I am taking issue with Matt regarding David Icke. I am a huge fan of his. There is a cosmic element to all of this drama that Matt seems to be unaware of. There is sooooo much more to the story.....

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Do you have a bibliography of primary sources?

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I'm not buying this whitewash of Khazaria.

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Enlightening! I suffered from the “Kazarian Mafia” hoax, and am concerned as to who perpetuated it and understand as to why.

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Yeah, I ingested lots of this stuff ever since reading David Icke's Tales from the Time Loop back in 2004. Pure connectoid-driven low level lazy reasoning to make this explanatory model of world history function and also heavy doses of ignoring actual hard evidence that demonstrates the thesis to be fraudulent. Also completely ignores the evidence of the direct continuity of the Babylonian oligarchical families as they took over Persia like a parasite, then moved to Rome becoming the Roman Empire and then migrated to Venice which acted as nerve center of world banking, intelligence, cult creation and just plain evil for 1000 years until migrating to take over England in 1688.

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On that note, the following quote from your Millenium Report text is useful which gives full credit to "Lizard People from another dimension are sucking our fear energy and creating global warming to colonize earth" Icke as the causal agent of this model: "*David Icke was the first ever to courageously expose the Rothschilds publicly in front of hundreds. This of course makes him an international hero and we need more with his kind of courage to break open the coverup hiding the Khazarian Mafia and bring an end to their worldwide illegitimate power."

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Most elements of Ickean argument, if one can call it that, fall into place doctrinally when mapped onto a template of Gnosticism. From lizard people (the Gnostic serpent) to death being an exciting moment of transcendence into the 'real' plane of existence (and thus loyal in its fashion to an ancient Egyptian-inspired death cult, but completely resonant with many core Gnostic beliefs, such as that expressed in C S Lewis's 'The Last Battle': that we are in a shadow world, from which only death may liberate us), to Icke's almost religious anti-establishment and anti-hierarchy libertarian-ish doctrine, it is patently neo-Gnostic. No matter that he calls the lizard people bad, and Gnostics like the Naasenes worshipped the serpent. Gnosticism thrives on semiotic inversions, as Icke himself highlights, nor does it shy from inverting individual elements of a doctrine and leaving others intact. Icke, emerging from the intelligence-riddled establishment propaganda arm of Anglo imperialism, the BBC, and possibly identified at the time by psychological and socio-economic profiling as being susceptible to a particular form of ideological manipulation, usefully manipulable on account of a Messiah complex cynically nurtured by handler Betty Shine, was likely identified as a good, charismatic vehicle with everyman appeal to be used for mass misdirection just prior to the rise of the internet, when conspiracism was being imbued with Gnostic-Satanic mystery in the X-Files launch and movies like Conspiracy Theory were reinforcing reflex dismissal of views which questioned the official account. Icke was being set up to lead, eventually via the very internet that might otherwise have been used fruitfully to coordinate genuine resistance to oligarchical programs, the millions who might distrust official narrative over a cliff of unfulfillable spiritual mystique into atomised impotence. He travels in some realms of very good material, and lots of very dubious stuff. He does indeed incorporate into his mix reams of good values and advice that may be sound enough in certain practical respects. But ultimately it fails a coherence test (quite badly if you put the screws to it), and intertwining good with bad, truth with lies, has been a method of Satanic mass manipulation for a very long time. Icke is likely for the most part sincere, but it's a sad case as he has been a conduit for those using him, a charismatic chap with a sparkle in his eye leading millions astray without himself even realizing it. One may hope that the intention of guiding people away from constructive civilizational exercise and sidetracking us in ultra-individualist power dissipation via the likes of Icke (and, indeed, the more politically focussed, 'serious news' Alex Jones, who operates in an allied cloth), will backfire - in the sense of actually serving as a helpful starting point for alternative thinking to those who wouldn't know where else to look - and then pushing them farther, to fora like this one! Freylichen Purim! (Today is the holiday of Purim, which tells of Jewish-Persian cooperation against cynical, manipulative, pagan court influences in what was otherwise a story of ecumenical royal policy, also referenced in Josephus and al-Tabari).

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That thing reads like a Q remake. Putin's going to release Russian intel on corrupt members of Congress? The evidence is already there, the problem is that no one is doing anything about it. David Martin has provided evidence to several groups in the US with authority to act and they have done nothing.

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