Like everyone, I would love to live in a pollution-free world.
I would love to see human civilization strike a balance with nature and at the risk of sounding like a naïve idealist, I sincerely do believe that this is ultimately our destiny as a species.
My personal experience has led me to the conclusion that we have only failed to achieve this paradigm as a species due to the system (and cultural influence) of oligarchism which has managed to stubbornly sink its claws parasitically onto its host for a few too many generations- corrupting and perverting everything that it dominates.
Due to the pervasiveness of oligarchism, mass exploitation, wars and pollution have lain waste to ecosystems and countless human lives alike, and as the neo-liberal order continues to careen towards the inevitable breakdown of a 2 quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble which our un-repentant decades of decadence has caused, very serious choices will need to be made.
False Remedies to the Oncoming Meltdown
Many false solutions will be presented as society wakes up to the burning building it is trapped in, and unless our minds have become aware of those false solutions, (not to mention those arsonists managing this fire from the top), then many well-intentioned souls from all walks of life may sign onto their own death warrants and accidentally usher in a solution far worse than the disease they sought to remedy.
Before you, dear reader, accuse me of being overly dramatic in my claims, let me bring your attention to a June 3rd 2020 event sponsored by the World Economic Forum (WEF) entitled The Great Reset featuring impassioned calls by leaders of the IMF, World Bank, UK, USA, corporate and banking sector to take advantage of COVID-19 to shut down and “reset” the world economy under a new operating system entitled the Green New Deal.
WEF founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab said“the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions… Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
Schwab’s message was amplified by Prince Charles who gushed over the this golden opportunity to radically modify human behaviour in ways that decades of environmentalism have failed to accomplish when he said: “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this [COVID-19] crisis. Its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,”
While the World Economic Forum is usually known as a forum of global corporate elites, this organization branched out in recent years to become a leader in global pandemic coordination as a co-sponsor of the creepy October 2019 Event 201 and has embraced leaders of typically “anti-capitalist” resistance groups like Greenpeace who now speak regularly at their events.
Jennifer Morgan (current head of Greenpeace) stated at the event “We set up a new world order after World War II… We’re now in a different world than we were then. We need to ask, what can we be doing differently? The World Economic Forum has a big responsibility in that as well—to be pushing the reset button and looking at how to create well-being for people and for the Earth.”
So is this definition of international wellbeing truly what it appears? Or does something more nefarious lurk under the surface? How can we know?
Those who are ignorant to their history will easily believe the cover story they are being fed by the players managing the World Economic Forum. The cover story is as follows: A new system was shaped during a two week conference in Bretton Woods New Hampshire 1944 under the leadership of Franklin Roosevelt and this was designed to export the New Deal program which reconstructed America after the Great Depression to the rest of the world. Since our current crisis demands a new system in a similar manner as the world needed a reset in 1932 and again in 1945, so too must we do so again.
On the surface this is all true. But here’s the rub…
FDR’s New Deal was premised around: 1) Stopping a bankers’ dictatorship in 1933 when he singlehandedly torpedoed the Bank of England/League of Nations’ London Conference, 2) imposing mass regulation on Wall Street speculators under Glass-Steagall laws and the broad bank acts that broke up megabanks, created the SEC, protected legitimate savings and put hundreds of elite bankers on trial under the Pecora Commission, 3) launched vast infrastructure projects under the Tennessee Valley Authority, Rural Electrification projects, Grand Coulee Dam, Hoover Dams etc which increased the national productive powers of labor turning America into a FULL SPECTRUM agro-industrial economy capable of constant growth, and 4) fought valiantly to guarantee those same capabilities to all nations of the world in total opposition to the British Empire.
Today’s Green New Dealers use the form and name of FDR’s historic precedents but are totally committed to the opposing goals.
Under the global response mechanisms being proposed by the oligarchs running the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset strategy, green energy grids designed to lower the world temperature by two degrees within 30 years by de-carbonizing society will have the effect of reducing the productive powers of labor of all nations rather than increasing those powers as the original New Deal had done.
Meanwhile Cap and Trade/Carbon pricing mechanisms designed by the Bank of England and the Carney/Bloomberg Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures promise to create financial incentives to reduce the world population potential by deconstructing the industrial economic order needed to sustain the nearly 8 billion souls on the surface of earth currently. In a recent speech to the City of London the former head of the Bank of England who now leads Boris Johnson’s Climate Finance team said:
“Achieving net zero emissions will require a whole economy transition – every company, every bank, every insurer and investor will have to adjust their business models. This could turn an existential risk into the greatest commercial opportunity of our time.”
Carney, who also happens to be the architect of the Central Bankers Climate Compact has previously threatened destruction on all businesses that refuse to conform to the new green standards which he and his controllers wish be imposed upon the world saying: “the firms that anticipate these developments will be rewarded handsomely. Those that don’t will cease to exist”.
While the new reset green system promises to feature more regulations onto finance, will those regulations be controlled by sovereign nation states in the interests of the general welfare of their people or by private central banks in the interests of an oligarchical elite obsessed with control, balance, and keeping nations gullible, confused, divided, depopulated and impoverished?
I think you can figure this out for yourself.
The only form of a legitimate Great Reset that will protect people, nations and reduce the influence of the financial oligarchy WHILE actually protecting the environment in the long-run is tied to the modern International New Deal known as the Belt and Road Initiative. By creating a new system of finance tied to long-term development, agro-industrial growth of full spectrum economies across the world, China and its allies have taken up the torch which was dropped by Franklin Roosevelt’s early death on April 12, 1945. Any arrangement for a new economic reset would have to adhere to the proven principles of anti-fascist political economy that have been proven to work in the past and continue to work in the present.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . Consider helping this process by making a donation to the RTF or becoming a Patreon supporter to the Canadian Patriot Review
Great piece again, Matt, merci!
Unfortunately, I think we are doomed, on tracks that have been laid straight for decades. In his book, "The Conspirator's Hierarchy. The 300" published in 1992 (!!!), John Coleman wrote that the industrial world was being targeted by The Club of Rome.
"At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, start-ing with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races."
First China, then Western countries and Japan, India... have been facing the Covid attack - the industrial world... Schwab und co. are making their plans reality!
A friend of mine from Switzerland recalls that back in the 1980's, at a small restaurant in the hills above Davos, Schwab, who had had some drinks, was already bragging about how he would change the world...
Unfortunately, you do not inject the virus of Marxism into your statements above and the fact that it was Woodrow Wilson and Lloyd George that began the process of propelling the RSFSR into a world power. It was Roosevelt and MacDonald that propelled STALIN into a global threat.
This occurred BEFORE the rise of Hitler. The Roosevelt regime was infested with Communists and so was the entire gamut of his NEW DEAL. I noted you made a comment once about Harry Dexter White and Laughlin Currie. Man, they are just two of literally hundreds within the Roosevelt Regime doing the bidding of the CPUSA, Comintern and the Soviet security services.
You are completely outdated on your information surrounding what was going on within the Roosevelt regime to include the REAL reasons he wanted to have exclusive control over the OSS.
The OSS was infested from the top down with Communists. I suppose you have not dug into the AMERASIA Case or any of the Government investigations into that or Communist infiltration of the OSS or investigations into how China was lost to the Communists. Roosevelt was at the heart of it all. Maybe you have misinterpreted his attack on American bankers? Maybe there are other reasons why he did that. Roosevelt was a tyrant and he directly helped, with some of the very bankers you mention, to put the USSR on track to be a global power. It is a lie to suggest that Marxism, Lenin or Stalin had one iota to do with the reinvigoration of the USSR. It's entire infrastructure was built by Wall Street. From its railroads to its factories and electrical facilities. Lenin proved by his NEP that Marxism was a complete and utter flop. The bankers in the US knew they could use Socialism as the vehicle they required to DESTROY European money and make the US the economic superpower. They even latched on to National Socialism. It is no different today with their relationship with Communist China. I suppose you believe all that crap about Chiang Kia-shek and Mihailovic. I have proven, using the records of ALL Western police and intelligence services that the war in the Pacific was a FARCE from the get-go. It was concocted by Roosevelt to destroy the European empire in Asia and to wipe out Japan as the upcoming rival. All those "coincidences" at Pearl Harbor, the lack of fighter aircraft etc. etc. all pre-planned. Even Churchill hinted that this was possibly the case but went along with it because of Hitler. All it would have taken was a couple of hundred fighters dispersed in the Philippines, Singapore and Hong Kong and the Japanese would have been finished. They had those hundreds of fighters. Most will end up at the bottom of the North Sea being shipped to an ungrateful psychopath named Stalin. Why use the Communsts? because they are morons. They are inherent morons. Like today the brain-dead people of this earth are on the left. They are easy to fool and manipulate. The money men knew that creating a Communist Asia would suit them and they knew eventually they will come running like Lenin did to save them. You appear to be basing much of your knowledge on Soviet / Communist espionage on outdated research and books. Practically 70% of the first-hand documentation I have uncovered was released over the last 30 years. It was found in files where no one would think to look covering Special Operations throughout the world during WWII. They reveal much of this conspiracy. It is also the finding-aids of fonds still not available to the public or now proven to have been criminally destroyed that also puts things into perspective. This includes, in Canada, the admittance by CSIS that the RCMP destroyed in 1989 ALL FEATHERBED investigative files into Canada's top Civil Service men and politicians. I have what is left of FEATHERBED and some very interesting files on these men created by British Intelligence they probably did not expect to survive. They confirm without a doubt what I am saying above. In fact I would not hesitate to state that Norman Robertson and Lester Pearson were complete and utter traitors. What their information reveals, reveals what was going on in the UK with Attlee and Labour and in the US with Roosevelt and Truman. ALL WERE SCUM. They set the stage for what is happening right now.