There’s a reason that public land in Canada is called “Crown” land. When you’re charged with a criminal offence in Canada, the charge is “the King” (or Rex) v. your name. (I know this, unfortunately…). Your case is prosecuted, not by a Provincial Attorney, but by a Crown Prosecutor. The Commander in Chief of our military is the monarch ( delegated to the Governor General… 🙄)

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Thank you Matt, another brilliant summary of the lost opportunity of “Canada” and the sorry consequences of a venal and mendacious British imperialist ideology that has infected the Canadian ruling class for over 150 years. Your focus on the “purpose” of Canada as a mere blockade is truly revealing. The overt support of the Confederacy by the British mirrors the unimaginable intervention in the 2024 US election by British Labour Party on the side of the Democrats….it is still happening today. My family is half American, half Canadian, my branch of the family remained on this side of the border but living in Canada is a very confusing experience on many levels, even though I feel ideologically aligned to be an American I/we just ended up staying here. The current issues have opened the debate again but if history predicts the future it’s unlikely Canadians will choose a different road. The Canadian oligarchy will not go away quietly, they have inherited the mantle of their British imperialist mentors and they will burn the country to the ground before before ceding to US “republicanism” and the privileged life it affords them. But then, I hope I’m wrong😊

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