Many years ago, when I was wrestling with the problems in the United States, I began to envy India and South Africa. The sides in those fights were clear, the overlords were foreigners, and the victims were original people. In the United States now the fight is between good and evil, there are no front lines in this information war. The tool we have now to fight with is the Internet. People need action, we live in a physical world. But right action can only follow right knowledge. We’ve Been lied to for millennia.

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Fascinating historical lesson, here.

Another result of this history is the cultural failure of Canada to develop a national identity. In contrast to the US, which is united by a powerful shared mythos involving the Revolutionary War and the conquest of the West, Canada styled itself the loyal sons of empire. The external focus of this ad hoc identity ultimately fell apart in the post-WWII era with the disintegration of the British Empire, leaving Canada without national purpose or unifying mythology. Since then Canada has been a zombie nation, defining itself as "not-America". Canada's national identity is now basically just cobbled together from Timmies, public health care, and multiculturalism.

Meanwhile, Canada's economy continues to be based on resource extraction, with little to no effort put into development of value-added manufacturing. The result is that the standard of living in Canada continues to lag. There's very little economic opportunity; individual prosperity is found mainly in FIRE grifts and public sector parasitism.

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"The greatest tragedy of patriots everywhere in dealing with the British have been their tendency not to look upon the true nature of its evil soul."

Truer words were never spoken. Look at South Africa, which despite its apartheid regime was a proud member of the Commonwealth until 1961. Then they became a republic, exited the Commonwealth and dumped the Queen. Almost overnight, Britain turned on South Africa, using its enormous megaphone in the media to paint South Africa as a pariah state (which it apparently wasn't before 1961). Growing up in the 80s, it still amazes me how focused the British music industry was on annihilating the South African government. It took some time, but the British revenge project worked, and South Africa is now a violent mess, bordering on a failed state. Britain wins again!

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Canada, Australia and NZ never were truely sovereign independent countries but provinces of the British Empire which contrary to the commonly argued, never disappeared. But England itself lacks of any kind of sovereignty, being the parliamentary system a total scam. A network of deep state institutions are at command, in close connexion with the City's financeers. And the system works wonderfully, as the plebs have been neutralised in its political expression and historical conciousness, as they believe they actually live in a democracy. Preventing the people, the plebs, from knowing who actually rules and how their lives are stolen is the major concern of the empire's elites, currengly reigning supreme over every single country of the so called Western world, enslaving the plebs under their control but more and more separate from other historically concious powers such as Russia, China, India, Iran, Egypt or Arabia. The empire machiavelian shadow puppeteers are very willing to sacrifice the plebs under their control in order to keep their collosal fortunes in their pirate tax havens. In plein terms, the Western plebs is being mass murdered by their own national puppet leaders.

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