Matthew, 🙏 Another cogent insight into the machinations of these misanthropic ‘elite’ castes, which brings into sharp relief once more their breathtaking hypocrisy, cynicism, and god-like hubris. And the most worrying thing is that the more obvious their real agenda becomes (for those with an eye to these things at least), the more the critical masses seem to want to subscribe to it. Like the proverbial lemmings!

Yet it’s their own individual myopia that is our collective dystopia in the making. As your compatriot James Corbett opined in a recent interview (paraphrased here) commenting on how and why so many have bought into—without question—the Covid narrative ‘holus-bolus’, it’s a testament to the immense power of propaganda. Or what I call The Big Shill! I’m still trying to figure out how we let it get to this point.

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good observations. one of the key words we need to use is 'critical thinking', innate in many but apparently easily bought off in others. however, at the end of the day I need to be able to look my (grand)children in the eye and explain my life's principles honestly, some of which can indeed be traced back to Renaissance and Enlightenment.

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Thanks for the article.

September 19, 2021 The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan Executive Summary By The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute

First published in December 2016, this article is of relevance to an understanding of the ongoing debate on Climate Change as well the Green New Deal, largely controlled by the financial establishment. The Rockefellers also play a key role in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Proposal.


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Yes, it is the end of the world as we knew it. It has been announced that this is 'The New Normal'. The end of the world as we knew it began in March of 2020 with the announcement of the 'Covid 19 Pandemic'. The Days of Masks, Lockdowns & Social Distancing began. 'Operation Warpspeed' developed so-called 'vaccines' in record time and culling the heard in earnest began with nary a whisper.


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You are on a roll! Please keep them coming.

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TQ, one of your best articles! as an aside: Prince Bernhard had 4 daughters, so for him to be interested in population control carries an extremely false note. his daughter Queen Beatrix had 4 sons, one of whom, current king Willem-Alexander has another 3 daughters. not what you'd consider a small family, nor a modest carbon footprint.

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