Nice article but in one breath you reaffirm the evil grip these people have had over us for centuries that we have yet to stop and then in the next you hypothesize that these same leaders are somehow going to improve our station on this planet by exploring space, of which they'll also try to rule. Shouldn't we first get out from under this satanic cult and reestablish the planet with love and enlightenment for all first. Most people don't even believe in this evil cult let alone aliens and have been brainwashed to wait for some messiah to save them. I mean we have no business in space until we can live on our own planet in peace with real knowledge of our past and freedom to change it.

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Yes, space exploration in search of life is a distraction. Freeing ourselves from the power mongers that have deceived us for ages must be our focus. What if love and enlightenment for all is in fact the coming Messiah? i.e. "I am the light of this world." Waiting for enlightenment is difficult and that's why faith and devotion are key. We may require divine intervention in our quest for love to overcome evil but eventually we will uncover all of the lies, know the truth and be free.

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Totally Interesting. Of course there are other entities besides mankind because our Creator has told us there are - the angelic kingdom. And there is a third of that entire kingdom that has fallen away from their Creator so be very careful with what you believe for deception is their game and they're good at what they do - deceiving mankind.

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There is compelling evidence of certain events involving Alien tech and the Eisenhower admin. There is also evidence of Nazi WWII alien tech involving the Antarctic leading to recent strange activity with artifacts of related civilization there. Truth seems to be the first casualty of Globalist involvement in anything such as this. The Vatican has been hiding evidence about ancient history, and even the Smithsonian his been suppressing discoveries of the skeletons of giants that once inhabited America. Such influence needs to be removed before the truth can be fully seen.

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BTW There are aliens living here on earth now. They are at military underground facilities. The U.S. military is picking their brains for information in return for allowing the aliens to take us aboard their UFOs and do experiments on us. We have asked them what their thoughts on God were. They have said that God, for us humans, is a manifestation of this "Big Bang" . God, to them, if they were to use that word, is their thirst to explore the universe and life that is found therein.

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The existence of UFOs and alien life is as true as milk comes from cows. Since the Roswell crash of an alien space ship, we have reverse engineered this craft and currently, area S4 south of Area 51 has 9 other UFOs that engineers are reverse engineering. We have come a long way since 1947 and the Roswell crash. It has been said that we have been able to take ET home since 1954. Why, then are we plowing money into NASA and rocketry when we can already "fly" faster than the speed of light by warping gravity with gravity amplifiers to bend space toward where we want to travel to, and get there in mere moments. Some of the older craft used Tessla's coil principals. These craft that we have are made in black ops. Information not given out to us commoners! This should all be common knowledge by now.

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A couple German engineers reportedly building a flying saucer isn't enough to convince me all accounts of UFO sightings and alien interactions are based in psy ops. And despite our ingenuity accelerated technological advancement hints at intervention. Of course the powers that be want to deceive and control us, but the most believable lies exist in the "grey" area between fact and fiction. If they can't completely control our experiences, they can at least control the cover up.

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