The reason to real Ehrets stuff is that he has good information on the history of the financialist faction of the ruling class, which is hard to find elsewhere. However, you have to keep in mind that he is running propaganda for the other side of the oligarchy, the industrialist, nationalist "open system" creeps, just as dangerous and degrading to normal people. What is offensive here is his recitation of the propaganda lie against normal pandemic measures.

As in, oh, the mortality rate for covid is only 1% Actually, in Canada it is around 2.5 % officially and that is a pretty dire rate. It could add up to over half a million deaths if the infection really got out of control. That is not counting the "long haulers", the roughly 10% who develop permanent symptoms which permanently reduce their performance for likely the rest of their lives.

This nonsense is well and concisely refuted here; https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/how-canada-s-covid-19-death-toll-stacks-up-to-history-1.5254420

I am about to do a write up of chapter 8 of my covid notes, earlier ones found, https://raccoon-34417.medium.com/pandemic-notes-7-it-doesnt-need-to-be-this-hard-folks-2c9144299cb3

I will be expanding on my earlier theme of the pandemic being made worse by the fight between factions of the ruling class, with some trying to use Covid to their advantage, and others with the idea that denying the seriousness the problem is to their advantage, both disdainful of the harm they are causing.

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