Jul 13, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Keep going Matt, you are the foremost exposer of the "conservative" movements achilles heel, that being you can rile them up against a "enemy". Your writings have helped me immensely to de-program my friends who otherwise have good sense and opinions on world events.

They have never been exposed to the very simple concept of How Geo Political Influence can be attained, by building things and helping folks, the old American method, as opposed to the debt slavery and deception method. I have successfully turned some folks with the aid of your work.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

One of the more hopeful pictures of world cooperation and progress, juxtaposed against the West’s “suicidal race to decarbonize.”

Whenever I hear an unbiased translation from Russia or China, they seem like the adults in the geo-political world. The Schiller Institute has held two recent international conferences: one calling for a new Bretton Woods agreement; the other calling for Western bankruptcy, no bailouts, National banks, and cooperation with emerging south/eastern alliances, and the Belt and Road Initiative. Prosperity. Peace.

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The west is now completely driven by Zorgian wannabes. They seem completely unaware of the suicidal nature of their behavior and overconfident in the power of technological killing machines, instead of technology for improving lives on earth. It really sucks. When I was a kid, I wanted to visit Iran, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, China, Russia, etc. Americans could travel safely to those places back then. We have the CIA and all this militarism to thank for our ever shrinking world.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Thank you Mathew for this magistral account. In history there has been a geopolitical view that saw Israel at the center of the three continents. The British geographer Halford Mackinder called this intersection the world island https://truthcaster.co/c/3733; and a2C4KUIZwbAAAAAA:R_V09Cr1gMKavrNfmIM_gEuB2GriNx7ChbKCDikeOXQ3jb6ojaVx various quotes have been attributed to him "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland" ; who controls the heartland controls the world island; who controls the world island controls the world . It seems then the Belt and Road Project would include control of "the world island". Is this the reason that USA, not the Globalist, is fighting against this predominance? I heard Kissinger advocating for a shift in power towards Eurasia. Is he pushing for a displacement of supremacy away from USA towards Russia China and Israel? It sounds complicated to me I am quite confused and would immensely appreciate your view on this. It will certainly throw clarity on this complex issue.

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Another insightful article. And I LOVE Cynthia's quote in the middle, "Crisis is opportunity riding the dangerous wind." You two are well-matched, I've been so impressed by her depth of thought and multi-faceted knowledge since I subscribed to her.

My last post answers the question of the scrutinizing conspiracy theorists with Russia: a Wrench in the Reset Gears. The comment section has a very astute viewer named Jack Sirius who's now reading Glazyev's book from 23 years ago and says it seems like it was written yesterday. We've both become admirers of his economic acuity, and think that Putin's brilliant domestic policies are probably due to him because of their 'wonky' details. As a fellow strategist, they warm the cockles of my policy wonk heart.

I have great hope for your vision that this really is in the interests of mutual cooperation. I don't know if I feel as positive about China, but time will tell. My prediction is that, by winter, Europe will have revolts to kick NATO out. I think that the 'Five Eyes' may be spinning among themselves by then.

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Jul 13, 2022Liked by Matthew Ehret

Well presented as always. Thank you Matt.

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"During the age of Andite migrations the Chinese were among the more spiritual peoples of earth. Long adherence to the worship of the One Truth proclaimed by Singlangton kept them ahead of most of the other races. The stimulus of a progressive and advanced religion is often a decisive factor in cultural development; as India languished, so China forged ahead under the invigorating stimulus of a religion in which truth was enshrined as the supreme Deity.

This worship of truth was provocative of research and fearless exploration of the laws of nature and the potentials of mankind. The Chinese of even six thousand years ago were still keen students and aggressive in their pursuit of truth."

Thank you, Matt Ehret, for your excellent analysis and in-depth understanding of what is essentially true, beautiful and good. God bless you!

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Meh. Fanatical secularism follows chaotic trajectories through predictable themes of degredation, dissatisfaction, degeneracy, and decay. When secularism is industrialized with oil, gas, electricity, calculus, chemistry, double-entry bookkeeping, etc., it devastates the biosphere so that a few generations of fools can live in gluttonous splendor. Then comes demise. The appearance of permanency proves to be a mirage, at best. Human nature is basically just what it was 250 decades ago when somebody gave a lecture to his companions at that deer park in Isipatana.

Still, maybe this time could be slightly different. For some. Yet not for the reasons that apologists of the new new secularism would care to believe. You see, the BRI will pass through and possibly enrich a region of central Asia which many centuries ago was the home of a school which rejected a great cosmological error. The leaders and advocates of this school insisted that the past, present, and future stand together as a unity. The teaching was a great breakthrough which appears NOT to have been a significant, or any, part of what the aforementioned lecturer taught. That same fellow, however, did teach his followers to recognize several false dichotomies. Among these mistakes is the idea that annihilationism and eternalism are contradictories. Nowadays these positions are defended most enthusiastically by materialists and Abrahamists, respectively, and one hardly counts as a bona fide Westerner if he or she doesn't accept the false dichotomy as true.

It just so happens that the teaching about the unity of moments, while not perfected in ancient times, has been corroborated by The Science about which secularists are always lecturing and scolding us. Most science nerds, it appears, have refused to accept the implications of The Science. It indicates nonetheless a way forward for people who, because they find secularism toxic and revolting, wish to live a disciplined life according to ways which can be passed on from one generation to the next by families and private teachers who are supported directly by those families, not by ambitious statesmen and their bossy bureaucrats.

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Good article Matt, was not aware as probably most people aren't that the Silk Road had an Arctic component. The msm will never tell us this type of news! Thanks for sharing and will be linking @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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What an excellent account of these huge cooperative projects Mathew!

Down here in NZ TPTB are doing their level best to pull the wool over our eyes and to completely misrepresent these initiatives and the new financial constructs being developed by the BRIICS+ and Zone B.

They also try to hide from us the implications of the Ukraine conflict and all the other hegemonic imperialistic agendas that are in place and which seriously threaten the security of the entire globe. Much is being done by Natostan to nobble this development because Zone A knows full well that this spells the end of western financial and military dominance.

Our academia is also fully invested in the status quo of NZ remaining as a Natostan lapdog and imagining that somehow this offers us both financial and military security.

A good example of this is this unbelievable interview of one of our most influential academics on NZ foreign affairs. He is a professor at the University of Otago... an institution which has multiple faculties that are nothing more than outrageous Mr Global shills.

This Professor is an extremely relaxed and accomplished liar. I gather he gets to practice this art on a regular basis during his busy lecture schedule. He teaches International relations and US Foreign Policy...https://www.otago.ac.nz/politics/staff/otago055156.html

The interviewer Sean Plunket, fancies himself as a truther but a 2 minute watch of this fawning interview with Professor Patman reveals that he has about as much understanding of global events as a severely wool-blind sheep.

The interview was done back on May 25 2022 but I only just discovered it within the last few days. I am absolutely sickened to think that bright young students are being lectured by such a blatant liar as this creature.

Cheers and very best regards



PS I love the observation your make in your last paragraph.

Clearly anyone that chooses to think that Russia and China are playing along, and are part and parcel of the attempted Mr Global orchestrated reset, need to realise that these financial and infrastructural cooperative initiatives are the polar opposite, and that they actually herald the nemesis of the global financial kleptocrats once and for all.

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