Aug 26Liked by Matthew Ehret

Kismet this morning as it started by noticing this very last article in TNC News (now posted on LI) and my very next email opened is yours, Matt! I will share it as well on LI; this has been a question of mine for ages. Why can’t we participate in this massive economic opportunity?


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I'm not even sure big capital improvement projects like this are possible anymore in the West. Environmentalists will shut them down--the same tree-huggers who cheer for human trafficking and war in the Donbas.

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I had recently watched a video about the unused portion of the Dease Lake line, on an adventure bloggers channel. He rides his ebike to a remote trestle.

"700 KM of Rail that Never Saw A Single Train" - https://youtu.be/PARUga_1gEo

I didn't know that they once had the line to Fort Nelsen. Described on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BC_Rail#History

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Most interesting. With the use of valuable technologies, for the good, stewardship in the construction phases, along with a President for the people etc. Possibilities. As an old Fed. Military and Civ. analyst, and student of both Freda Utley and Gretz ( The China Threat )the infection within our own Government that destroyed Chiang Kai Shek, is desirous of safeguards built into the process.

Study of the issues of WW2, of note is the continuous breaking of agreements by Chinese forces, literal stupidity by Roosevelt that passed Countries into the Communist orbit. Neither the Russian or the Chinese people are at issue, our own infection of agencies necessary for a positive result has gone from an individual or two etc. to complete agencies, especially the State Department, who openly tried to sell a Treaty, in 1992-1994 that was purely a Communist operation. Consequences disastrous to citizens Natual rights via the Founding Documents, of no matter.

Clinton Gore used the Orwell noted: Doublethink & Doublespeak to insert parts into the American policies, bypassing the need for Senate Acceptance. America is suffering greatly from this, with complete knowledge by "O"Biden Administraion and ignorance by post Administration's.


Doublespeak : as language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.

Doublethink : is “to know and to not know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic.”

To the uninitiated, the structure of the Marxist left is based on these two words. As to how it happens: https://sproutsschools.com/bonhoeffers-theory-of-stupidity/

The theory is in play today in towns and cities near you - just look outside your window, or digital window.

Trust but verify is more critical today, and the past ( factual history ) is not all that scintillating in

optimism if one knows the ( History of the players, us included ).

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