Jun 4, 2023Liked by Matthew Ehret

Makes me feel a little bit better that you bought the official story also. This blows my mind. Great work you guys. Just read Larry Romanoff's article. My family is going to think I really went off the deep end next time they see me, lol.

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I got about twenty minutes in, not because it wasn't interesting it was, and I will crosspost later. But because I'm sick of hearing about China, not only from the MSM but from my own people. I've always felt Tiananmen Sqaure was faked. Fascinating seems the Morgan family are once again at the bottom of it. Media stars since JP, with a lot of help from his friends, sunk the Olympic/Titanic in what was the very first 9/11 insurance scam, taking Lloyds of London for a cool 12 mil for a boat that had to be scrapped. What a family, the scary part is she is right, they are real American patriots. That's what the real thing looks like...

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the tale of the alleged Titanic is indeed horrendous and a scam, complete with lone survivors and miraculously found diaries. "They" are also fond of squares though: Tiananmen, Maidan, Tahrir....

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In a Kosher Kali Yuga, most of so-called reality is fake. The chozen pipple themselves are fake, pretending to be real human beings when they are robotic constructs of their daddy, the Demiurge. This is exemplified by the shocking images of orthodox rabbis in Palestine, laughing and dancing around the mutilated corpses of Palestinian children just murdered by the brave warriors of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force: How's that for a misnomer?). Anyone who could think these satanic monsters are human beings with souls is either an inveterate liar, a craven coward, hopelessly brain dead, or any combination thereof.

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'no stakeholders in federal reserve' is not true - jp morgan is listed as one of the banks forming 'the american group' at the inception of the BIS - congress would not allow the Fed to participate in the BIS 'awakentoyourpower.ca/shares.png' from the BIS first annual report however bill clinton's congress removed the block and the Fed took up its 2 seats on the board september 13 1994 "to which it had been entitled since 1930" meaning JP Morgan acted on behalf of the Fed for 64 years 'awakentoyourpower.ca/bis_1990-1999.htm

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Thank you, you're right of course. I think that slide was referred to ironically, showcasing Ms. Morgan's blatant lies, parroted back by Mr. Guo.

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Interesting. Thank you.

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