Good stuff Matt. It seems to me the big push to re-establish China as an archetypal cultural and political villian got going after China stood up to Trump's bullying. As with the acceptance of Martial Law in Canada, Canadians and other Western populations buy into these narratives terrifyingly easy. The egregious 1000 day detention of Meng Wanzhou in Canada was cheered on by the drooling masses. When the mass majority of people can so easily be led by the noses... I'm not sure that any amount of reason, historical references or appeal to decency will make a difference. That said, thank goodness for Substack and eloquent never-say-die people like yourself who still have cognitive independence.

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There are a great many interesting voices and websites these days in the Alt-News circuit that offer really good takes on the Covid pandemic, but it is so distressing to see so many, especially conservative ones, fall into China bashing and parroting stupid cliches about a Communist takeover. They can't see that the problem is not some exogenous ideology taking hold in our societies but a profound crisis in late-stage capitalism driven and exploited by our very own Anglo-American oligarchs and their running dogs. Like many here, I admire the direction China and Russia (and Iran and other allies) are taking towards the establishment of a long-overdue multipolar world. I do also wonder what the heck was going on with that gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. The backstory there needs to come out.

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I’m learning a lot from you.

Now that Canada is in a full on dictatorship, what happens from here? Is there any hope?

Advice for us poor slobs here in Canada?

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"Every day we read that secret lists of millions of Chinese communist party members have infiltrated western national governments or that espionage honey pots have targeted politicians, or Russia is subverting western democracies, and preparring false flags to invade its neighbors."

You forgot Israel - the masters of infiltration, espionage, honey pots, subversion, false flag and invasion.

Not to mention that they have been supplying China and Russia with technology stolen from America for years. Israel's RAD Group has access to all of America's main infrastructure, and the Talpiot Program, along with the BIRD and BARD have been vital to the build up of American enemies. All thanks to Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers and Nixon, all in aid of the City of London banking criminals. It will be Jerusalem at the center of the Eurasian Superstate, and with its human rights track record, that should worry all of us. The plight of Palestine will become the plight of us all, as we live in our digital ID, metaverse, 5G, Gaza gulags as per the wishes of the City of London cabalists, Chabad Lubavitch lunatics, Netanyahu, Putin and Xi Jing. You may see the benefits, but I'll be resisting it with every fibre of my being.

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Thanks, Matt, for following up in more depth, from your unpacking of these issues in the Sunday Zoom call. Despite the complexity of the machinations on all sides, it's a good cautionary lesson not to retreat to, as you say, Manichean simplifications... especially if we're not informed of the full story behind the plots and characters of past and current history.

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