What is puzzling to me is if the information and analysis of the actions of China in say Angola or Ethiopia is so seemingly nefarious and sinister as Isa Blumi states why hasn't such "juicy" and damning claims been blared from the usual propaganda bullhorns in the legacy media or such think tanks as the wildly sinophobic Henry Jackson Society or the Atlantic Council? Surely those key assets of the dying Empire of Lies wouldn't miss out on such an opportunity.

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Here's more information on China from a Canadian who has lived in China recently and who's ancestors are from China. Tings Chak did significant research on China's 10 year successful effort to eliminate extreme poverty in China.

Lifting over 800 million people out of poverty over the 10 years. That's over twice the population of the USA.

Ting's report - Serve the People: The Eradication of Extreme Poverty in China - July 23, 2021


Here is a link to a 58 minute show with Ting describing her report and recent visits to modern day China.

How China Ended Extreme Poverty - The World Can Too - 58 minute show for local public TV stations to broadcast -


Anyone interested in hearing about China who has been there recently can contact her for an interview or further information and other contacts that actually knows China.

Enjoy the days, and the fine work you are doing - very useful.

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Matt: the “French Revolution being too early to tell” saga attributed to Zhou Enlai was spoiled in 2011 by someone named Chas Freeman: https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2011/06/it-is-too-soon-to-tell-the-real-story.html

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On further examination of this Freeman guy’s bio, he seems like a deep state establishment kind of guy with close ties to the intelligence community. So maybe a grain of salt on his spoiler :-D

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