I’m anticipating an Israeli response to today’s violence that includes Iran and may be part of the plan to close the corridor. I’m not buying that Hamas was able to pull off this “ offensive” along a border that would appear to be one of the most patrolled and defended in the world without help. Maybe I’m just paranoid about false flags and such but nothing is ever about what THEY say it’s about.

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With one-third of all private and corporate wealth owned by BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street UNIFIED as all own one another...Don't believe what you're reporting to be a CCP/Russian Operation to actually be so. It's reported Goldman-Sach's to be the Creator/Design OF BRICS AND THIS PLAN. And, IT'S ALSO THE PRIMARY CONTRIBUTION TO FUNDING AS FINK IS ALIGNED WITH THE CITY OF LONDON'S COMMITTEE OF 300 ran by the Rothschilds.

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