My own poor attempts to make mental models of the shape of the rabbit holes leads me to believe the entire story is far stranger than any of us so called mentally stable citizens can even imagine or have time too elucidate. The deeper I dig the stranger it becomes. But then I recognize the people involved in this are certifiably psychopathic. High functioning psychopaths, but still. Whether it is the foxes running the hen house or the lunatics running the asylum we are in trouble. Difficult to impossible to convince the truly insane they in fact are.

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Fascinating subject. Just a slight correction - Laurence Rockefeller’s father was John D. Jr.. It was his father, John D. sr. who was the founder of Standard Oil.

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Fascinating stuff. I've seen 2 ufo's and I wasn't on drugs.

I hope there are aliens visiting us but the sceptic in me says be wary.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Excellent article. ‘Dark Journalist’ on YouTube and website, has a lot of info regarding the UFO file, and it’s links to the US push to enact their ‘Continuity of Government’ in a large scale ‘emergency’, ( which most Americans know nothing about) in which a shadow government actually, ‘legally’ steps into power ( no one voted for these people and most don’t even know they exist) and takes over, including the suspension of the constitution. Kind of like Canada’s’emergency act’ but on steroids. My radar went up when I saw that we have CIA ‘coming out’ as ‘contactees’. Hmmm. Anytime the government, DARPA, or the CIA is involved at all, we have a big red flag. And at this stage of the game; it’s likely another psy op. They’re playing their final cards. The Alien connection, with its possible ‘links’ to claiming we are the product of ‘alien gene edits’ , and the notion that these aliens are our ‘creators’ essentially ( promoted by GAIA tv and others), and the possibility of claiming a ‘family’ heirarchy, or claiming a new ‘religion’ about who we are as humans, and the ‘takeover’ of all of these questions and issues by the same manipulators who are involved in all the rest, is a danger sign. They’re seeding the collective public with these ideas already. Red flag. Red flag. Discernment and high caution are needed. Especially about something like this where our only source of information will be the usual controllers. The goal of everything here is ultimately BioConvergence and taking humans out of the life stream of our cosmos, our planet , and of the path of humanity. It is indeed, ultimately about human spirituality and consciousness. We are the physical embodiment of the entire history of the cosmos. Our form is a microcosm of the entire cosmos, and our consciousness is linked profoundly to this; it is our history, and our future. Time is not linear. These are cosmic impulses. We’re at a crossroads. The initiation. Which stream will you enter? Have you ever looked at the diagrams on Hopi prophecy rock?

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I would not fall victim to government manufactured scenarios designed to control people through fear. Let’s face it, everyone is mortal and will die of something at some time. I’m unafraid. I’m a person of deep faith and I will not cower or hide, nor be voluntarily oppressed by psychological manipulation.

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I believe previously Unidentified Flying Objects and the development of “alien” AI beings are the product of the deepest darkest agencies of the hellishly inspired US and British governments. It is my belief that an Orson Wells War of the Worlds type incident is about to be unleashed to terrify the global population into total submission to would be saviors of humanity whose true intention is to enslave survivors of the depopulation effort.

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This would aptly explain the stupid sci-fi TV shows that popped up during the 1960s & 1970s. Namely 'Lost in Space,' 'The Invaders,' "Star Trek,' and Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's 1970 'UFO'!

And later would come the 'Star Wars' franchise.

Thus far, my understanding is this: all this was part of a massive attempt at brainwashing the public.

It's widely known that Hollywood has close ties with the intel community, the Deep State, & the military complex.

The 'Top Gun' blockbuster movie is a case in point.

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Learn more about Wilhelm Reich and aether. UFOs travel forward or reverse so smoothly because the power is gathered from the air like Nikolai Tesla and Reich's machines were able to do. Reich's weather manipulating device was able to disrupt the UFO's flight path. Reich's work was never disproven but he was banned by Nazi Germany, Stalin Russia, and then died in Cold War US jail. Einstein knew of Reich's work and also didn't disprove it.

The idea that the rich are spending billions on predictive programming to "reveal" the UFO news is to me, completely believable. They only seem to know how to waste money and tapdance around the truth.

Reading material prior to the current lies about space being "empty", no it is full of diffuse aether energy. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7ec5jvjiysjn5h/Waves_and_Ripples_in_Water_Air_and_Aethe.pdf?dl=0

More about Reich and aether/orgone starts with this post, and there is about 4-5 in row on the topic, https://www.earth-ocean.info/post/physics-took-a-wrong-turn-in-1887-and-the-meaning-of-null

US Declas manual about the Majestic 12 Group who were set up as the Roswell incident team and follow-up. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwuwdhiozilx1ub/Majestic_12-UFO_Official_Manual.pdf?dl=0

Allegedly the big secret that we are not supposed to panic about is not the aliens themselves, but their message. Our planet periodically gets mega-messed with by a much larger astral body/planet/dead sun that is on a perpendicular orbit to the rest of the planet's. It is four times larger than Earth, but 23 times more dense - roughly, and it is the much bigger magnet. The Earth will be held in place briefly as it approaches, and that will cause major cataclysmic changes in the tectonic plates and the North and South poles of the magnetosphere will be in new positions when it is all over. Allegedly the crop circles are getting more elaborate because it is astral maps of the intricate interplanetary motions that we are to expect. They may have over-rated human intelligence ;-).

If the elite want to waste a bunch of money on making movies, it is really worth thinking hard about why - what are they trying to say and what are they trying to cover up?

Slightly related - Bad Cattitude has a good one today: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/im-just-a-poe-boy?utm_source=email

I would encourage you and your readers to shift to a mindset of - aliens seemed to have been lied about all along - what next?

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Magnificent and densely packed with information and resources. Thank you!

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thank you

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This would aptly explain the stupid sci-fi TV shows that popped up during the 1960s & 1970s. Namely Lost in Space, The Invaders, Star Trek, and Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's 1970 'UFO'!

And later would come the Aliens franchise.

Thus far, my understanding is this: all this was part of a massive attempt at brainwashing the public.

It's widely known that Hollywood has close ties with the intel community, the Deep State, & the military complex.

The "Top Gun" blockbuster movie is a case in point.

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Thank you people

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MATT ERHET'S description of the LSD effects as "illusory" reveals a deep ignorance of what the LSD true effect really has been. This analysis by a supposed "expert" on the matter, reveals instead a deep inability to understand the gains achieved by being in the "here and now" by dropping an LSD substance. Matt's derogatory qualifications towards achieving the "here and now" experience is at the same time disqualifying as "nonsense" what ZEN Buddhist monks have been practicing for millennia, in a natural process. I have personally experienced more than 45 psychedelic trips that showed me that far from being an "illusory experience", they actually connected me more firmly into the nature of things we are rooted in reality. There are ancient cultures from the Vikings to the Mayans who have practiced these magic mushroom intake to expand their regular consciousness to much deeper realms of existence, in order to further our knowledge of "what is".

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The same push-pull attitude was there in the '50s when MANY reliable people were seeing UFOs. The military snatched and classified all info as soon as it popped up. But at the same time, top military officials were saying that we were facing a serious threat from outside the earth. They used the threat talk to create the space program. Were the UFOs of that era really ours? I suspect so, but we'll never know.

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"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom...". I wrote my opinion which I have my right to. Are you trying to intimidate me? You won't. You don"t even understand.

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Well done. I had those same questions as you mention pop up in my head, too... I mean, the parasite oligarchy involved = anything good for the Peeps? I really really really doubt it!!!! ;)

Cheers, Matt. ^_^

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