In this talk he goes through the “alchemy” of Jesus or something like that with his chart of hexagons, I didn’t rewatch the whole things since I knew the prophet talk was at the end of his 2 part slide show speech. The second half is the alchemy stuff. At the very end of the video, like 5 or maybe 10 minutes before the end he compares hi…
In this talk he goes through the “alchemy” of Jesus or something like that with his chart of hexagons, I didn’t rewatch the whole things since I knew the prophet talk was at the end of his 2 part slide show speech. The second half is the alchemy stuff. At the very end of the video, like 5 or maybe 10 minutes before the end he compares himself to Noah and the prophet Joseph and says he was “sent ahead” to give this message about Covid.
If you to listen to his podcast you’ll hear him talk about his wife and her “Kimness.” You can visit his website and see it is full of all kinds of new age stuff, especially his (second) wife Kim. They have or had a “butterfly of the week.”
He doesn’t seem like a bad man, but there’s something I just don’t trust about him. Something I can’t really place. He quotes a lot of the Bible, says he was raised by Mennonites, but there is just something I can’t really put my finger on. They have a lot of questionable symbols on their webpages. Such as on his about page he is bald and eclipsing a red sunlike or mars like light. His wife has mushroom people on her site, mushrooms are present at birth or rebirth…. Just things that give me pause.
I’m not condemning anyone here, I’m just looking to be discerning. I don’t pretend to know God’s calling on anyone else’s life nor where their journey will lead, but there are places I personally can’t go.
He has a tattoo of the eye of Horus with a lightning bolt on his left shoulder.
Matt always teaches us not to rely on pattern recognition thinking, but I have a hard time with this one, especially after seeing the logo of his firm M CAM.
David Martin has a brilliant mind. Unfortunately, being a follower of Christ is less an exercise of the mind and more one of 'hearing' (as in, being attuned) into the spiritual realm and specifically in seeking (tap into) the mind of Christ to satisfy our pursuits.
Since the mind of the creator is perfect and unfathomable, unless He parses that 'knowing' (or bit of knowledge or wisdom) out to you or you are led to a source to learn something, it turns out to be your own effort of accumulating knowledge and developing of wisdom for which you credit yourself. Matt cites Einstein, Madame Curie and ... as having learned to 'rest' in their artistic talents and somehow that would inexplicably lead to solutions toward their scientific interests...their impasses would be overcome. They considered it from a source outside themselves.
I've heard people discuss intricate concepts that have gone over my head. I have the impression that they have an intimate understanding of the material presented and I am just not to a certain level in my capabilities to follow completely along. And then there are those who take you into such contorted discussions (usually of ethereal things), that it seems it is purposefully done to lose prove they are the genius and above you. I have sat through 2 discussions by Dr. Martin where he seems to be doing the latter. As a Christian of 38 years who studies scripture, there is a discerning of Truth you learn and when absent from a line of reasoning, is OBVIOUS.
Another thing that is obvious is a humility that comes through the presenter.
Martin is, I think, lost in his own genius, lifting himself up to attract applause that feeds his ego. He needs no money, so, does not draw the listener into financial commitment like charlatans do, so, in that sense, he's harmless.
The good news is that there are so many other sources for information in the alternative media now, that Dr. Martin's voice is not so unique. God has led me to many very good resources...Matt is one whom I really appreciate and who cares more about others' learning, than that he gains the credit and basks in a profile.
In this talk he goes through the “alchemy” of Jesus or something like that with his chart of hexagons, I didn’t rewatch the whole things since I knew the prophet talk was at the end of his 2 part slide show speech. The second half is the alchemy stuff. At the very end of the video, like 5 or maybe 10 minutes before the end he compares himself to Noah and the prophet Joseph and says he was “sent ahead” to give this message about Covid.
If you to listen to his podcast you’ll hear him talk about his wife and her “Kimness.” You can visit his website and see it is full of all kinds of new age stuff, especially his (second) wife Kim. They have or had a “butterfly of the week.”
I found this blog of his also:
He doesn’t seem like a bad man, but there’s something I just don’t trust about him. Something I can’t really place. He quotes a lot of the Bible, says he was raised by Mennonites, but there is just something I can’t really put my finger on. They have a lot of questionable symbols on their webpages. Such as on his about page he is bald and eclipsing a red sunlike or mars like light. His wife has mushroom people on her site, mushrooms are present at birth or rebirth…. Just things that give me pause.
His wife’s website:
I’m not condemning anyone here, I’m just looking to be discerning. I don’t pretend to know God’s calling on anyone else’s life nor where their journey will lead, but there are places I personally can’t go.
He has a tattoo of the eye of Horus with a lightning bolt on his left shoulder.
Matt always teaches us not to rely on pattern recognition thinking, but I have a hard time with this one, especially after seeing the logo of his firm M CAM.
yeah don't base final judgements on them.... But don't ignore em either lol
That's very useful
Yep lots of alarm bells there. Thanks
David Martin has a brilliant mind. Unfortunately, being a follower of Christ is less an exercise of the mind and more one of 'hearing' (as in, being attuned) into the spiritual realm and specifically in seeking (tap into) the mind of Christ to satisfy our pursuits.
Since the mind of the creator is perfect and unfathomable, unless He parses that 'knowing' (or bit of knowledge or wisdom) out to you or you are led to a source to learn something, it turns out to be your own effort of accumulating knowledge and developing of wisdom for which you credit yourself. Matt cites Einstein, Madame Curie and ... as having learned to 'rest' in their artistic talents and somehow that would inexplicably lead to solutions toward their scientific interests...their impasses would be overcome. They considered it from a source outside themselves.
I've heard people discuss intricate concepts that have gone over my head. I have the impression that they have an intimate understanding of the material presented and I am just not to a certain level in my capabilities to follow completely along. And then there are those who take you into such contorted discussions (usually of ethereal things), that it seems it is purposefully done to lose prove they are the genius and above you. I have sat through 2 discussions by Dr. Martin where he seems to be doing the latter. As a Christian of 38 years who studies scripture, there is a discerning of Truth you learn and when absent from a line of reasoning, is OBVIOUS.
Another thing that is obvious is a humility that comes through the presenter.
Martin is, I think, lost in his own genius, lifting himself up to attract applause that feeds his ego. He needs no money, so, does not draw the listener into financial commitment like charlatans do, so, in that sense, he's harmless.
The good news is that there are so many other sources for information in the alternative media now, that Dr. Martin's voice is not so unique. God has led me to many very good resources...Matt is one whom I really appreciate and who cares more about others' learning, than that he gains the credit and basks in a profile.
You make a lot of sense. Thank you!